(Minghui.org) I am 80 years old and began to practice Falun Dafa in June 1998. I suffered from many illnesses before I studied Falun Dafa, including frozen shoulder, back pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, chronic laryngitis, and more. I subsequently recovered from all my illnesses, and felt very light afterward. I have experienced harassment and interference from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) over the years, but I have made it through with Master’s compassion and protection.
Staying Calm Despite Family Member’s Interference
We could no longer study the Fa in groups after the CCP initiated the persecution on July 20, 1999. I studied the Fa and did the exercises at home. Pressured by officials, my husband interfered with me and did not let me study the Fa, do the exercises, distribute truth-clarification informational materials, contact fellow practitioners, or go out. He did not even allow me to go to the market to buy groceries.
I didn’t listen to his demands. One day, he took all the money we had in the house and said he was going to run away from home. He also said that he wouldn’t let me find him. I stayed calm and watched him walk away. After I took my grandchild home, I thought to myself: Master will never let him be in danger because I’m a cultivator. I burned an incense stick for Master. Then I looked after my grandchild and studied the Fa.
He came back at 11:30 a.m. I asked, “Why do you come back?” He said there was no more long-distance bus. I said, “Don’t you have the money? Hire a car and go wherever you want.” He didn’t respond and never again said that he would leave home.
He has not interfered with me again after that. I feel that I passed a test given Master’s protection.
Treating My Neighbor With Kindness
My neighbor to the east built a new house in 1999. His lot was narrow so he couldn’t build a wide house. He asked me, “Are you going to build a new house? I want my house to be tall and wide.” I said, “Go ahead and build it as high and wide as you want.”
My family began to rebuild our house in 2003. My neighbor living in the east section complained that our new house was 50 centimeters wider than his and that it would make him unlucky. He has been unhappy with me ever since. His relatives persuaded him that my house stood on my own lot and could not affect his luck. He didn’t accept it and complained to the town government. Two people from the town land management office came and asked me why I didn’t go through the formalities for renovating my house. I said, “I didn’t illegally occupy any extra land. What formalities do I need to go through to renovate my old house?” They said that it was required since a certain year that people have to go through the formalities. I said, “Okay. Let’s do it as it should be done. I won’t cause any trouble for you.” As a result, they left and never asked me to go through the formalities again.
When the neighbor saw that the land management office didn’t intervene, he looked for other troubles for me. One day, holding a thick club, he stopped a sand truck from delivering for my family near his uncle’s house, accusing the truck of damaging the road. The truck driver asked me to solve the confrontation. I thought that Master told us that practitioners should not be like ordinary people, and must behave properly. I went to the neighbor and assured him that I would repair the damaged road. He had to let the truck go.
I visited his uncle and told him about the road damage when his uncle returned home. His uncle said that the road pavement cracked a long time ago and it had nothing to do with the sand truck.
Later, my neighbor caused me a lot of trouble when I was building my house. As a Dafa disciple, I always followed Master’s teachings, and did not argue or get upset with him. After the house was built, I paved the road in front of his house using the remaining building materials. I bought presents and visited him many times when he was sick. I also gave him some of the delicious food I made from time to time. If I hadn’t practiced Falun Dafa, I wouldn’t have been able to do this.
Master Protected Me From Experiencing Danger
We often wrote “Falun Dafa is good” on walls with chalk in 2003 because we didn’t have enough printed materials. One day when a fellow practitioner and I were writing on the wall of a house, the owner heard us and cursed at us from inside. We hid under a bridge nearby to send forth righteous thoughts. He called the police after he couldn’t find anyone. We came out from under the bridge and walked away after we finished sending forth righteous thoughts. We saw a police car going toward the house where we had written on the wall.
Another practitioner and I went to distribute copies of a truth-clarification letter addressed to school teachers one night in 2004. We completed our task and returned to our village with the last copy, for a teacher in our village. A police patrol car drove toward us while we were walking toward the teacher’s house. We encouraged each other, saying, “Don’t be afraid. Let’s walk as usual.” The police car made a turn and stopped at an intersection facing the opposite direction. I went to the street and distributed the last letter. After we left, I saw the police car drive into the street that I had just been in. We encountered the police several times that night, but we escaped safely.
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