On July 20, 2001, Hong Kong practitioners held a series of events to clarify the truth to the people of Hong Kong and offer urgent rescue of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China. At the same time, they once more called on SAR to communicate with us directly and truly understand us.
Before the event started, many practitioners wearing T-shirts with SOS: Urgent Rescue Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in China went to subway and ferry stations to pass out truth-clarifying literatures to the passersby.
At 2:00pm in the afternoon, they came to the Hong Kong government headquarters and deployed 10 big banners. More than 100 practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts for 15 minutes, after which they held a group practice until 3:00pm. During this time, a representative of the practitioners delivered an appeal letter, and more than 10 media outlets conducted interviews.

At 3:00pm, they started the parade from the government headquarters to the Beijing government building. The parade attracted many people. Many of them were stunned by the sight. When we passed by a restaurant, almost all the customers stood up to watch the parade.

Upon arriving at the Beijing government building, practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts between 4:30 and 5:00pm. Because of the time restriction, they disbanded after delivering an appeal letter.

Between 5:00 and 8:00pm, practitioners spread out over Hong Kong Island and passed out materials. The yellow T-shirts were seen in many places.
At 8:00pm, practitioners held a candlelight vigil at Charter Park and practiced the exercises over and over again. They sent forth righteous thoughts at 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00pm, each time for 15 minutes. The event was concluded at 11:00pm.

Category: Rallies & Protests