(Minghui.org) After Master published, “How Humankind Came To Be” and “Why the Creator Seeks to Save All Life,” I realized that I was far from the requirements of a Falun Dafa practitioner. So I began to memorize these teachings. From memorizing one paragraph at a time, to several paragraphs, I memorized the teachings as I rode the bus to work every day for more than a month.

When it was hard to memorize, I looked inward and found I had elements of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) culture. I recalled my interactions with relatives, friends, teachers, classmates, and neighbors, and I realized that I did not handle every situation as a practitioner should have. My feelings of smugness turned into feelings of guilt and blaming myself. After I identified my attachments, Master resolved all kinds of grievances and laid a foundation for me to clarify the truth to my relatives and friends.

When I read Zhuan Falun and encountered words the meaning of which I didn’t quite understand, I recalled passages from Master’s recent teachings. I enlightened to the deeper meanings, and felt my xinxing being uplifted.

Through memorizing the Fa, I’ve become increasingly clear about the existence of the Three Realms and the Heavenly World, and understand that all people are created by Master, and that we all came from heaven. We are waiting for Dafa, we hope to obtain and assimilate to the Fa, and return to our true selves. 

The purpose of life is not chasing fame and fortune. Our task is to improve ourselves, treat others well, and return to our origins. After I understood this, Master arranged another opportunity for me to improve my xinxing and clarify the truth to people.

Cultivation Opportunities at Work

Our bonuses at work were based on our performance and were announced at the end of March 2023. They were influenced by political connections. The leaders were busy holding meetings and catering to their supervisors. They were anxious and worried that if they didn’t meet the CCP’s requirements they would lose their positions.

The work that should have been done by them was given to the already overworked front-line staff, but these employees’ bonuses were small. The “outstanding employees” were the local CCP leaders and officers, but those who worked hard were not selected. Therefore, everyone did things for the sake of gaining immediate, material interests. They did not care if what they did was wrong. No one wanted to do any extra work that wasn’t noticed by the work leader or unless it made more money.

There was such a job in early April, and the leaders wanted to recruit someone. The job required the person to work on weekends after working all week. In addition, the person couldn’t go home for two days and three nights. The group leader first asked everyone’s opinion, but no one signed up. I was later told that he privately asked each team member, but no one wanted to do it.

I was about to retire. I always felt like a bystander, so I never volunteered to do additional work. I preferred to spend my time studying the Fa and practicing the exercises. I did not care about bonuses or my rank at work. 

However, after I read and memorized Master’s new teachings, I realized that we are also members of society, and this is Fa-rectification cultivation, not personal cultivation. I realized that I should let go of selfishness and do a good job at work. 

So, I decided to tell the group leader that I would do the job, but he was not there. That afternoon he came into our office and said the supervisors asked us to draw lots to decide. When some refused, he didn’t know what to do. I said, “Let’s not draw lots. I’ll do it.” He was very happy and my coworkers thanked me. 

I just felt it was my duty. If I hadn’t studied the Fa, I couldn’t have done it. 

I wondered who I would be partnered with, and I hoped the person would accept the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution. When I found out who I was assigned to work with I thought he wouldn’t listen, because I felt he was calculating. I didn’t plan to clarify the truth to him. I sent forth righteous thoughts during our breaks. Sometimes we chatted, and I talked about Falun Dafa’s principles, but I didn’t expect him to accept what I said. 

However, when I mentioned the existence of other dimensions, he said his son could sometimes see lives in other dimensions. He said he didn’t want his son to be like this and he was looking for a way to help him.

When I heard this, I was really ashamed of my self-righteousness. I felt that Master was compassionately giving me a hint to save him and his son. I felt it wasn’t a coincidence that we were arranged to work together. 

When he asked how I knew so much. I said, “I’m a Falun Dafa practitioner. I’ve been persecuted twice. You know this, and the whole workplace knows.” He nodded. I told him how I began practicing, and I talked to him about Dafa and the CCP’s persecution. He listened very attentively and asked for details. When I talked about the evil nature of the CCP, about the regime’s state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting, and about the importance of quitting the CCP, he was a little surprised. 

Finally, he asked me if I was afraid to clarify the truth. I said I was, but I had Master and Dafa. I know that Falun Dafa is righteous, and this gives me courage. He expressed his admiration. When I gave him a copy of Master’s new teachings, he said, “Can a person like me understand this?” I said, “Master’s words are simple and clear; you’ll definitely be able to understand.” He happily took the copy.

After the task was over, the workplace gave us 24 hours of compensated leave. Our coworkers said that if they had known this, they would have volunteered for the assignment. What’s even more amazing is that the leader praised me three times during a meeting with middle and upper level management. The department leaders also praised me. My evaluation was “excellent” and I was given a bonus.

People’s Opinions of Falun Dafa Change

As a matter of fact, the leader knew I practiced Falun Dafa, and I always felt his hostility. I realized that my hatred for the police and high-level officials came from Party culture, and it was a manifestation of the CCP’s efforts to tear apart society and cause antagonism between the Party and people in general. 

So when the leader praised me, I felt that Master was encouraging me. I realized it was an opportunity to eliminate my resentment towards the leader.

I gave a copy of the new teachings to a coworker who’d already quit the Party. She took it and said, “Falun Dafa is good and upright. It’s not like religions that get involved in politics.” 

I said, “According to China’s Constitution, citizens have the right to practice religion, and we have political rights. However, even if you don’t talk about politics, politics will come to you, which is why the CCP wants us to learn its politics every day. The most important thing is to be able to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, and understand the meaning of life. If you seriously read what Master said, you’ll definitely benefit.” She nodded in agreement.

One day, another coworker and I were the only ones in the office. I thought this was Master’s arrangement, and I should clarify the truth to him. 

We talked about everything, from the Cultural Revolution to the Tiananmen Square Massacre. I told him about the stark contrast between China’s traditional culture and the CCP culture, and how the CCP harvest organs from Falun Dafa practitioners. 

He asked me what Falun Dafa really is. I said we strive to live by Dafa’s principles and I showed him the exercises. I told him the importance of quitting the Party, and he accepted everything I said. I knew another person was saved, thanks to Master’s compassion and mercy.

I witnessed the power and compassion of Dafa through these experiences. I’ve been putting off writing this article because I’m lazy. I feel that I’ve relaxed my cultivation and I’ve made Master worry. The reason I can clarify the truth to people is because Master gave me wisdom and courage. 

Everything we achieve is due to Master’s immeasurable compassion and arrangements. Fellow practitioners, if I said something inappropriate, please kindly correct me.

Thank you, Master!