(Minghui.org) The 2025 Hyde Park Festival was held on March 2 and 3 in Perth, the capital of Western Australia. Practitioners introduced Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, to the public during the two day event, which was well-received. They demonstrated the exercises, told people about the ongoing persecution of Falun Dafa in China, and collected many signatures on a petition to end the persecution.
This annual event was hosted by the Rotary Club of North Perth, and has been one of the most popular charity events in Perth. There were close to 200 market stalls, as well as food stalls, rides, and music and dance performances.
Falun Dafa practitioners introduce the practice and demonstrate the exercises.
Falun Dafa practitioners introduced the practice and demonstrated the exercises at their stall. They also explained the facts behind the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Dafa since July 1999. Many people took flyers and were interested in learning more about the practice. Many signed the petition to end the 25-year-long persecution.
Practitioners demonstrate the exercises onstage at the Hyde Park Festival.
The practitioners perform the Vietnamese Hat Dance.
The practitioners perform the Waist Drum Dance.
Practitioners perform the Dragon Dance at the Hyde Park Festival.
The practitioners were invited to perform onstage, and they did the Vietnamese Hat Dance, Chinese Waist Drum Dance and Dragon Dance. They also demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises and introduced Falun Dafa.
Visitors Sign the Petition
Paris and Johnny Lemaistre signed a petition to support Falun Dafa.
Johnny and Paris Lemaistre signed a petition to show their support for the practitioners’ effort to end the persecution. Johnny said that he’s heard about Falun Dafa on the Internet and seen people exercise in the city. He’s also seen the practitioners’ peaceful protests against the persecution. “Many terrible things happen in China. I understand why Falun Dafa practitioners are persecuted: they want to do something good for themselves, but the teachings do not conform with the CCP’s ideology, so the CCP considered the practice a threat.”
They both said that the world needs Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, the principles of Falun Dafa.
Serene Energy
Syar Bryant praised the “serene energy field” at the Falun Dafa booth.
Syar Bryant said that there was a “serene energy field” at the Falun Dafa booth. She agreed with Falun Dafa’s principles and said that people need to “come back to these principles.” If more people can understand or join the practice, they will be better off by carrying out the principles, she said.
When she heard how the CCP persecutes practitioners in China, she said she hoped that practitioners in China could keep their faith.
The World Needs Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance
Debbie Burtonshore told practitioners that the world needs Falun Dafa’s principles.
Debbie Burtonshore saw the practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises and said that it looked especially peaceful. She agreed with the principles of the teachings, and said, “The world definitely needs these principles. Sadly our world lacks them.” She also learned about the persecution.
Storm Marinich and Lisa Spencer
A mother and her daughter stopped by the stall. The mother, Storm Marinich, said that the stall looked wonderful, and her daughter, Lisa Spencer, said that she liked the practitioners’ yellow clothing and called the bright theme, “Very outstanding.”
When learning about the principles of Falun Dafa, Storm said that the world has become morally degenerate and that “We need Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.”
Two women dressed in fairy costumes take a photo with a Vietnamese practitioner.
Two women dressed as fairies came to the Falun Dafa stall. They said they liked the theme and colors of the booth, and that Falun Dafa’s principles were very good.
Jett Bonney (left) and Angus Campbell (right) agree with Falun Dafa’s principles.
Angus Campbell had talked to practitioners before, so he knew about Falun Dafa. He said that practitioners were very friendly: “I really hope that the world becomes a friendlier place.” He said the principles of Falun Dafa help people become positive.
Ally Downs stopped at the Falun Dafa stall.
Ally Downs believes Falun Dafa’s principles can help the world. She also said that the blue and yellow colors of the Falun Dafa stall were auspicious and made her feel peaceful and happy.
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