(Minghui.org) When my mother saw that many of my illnesses disappeared after practicing Falun Dafa, she watched Master’s lecture videos with my entire family. When she read Lecture Four of Zhuan Falun, she quit smoking, which she had not been able to do over the past 50 years. She became a Dafa practitioner.
My Mother’s Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure Completely Cured
My mother is illiterate, so every day she listens to the recordings of Master’s lectures. Master purified her body. She used to suffer from severe heart disease, chronic fatigue, inflamed gallbladder, and gynecological diseases. All of them vanished after practicing Falun Dafa.
My mother came to live with me for awhile, after my son left for college. We had beef dumplings for lunch one day, and she felt dizzy afterwards. I took her to a nearby clinic to have her blood pressure checked. My mother used to have very high blood pressure and she couldn’t eat meat. Her blood pressure measured 80/128. The doctor was amazed that an almost 80-year-old could have such a normal blood pressure. My mother used to regard the different states during practice as illnesses. This time she did not make a big deal about it.
My mother is able to endure hardships. She could sit in the lotus meditation position for an hour when she first started practicing the exercises. Even though her legs hurt, she refused to put them down. After finding out that her blood pressure and heart rate were normal at the clinic, she was even more willing to listen to the Fa and practice the exercises.
My mother, who is 77 years old, has very few wrinkles. She walks faster than me, and looks much younger than her actual age. My neighbor was amazed by the effectiveness of practicing Falun Dafa.
Master Extended the Lifespan of My family
My father lived to be 60 years old, longer than his four siblings. My two uncles died when they were in their fifties, and my aunt died at age 36.
In our generation, many of my cousins passed away before they were 60 years old. The youngest cousin, who was the same age as me, died unexpectedly more than 30 years ago.
I am almost 68 years old. Due to practicing Dafa, I am in better health than when I was 40 years old. My older sister died when she was 66 years old. She had read Dafa books and watched Master’s lecture videos. Although she did not practice Falun Dafa, Master extended her lifespan by nearly three years after she became seriously ill.
My brother has celebrated his 65th birthday. Because he believes in Dafa, every day he chants “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He has good health and takes his grandson to school every day. My younger sister is 62 years old and is still working. She said that none of her family members suffered during the pandemic because her in-laws know the truth and often chant “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”
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Category: Health Benefits