(Minghui.org) Members of the Western Minghui Correspondents Department held a meeting at the beginning of 2025 to summarize their progress since the group was established in 2023 and 2024, and to discuss their cultivation experiences after the two peak reporting periods during the New Year and Chinese New Year.

The number of non-Chinese language Minghui reports increased by hundreds compared to previous years, and the sources of the reports also increased. The reports which cover community events and cultivation stories came from more than 40 countries. For example, in addition to cities in the United States, cities in all of Canada’s provinces, regions in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Ukraine, Russia, Austria, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Finland, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, and Israel. There are also reports from India, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Indonesia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Moldova, Peru, Latvia, Sri Lanka, Portugal and other places.

The Western Minghui reporters practice Falun Dafa and are from various countries and ethnic groups. They coordinate with their Chinese counterparts and transcend cultural and language differences to tell people about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China.

In regards to cultivation, Master said, “whoever cultivates gains.” (“Explaining the Fa for Falun Dafa Assistants in Changchun” in Further Discussions on Falun Dafa).

Reflecting on Master’s words, team members feel their efforts, dedication and success reflect their cultivation states. The following is a selection of some of their cultivation experiences and insights. Because the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Dafa continues, the reporters’ personal information has been removed.

Reporter in Hungary

I think one of my main cultivation improvements last year happened after I repeatedly read Master’s latest articles—I felt very powerful compassion from them. I felt deeply grateful in a way that I had never felt before. I understood how much I got from Master and Dafa, and how fortunate I am. This helped me and I no longer felt my tribulations were insurmountable, or so painful.

I suddenly realized that I’d been fulfilling my responsibilities mechanically, including doing the three things. I no longer put my heart into cultivation, and I felt exhausted. After reading Master’s articles, I knew that I had to rediscover what it means to be a true Dafa disciple, which is even more critical now. 

The other thing I understood is that we need to study the Fa well, which several practitioners pointed out in their cultivation articles. This is not just doing it, like an ordinary task. I started to read slowly, and really pay attention to every word. I reminded myself of how precious Zhuan Falun is. I read aloud whenever I can. I feel my environment is being cleansed, and my ability to concentrate improves significantly when I send forth righteous thoughts. I now feel my efforts to help eliminate the evil factors that are attempting to harm Falun Dafa are more effective. 

I haven’t really been able to produce many articles last year from Hungary, but I learned a lot from the reviewed articles. I hope to be able to put as much as possible of what I learned into practice this year. I also hope that we’ll be able to organize more events in Hungary, despite our local situation. I’m very grateful to be part of this group.

Thank you, Master! Thank you, everyone!

Reporter in Switzerland

Greetings Master! Dear Minghui Coordinator and Minghui General Coordinator, thank you for giving me the honor of being part of Minghui and contributing to it.

I discovered one of my strong attachments this year: after Shen Yun was created I felt I was part of it, but I participated in Minghui “by default.” I felt Minghui was a side project and I looked down on Minghui and those who helped with it—I felt practitioners who helped with Shen Yun were “better” than those who were part of Minghui.

In Master’s recent article published on February 2, 2025, “Critical Times Reveal One’s Spiritual State,” he mentions Falun Dafa projects. This helped me understand that we should of course continue to support Shen Yun, but that other Dafa projects, such as Minghui, are also very important.

I thank revered Master for letting me finally see this strong attachment and understand that my vow is to be part of Minghui. I will continue to improve my skills and cultivate diligently so I can be more professional as I work on Minghui articles.

Going forward, I also hope our English language Reporter Team will be more willing to talk about our cultivation experiences while working on Minghui articles after each group Fa study. I don’t feel we’re as open as the Chinese language reporters are in talking about our cultivation, and cultivating while we work for Minghui. Perhaps opening our hearts will be helpful for our English Reporter Team to improve our xinxing, improve our skills as Minghui reporters and also really and sincerely make Dafa, Minghui, and our diligent cultivation our top priority.

Reporter in India

I feel fortunate to have worked on several articles last year. I feel my ability to gather information, even when I wasn’t physically there, improved significantly. I’m truly grateful for the guidance and support I received in this process. One area I would like to focus on improving in, is how I can help others collect and document information more effectively.

On a personal level, my cultivation has also deepened. I have noticed that I’ve improved in how I tell others about Falun Dafa, as well as my ability to recognize attachments, both in myself and in others. More importantly, I have learned to approach those who are struggling with attachments or fear with greater compassion and understanding.

Thank you for your continued support and direction.

Another Indian Reporter

I truly appreciate this opportunity to reflect on my journey over the past year. Being part of the Minghui Overseas Reporting Team has been both an honor and a profound responsibility. Over the past year, I actively contributed by writing articles that expose the facts about the persecution, highlight the practitioners’ perseverance, and inspire readers with stories of righteous faith.

Through this process my understanding of the sacred duty we carry as reporters deepened. I strive to ensure that every article is clear, accurate, and aligned with Dafa’s principles. I also see that reporting is not just about conveying facts—it’s about inspiring sentient beings, upholding the dignity of Dafa, and validating the Fa during this critical time in history.

On a cultivation level, my being part of Minghui has continuously tested and refined my patience, forbearance, and ability to cooperate selflessly. Balancing responsibilities while maintaining a pure heart has been an ongoing lesson. I also recognized the importance of eliminating self-doubt and truly trusting Master’s arrangement.

This year presented me with profound tests that deepened my faith. Losing my mother in February 2024 was an immense challenge, yet through it, I experienced Master’s boundless compassion and the power of righteous faith. Even in her last moments, she demonstrated unwavering belief in Dafa, which strengthened my own ability to let go of emotional attachments and walk my path with greater determination.

I also encountered tribulations in the form of misrepresentations and challenges, but I immediately recognized them as opportunities to improve my xinxing, eliminate attachments, and strengthen my righteous thoughts. Instead of being affected, I saw them as tests meant to push me toward cultivating greater wisdom, tolerance, and compassion. These experiences helped me maintain inner peace, break through human notions, and cultivate with a heart free of resentment or fear.

My husband experienced a sudden health tribulation, which was a significant test of my ability to reject human notions, maintain righteous thoughts, and reinforce my unwavering faith in Master’s arrangement. Instead of giving in to fear, I reminded myself that Master is in control of everything, and I firmly rejected any interference. My husband continuously recited “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” demonstrating his deep-rooted faith in the Fa. His steadfastness has been an inspiration, reminding me that true cultivation is measured by one’s heart toward the Fa, not external circumstances.

My son has also demonstrated remarkable resilience and strength in cultivation. Despite challenges in academics and health, his righteous thoughts never wavered. He firmly told me, “In any case, in any situation, I will never stop practicing Dafa.”

My daughter has also been a quiet yet powerful source of strength and support, and through her, I’ve come to appreciate the subtle but profound ways in which we uplift and encourage each other in cultivation.

I am deeply grateful for Master’s compassionate guidance and for the opportunity to elevate myself while contributing to Minghui’s sacred mission. With righteous thoughts and a steadfast heart, I look forward to a more righteous, effective, and impactful year ahead.

Reporter in Bulgaria

April 2025 will mark the 2nd year of the international team of reporters which I am part of. In March 2023, the coordinator for Bulgaria asked me to report on events in Bulgaria for Minghui. I did not hesitate. I felt that the assignment came from Master.

I talked to my sister about writing the texts in Bulgarian and told her about my initial concerns: I had doubts about how we would manage because, besides not being a photographer, I thought it wouldn’t be possible for us to attend all the events and that I would have to ask fellow practitioners to send us materials.

I submitted an article to Minghui about a March 25 event in Plovdiv on time, but before I completed the Minghui training. The article published on Minghui was quite different from the materials we sent. I was very emotional and couldn’t understand why it was revised and where we went wrong.

I didn’t feel offended, but I felt like they wanted to put us into a pattern. Because I had difficulty accepting the changes, I decided to ask the Minghui editors. This highlighted my desire to prove I was right.

I received a response from the editor who trains us, but not from the editor who rewrote the article. I insisted on my getting the questions answered. The following correspondence showed the differences in our mentality and character as different nationality groups, including the complex mental construct of Bulgarians, which is a product of complex historical times and circumstances.

The editor’s kind tone, her understanding and empathy, her patience and balanced manner melted my stubbornness. After I read her suggestions, I realized that our desire for different and off-the-wall articles was a form of showing off, but at the same time I did not understand why they applied certain requirements to our articles when I did not see them in other countries’ publications. I accepted the editor’s argument that very often we do not know what factors are behind an action.

Through this and other experiences I’ve seen how important it is for the practitioners in China who are enduring the CCP’s persecution to feel and see the support of other nations. I also realized that it’s difficult for them to accept that we in Bulgaria also know how evil communism is, even though the scale is different. I haven’t had an opportunity to talk about the massacre of the intellectual, military and political elite of the Bulgarian nation after the communist coup in Bulgaria on September 9, 1944.

I began to feel compassion with my heart rather than just understanding compassion at an intellectual level. I realized that working for Minghui was truly the work of cultivators. I’ve spent more time reading practitioners’ essays. I’ve realized the seriousness of working for Minghui, because every publication there validates our work, that of Bulgarian Dafa disciples, and multiplies our contributions.

In 2024, after I read what the coordinator for Italy wrote about the difficulties and miracles surrounding Shen Yun's tour in Italy for 2023, I decided to talk about the contribution Bulgarian practitioners made to make these performances happen. I sent the story in without consulting our editor.

When it wasn’t published, I didn’t immediately start looking for the reasons why the article was rejected. I didn’t give it much thought. My insight came much later, after an intense correspondence with our editor.

I realize that I have a strong attachment, but not to personal self-praise or showing off. I have an attachment to being “patriotic.” I wished to affirm Bulgaria and showcase Bulgaria’s merits to the world. But I didn’t think that by telling people about our contribution, I was unconsciously belittling Italian practitioners’ efforts, even though that wasn’t my intention. I felt ashamed when I thought about it.

Through communicating with our editor at Minghui, I deeply realized the importance of the motive of any Dafa-related activity: the purpose is not to tell or show off what and how much a practitioner has done, but to always uphold Dafa’s greatness.

I realized: we don’t know each other and maybe we’ll never meet, but we have to trust each other unconditionally.

I’ve become much more patient: I have melted the resentment and the habit of evaluating the unknown, and I’ve eliminated my irritation.

I’m developing tolerance and compassion by reading articles from practitioners of other nationalities; tolerance for Chinese-speaking contributors and for the translation, although I admit I cannot distinguish everything that’s said. Perhaps for this reason I prefer the study to be one hour and one hour of sharing on the articles.

Our editor’s patience and tolerance literally melted my Balkan arrogance and my feeling that I’m a knowledgeable person.

I learned the journalistic techniques of headline writing, highlighting, creating subtitles, and photo formatting. I’m still learning how to write according to Minghui’s standards.

I am grateful to be part of the Minghui team of reporters.

Reporter in Romania

“When a team puts its heart to work, the impossible becomes possible.”

In 2024, Romanian practitioners started to ask people what they thought of Falun Dafa, and explain Falun Dafa at a deeper level so we could interview them. I began analyzing the changes the Minghui editors made to the Romanian articles, in order to understand the logic and apply it when I wrote articles.

Some practitioners noticed that the quality of the articles about Dafa activities in Romania improved and were quite interesting. I assume that this fact together with the appearance of many of these articles in the newsletter, and on the first Minghui page not only increased Romanian practitioners’ confidence that they can ask people for interviews, but was also a motivational factor to do even better in the future.

Since I’ve always found it difficult to interact with ordinary people, this improvement also encouraged me. I felt practitioners showed me that the mission is not impossible, a fact that I knew in theory but failed to apply in real life.

In order to improve in this aspect, I tried to eliminate the idea that it was a waste of time to interview certain people and it would be better to find someone else.

I fully engaged in conversations and my only concern was what was best for that person. I was able to clarify the truth about the persecution to the people I talked to.

The next step was to not try to avoid difficult situations when we held events to tell people about Falun Dafa. I realized that even if a person didn’t seem to be educated or had some preconceived notions about Dafa, if we were patient, kind and willing to listen, the person read a leaflet and took a closer look at what practitioners were doing.

I also resumed memorizing Zhuan Falun. I feel it’s urgent to read Master’s recent articles. I increase the number of times I send forth righteous thoughts, and I’ve made this a priority.

Romanian practitioners hope our efforts are effective, and we are also trying to improve the quality of our photos.

Thank you, Master, for this opportunity! Thank you, Minghui team, for helping me improve my cultivation!

Please point out if something is not according to the Fa.

Due to the length of the article, please allow us to stop here. Thank you.