(Minghui.org) After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999, Wang, an accountant in our village, was instructed to monitor me. The first time he reported on my activities, he was rewarded 400 yuan by the authorities. A few days later when he and his son were cutting wood, his son’s saw got stuck in the wood. Wang held onto the wood while his son tried to pull the saw out. As the saw flew out of the wood, it cut a gash on the bottom of Wang’s nose, just above his mouth. His son-in-law, who was a doctor, stitched the wound. However, since the cut was jagged, Wang had an unsightly scar after the wound healed.

When I heard what happened, my husband and I went to see Wang and brought information about Dafa. We told him the facts about the persecution and suggested he sincerely repeat, “Falun Dafa is great, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is great” whenever he encountered dangerous situations. We told him that if he was sincere, Dafa would protect him. He seemed to accept our words, but later, he came to our house to harass me.

I had a dream one night in which I saw a camera propped up on a bamboo tripod in Wang’s house, and the camera was sending a strong light toward my home. I took this dream to be a hint from Master Li that Wang was still watching me. He indeed often came to our home to harass me.

Time passed, and one morning Wang suddenly vomited a lot of blood. His son asked a neighbor to drive him to a county hospital. Wang’s wife came to my house later that evening and told me, “My husband vomited a lot of blood this morning and is on the brink of death.” When I comforted her, she said that he deserved it. I realized that Wang had chosen to continue persecuting me due to the enticement of money, even though he knew that Falun Dafa is good. He was punished for his wrong deeds.

Wang returned home a few days later and came to see me. I was home alone doing chores. I greeted him and said, “You recovered so quickly. I was going to visit you to see how you are.” He replied, “The doctor worked hard for four days and nights to treat me, and the medical bill was exactly 3,000 yuan.” He kept repeating that it cost him 3,000 yuan—no more no less. I asked him, “Why is the amount, 3,000 yuan, so significant?”

He then got on his knees and said, “One is paid 3,000 yuan for reporting on a Falun Dafa practitioner.” I asked him, “Aren’t you afraid to earn this money by doing something that goes against your conscience? You were blinded by money. Don’t you realize that you’re exchanging your life for money? Why didn’t you learn a lesson the last time?”

I asked him to stand up. He refused and told me he sincerely recited, “Falun Dafa is great, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is great” while he was ill. He said he knew that was why his life was spared. He promised, “I won’t participate in the persecution again.”

I said, “If you were to continue helping the CCP persecute Falun Dafa, it might cost you your life.” He refused to get up and apologized to me. I said, “You have to apologize to Dafa and Master Li, and you should thank him for saving your life. Due to Master’s great compassion, you were punished twice so that you understood the consequences of doing bad deeds. Whoever asks you to do things against your conscience is harming you. You need to distinguish good from evil and stop doing bad things.”

Last summer, Wang’s son took his wife and child overseas on a state-sponsored vacation. Before they left, he was told the trip cost 2,000 yuan, but when they came back, he found out the trip cost over 20,000 yuan in the end. They had been swindled. Wang came to my house and told me what happened. He swore at the CCP.

I said, “Now, you finally see the CCP’s true colors. It’s repeatedly harmed you. Falun Dafa teaches people to be good and conduct themselves according to Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. Our ancestors knew that good deeds are rewarded with good, and vice versa—this is a heavenly principle. Falun Dafa is offering salvation to people; the CCP makes people do bad things for money and tells them not to believe in heaven or that divine beings are watching over everyone. Therefore, people do bad things out of ignorance and harm themselves. Since the CCP is so evil, heaven will eliminate it soon. You should withdraw from the Party as soon as possible. Stop being deceived by the Party and don’t be a scapegoat for the all bad things it does.” Wang repeatedly said that he agreed to quit his membership in the CCP.

I used to think that Wang could not be saved because he refused to accept the truth, even though I repeatedly told him the facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution. On the surface, he agreed to stop taking part in the persecution, but I knew in his heart he did not understand the truth. This time, he came to my house and condemned the CCP. I am gratified that he finally realized how evil the regime is. Master is so compassionate to save him!

I’m an elderly village woman and I began practicing Falun Dafa in December 1996. I’ve been through a lot over the years. If it wasn’t for Master’s compassion and protection, I wouldn’t have been able to continue practicing cultivation. Thank you, Master!