
One day we received a telephone call from an elementary school teacher who invited us to come to her school to demonstrate qigong. From our conversation with her, we realized that she was initially looking for some other qigong practice. Since she found us, we thought we should accept the invitation, because everything that a practitioner encounters is for a reason.

When we arrived at the school, we first briefly introduced our cultivation practice and demonstrated the exercises. We invited all of the teachers to our practice site. The teachers then invited us to talk to the students in each class.

At first, we were a little nervous. How were we supposed to promote Dafa among such young students? Later, we thought about our Teacher's words about how one can be saved when one's knowing side hears the words "Falun Dafa." So we then wrote the words "Falun Dafa" in large letters on the board and asked the children to recite them several times.

We then asked the children, "Who wants to become stronger?" All of the children raised their hands. "Who wants to become brave?" All hands were again raised. "Who wants to become beautiful?" Again, all of them raised their hands. "Who wants to be honest?" Some slowly put their hands down. "Who wants to be compassionate?" One or two of them put their hands down. "Who wants to be tolerant?" We only saw one hesitantly raised hand.

We continued, "If one wants to become strong, brave and beautiful, one has to be truthful, compassionate and tolerant. This is exactly what Falun Dafa teaches." We showed the children two sets of exercises. All of them paid close attention.

We went to several other classes and repeated what we had done in the first class.

Although these children may not practice Falun Dafa right now, they will remember the magnificence of Dafa. The good feeling after doing the exercises will seed their hearts for future cultivation.