(Minghui.org) People on the streets of Vienna often hear music wherever they go. On August 31, 2024 tourists and locals in the city center heard the Tian Guo Marching Band’s majestic music. Practitioners held a parade and introduced Falun Dafa to the public. They also wanted to tell people about the 25-year-long, ongoing persecution of practitioners in China. The parade started off from Stephansplatz and wound through busy streets such as Kaerntner Strasse, Mariahilfer Strasse, and Der Graben, where many people gather.

Peaceful Parade

Following the Tian Guo Marching Band was a large model of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa’s teachings. Falun Dafa is an ancient meditation practice that is practiced in over 100 countries and regions worldwide. Falun Dafa teaches people to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance in their daily lives. The book Zhuan Falun has been translated into more than 50 languages.

The parade included a large boat on which practitioners demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises. A golden lion and a golden dragon danced to the waist drum team’s beat. The last section of the parade consisted of cars with posters on top. The messages on the posters let bystanders know more about Falun Dafa, and how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes and tortures practitioners who refuse to renounce their faith.

The Tian Guo Marching Band led the parade on August 31, 2024 in Vienna, Austria.

Various banners in the parade introduced Falun Dafa and the health benefits it brings to people.

Practitioners on the float demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises.

A large model of the book Zhuan Falun was displayed in the parade. The book has been translated into more than 50 languages.

People said they felt energized by the waist drum team’s music.

The posters introduced the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa and told people about the brutal persecution in China.

Passersby Praise Falun Dafa’s Music

Claudia Neidig from Berlin owns a company and teaches yoga. When she saw the parade, she put down all her bags and began filming it with her phone. “The music touches my soul, and every cell in my body dances with it,” she said.

Claudia said that she’s seen practitioners do the exercises at Stephansplatz and was interested in learning them when she returns to Berlin. “There is thousands of years of wisdom in the practice, and it makes people feel relaxed,” she said.

Anna Reisinger came to Vienna with her family. She noticed that the children in the parade were calm and quiet. “The music makes me feel relaxed, but at the same time I feel energized,” she said.

After she and her family signed the petition, Anna said, “It’s horrible that so many people suffer the persecution on a daily basis, yet we know so little about it. We hope that we can do something about it.” She hoped that through signing the petition, “We can show our support.”

Tourist Supports Practitioners’ Effort to End Persecution

The CCP harvests organs from practitioners and sells their organs for transplant to make profits. Many people couldn’t understand why the regime wants to persecute practitioners. After watching the parade and talking to practitioners, people understood why and how practitioners are brutally tortured. Many people signed the petition that demands the CCP end the persecution.

Practitioners collected signatures on petitions to help end the persecution.

Andrea Nagy from Hungary knew about Falun Dafa and said that she’s seen practitioners’ activities before. “Everyone should live by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance in my opinion. I can’t understand why the CCP persecutes practitioners. There is just no reason. Maybe because the practice is too good for the Party,” she said. “I support the effort to end the persecution. I don’t like to see people persecuted because of their faith. People should have freedom to practice.”

Najat Azzoni from the Netherlands read the flyer she received, and said, “I think having this kind of parade is great. It makes people think about what’s happening in China.” “I’m against using persecution and violence against people with faith.” She said that she’d sign the petition online.

A tourist signed the petition to end the persecution.

Veronica supports practitioners’ efforts to guard their human rights.

Veronica works in the legal department of an insurance company. She and her daughter saw the parade in front of Burgtheater. She said the parade was “very beautiful, very positive, and guards human rights.” About the CCP’s live organ harvesting she said, “It’s horrific to take people’s organs like that and sell them, so inhumane.” She signed the petition to show her support.

A woman who knew the truth of the persecution followed the parade for a long time. She also helped practitioners hand out flyers to bystanders.

People Sign the Petition

A day before and during the parade, practitioners set up an information booth at Stephansplatz. Many people came to sign the petition.

Many people came to the information booth at Stephansplatz and signed the petition.

“It saddens me to see practitioners being treated terribly,” said Melanie Stanton from New Zealand. She and her father both signed the petition. “I hope something can change and that practitioners can be free to practice,” she said, “I’ve heard about Falun Dafa and seen practitioners’ activities in New Zealand. I know they do these things voluntarily. They are generous and kind, and want nothing in return, they are magnificent.”

Melanie said the parade “tells people what’s happening in China, and we need to help spread the truth.”

Mohamed El-Harery is a retired reporter. He interviewed the practitioners and offered to put the video on his social media platform so that many people can know what’s happening in China. “I support practitioners,” he said, “People should know what’s happening in China, and that so many people are persecuted and slaughtered.”

Mother and Daughter Hope the Persecution Ends

Sandra and her family were vacationing in Vienna. Sandra said the Tian Guo Marching Band’s music was very appealing, “It made me stop and watch the parade.” Referring to the persecution and live organ harvesting, Sandra said, “It’s disgusting and a disgrace. It makes me shiver and is absolutely not acceptable.”

Sandra explained the information on the Falun Dafa flyer to her daughter Sabrina. Sabrina said she was worried and hopes the persecution will stop. “I hope it ends,” she said.

Sandra said, “This is important information and all forms of persecution should stop. Through the parade people get to know that such a thing is happening. They should know.”

She planned to look on the Internet and find out more about Falun Dafa, “I want to know how the practice affects a person. I wish to find inner peace and balance, and become my true self.” Looking at her daughters, she continued, “I think that it’s good for my children to learn this practice. It’d be good for their body and mind.”