24. Serious Illnesses And Post-Concussion Syndrome Disappear
I was weak and had many diseases since I was young. Because of the serious after effects of a concussion, I had to take early retirement. It was Falun Gong that helped me to become healthy.
When I was 27, I suffered illnesses one after another. I had to take western and Chinese traditional medicines all year long. I had kidney inflammation, hepatitis, uterine cancer and breast cancer. Other diseases that bothered me constantly included anemia, gastritis, insomnia, dizziness, lack of blood flow to the brain, and rheumatism. I endured long term suffering from These diseases, work stress, heavy housework and extremely unpleasant family issues. I felt helpless and desperate.
I often felt dizzy and sometimes lost consciousness. In 1994, on my way to work, I had one of my episodes and tumbled from a set of stone steps. My head hit hard on the corner of the last step, and I passed out right away. I was sent to a hospital emergency room. I had suffered a fractured skull and a concussion, and remained in intensive care for over 40 days. After I left the hospital, my head did not heal well and still had a small crack, so I couldn't wash my face in a normal way. I could only lightly wipe my face, or my entire head would be very uncomfortable. The after effects from the concussion made me dizzy all day long. I could only work for half an hour, and then I'd have to take a break. Otherwise, I would make serious and obvious mistakes in my work. Later on, I had no choice but to take early retirement.
In mid-March of 1997, I had the most unforgettable day of my life. I met a friend on the street, and she suggested that I try practicing Falun Gong. I didn't think much of it, but went with her. At that time I knew nothing about the practice, I just followed the movements. Then, after a few days I suddenly had a big appetite. I ate three bowls of rice in one meal, whereas before I could only eat a small clump of rice due to the gastritis I'd suffered for the past decades. Without noticing, all the uncomfortable symptoms I had in the past had disappeared completely. I haven't needed to take a single pill for 7 years now.
Because of the extreme shortage of the Falun Gong book
Zhuan Falun at the time, I wasn't able to read the book until a month after I started the practice. I then knew that I had attained something to truly treasure. I felt so fortunate and happy. It was our Teacher who gave me a healthy body and guided me towards the true meaning of life. I can't express my respect and gratitude in words. I can only tell people the truth about Falun Dafa firmly and persistently.
