(Minghui.org) When he first introduced Falun Dafa Master Li Hongzhi held two 10-day classes in the conference room at my workplace, but I didn’t know about it. My superior later gave me a copy of the book Zhuan Falun, and said, “This book is very good. Take a look at it.”
When I opened the book I felt Master’s photo looked very familiar, as if I’d seen him before, but I couldn’t remember where. I read some parts of the book, but didn’t feel anything special at the time, so I put it down and didn’t touch it again.
Obtaining the Fa in a Miraculous Way
A few years later, my family and I were traveling on a very crowded bus. As I was getting off the bus, people pushed me from behind. I fell and hit the ground hard. I couldn’t move or speak for a while. My husband helped me sit down on the curb. It took a long time before I came to my senses, and then we went home by taxi.
After we got home, I wanted to lie down to rest, but I felt pain everywhere, so my husband took me to the hospital to get an X-ray. The doctor said that my bones were fine, and the pain was due to a pulled muscle between my ribs. He assured me that the injury would heal in a few days.
While I rested a good friend of mine came to see me, and after I told her what happened, she smiled and said, “It’s time for you to begin practicing Falun Dafa.” She took out a copy of Zhuan Falun and said, “Make sure you read the entire book, and you’ll understand what I mean.”
I later learned that Master gave her a hint to encourage me to begin practicing Falun Dafa.
This time, I had a totally different experience while reading Zhuan Falun than I did a few years ago. I was so interested in what Master said in the book that I found it hard to put it down. While reading in bed on the first day, I finished Lecture One. My celestial eye opened, and the feeling was exactly the same as described in the book. I continued reading the next day and felt as if I wasn’t lying in bed any longer, but I was floating on a cloud. I couldn’t move my body, and only my hand could move to turn the pages. I read for three and a half hours, until my child came home for lunch.
On the third day, while I was reading the book, I fell asleep with the book on my chest. Suddenly, I heard a buzzing sound. I couldn’t open my eyes no matter how hard I tried. I wondered if I was experiencing the spinning of the Falun as described in Zhuan Falun? It felt so big! I felt very hot and wanted to see what the Falun looked like. But when I finally opened my eyes I saw nothing. I later understood this was because I was looking and searching for something with my human eyes.
After I finished reading the entire book, my torn rib muscle was healed! The illnesses I previously suffered from, such as headaches, cervical vertebra hyperplasia, rheumatism, and joint pain also disappeared. I just couldn’t put Zhuan Falun down.
I began to practice the exercises. When I was doing “Golden Monkey Splitting Its Body” in the first the exercise, I felt my body become gigantic. When I did the fifth movement, I had trouble lifting my arms. As I was struggling, Master helped me, and I felt two electric currents pushing my arms up like two columns. Right away, my arms tingled and felt warm and I could feel Master was constantly charging the two electric columns. I felt very comfortable and did the exercises for 25 minutes.
Later, after more Fa study, I understood that my arms felt heavy because of my karma. While Master was helping me, he also endured the karma for me. Thank you, Master! Since then, no matter how long I did the exercises, I never felt any pain or heaviness in my arms again.
This was how I obtained the Fa and started practicing cultivation. After continuous Fa study, I understood that Master Li arranged everything I needed on my path to return to my true home. Thank you, Master!
Master Has Indeed Shielded Me
Master said,
“...since you practice cultivation and have a shield around your body. You all have shields; otherwise, not only would others interfere with you, you would affect others.” (Teachings at the Conference of Changchun Assistants)
Due to my shallow understanding of the Fa principles at the time, I didn’t understand what Master said about us all having shields, and I even had some doubts. I thought: My celestial eye is open, why can’t I see any shields?
In order to help me break away from my notion of “seeing is believing,” Master arranged for me to see the existence of shields in a dream, in which I was walking alone on a remote path. Suddenly I heard someone yelling behind me: “Where are you going? You still owe me a life you haven’t paid back!”
I looked back and saw a man running towards me with an axe in his hand. I tried to run as fast as I could, but he caught up with me, and swung the axe down towards my head. With my eyes shut tight, I crouched down, clutching my head. After a little while, everything became very quiet. I opened my eyes and saw that I was protected by a transparent shield; the axe had cut into the shield, and the man was motionless.
I woke up and knew that I was indeed protected by a shield, and I no long felt frightened. I now realized that everything Master tells us is indeed true. I also had the opportunity to repay a karmic debt.
I had another dream not long after, in which a man tied me up and forced me into a mountain forest with a gun in his hand. He said, “You owe me a life, and so I will bury you alive today.” Then he started digging a pit, and kicked me into it. It was just big enough for me to lie on my side. He then started shooting at me. I closed my eyes, thinking: “I will die this time, as the pit is not big enough for the shield.”
I heard the loud noise of the gun shots and felt bullets hitting my body. Then I heard the man yelling in pain. It took me a while to calm down. I opened my eyes and was surprised that I was still alive. The man, however, was lying on the ground, covered in blood. I realized the bullets bounced back and hit him instead.
I woke up and realized that the shields Master gives us can change shape. Master is truly omnipotent! I also realized that I must have done many bad things in my countless previous lives. Without Master’s protection, I would never be able to pay back those karmic debts.
My Snagged Stockings Were Back to Normal
Due to the persecution of Falun Dafa by the Chinese Communist Party, my monthly pay was cut by half. It was very hot in summer and I wanted to wear a skirt, but I didn’t want to show my bare legs. So I bought a pair of stockings for 9 yuan. I said to the stockings, “Please last a long time, as I don’t have money to buy new ones. I hope you can last for years.” As if the stockings understood what I said, the pair lasted for two years.
Once, while I was packing things on a truck, my stockings were accidentally snagged. I was quite upset. I sewed it up and wore the stockings inside out so the damage didn’t show as much. After I got back home that evening, I washed them and hung them to dry. The next morning, when I picked them up, I noticed that the run in the stockings had disappeared, and they looked as good as new. I understood that Master saw my difficult situation and repaired my stockings. Thank you, Master!
When I showed the stockings to my coworkers, they said, “You must be wearing a different pair.”
“No, I only have one pair of stockings.” I said.
They all know that I practice Falun Dafa and I’m a very honest person, who would never tell lies. They said, “Falun Dafa is truly remarkable. No one can compare with your Master!”
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