(Minghui.org) During the summer travel season practitioners often go to the beach near Santa Monica to welcome tourists and share information about Falun Dafa. They also tell people how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes this spiritual discipline and many people sign petitions calling to end the tragedies. 

Practitioners demonstrate the exercises at Santa Monica Beach.

Santa Monica is a renowned tourist attraction in California. 

Located in Los Angeles County, Santa Monica is the end of legendary Route 66, also known as the Mother Road. In addition to the famous Southern California state beach, the city also attracts many tourists because of its popular amusement park, aquarium, food stalls, and scenic coastal views. 

On both August 25 and Labor Day Weekend (September 1 and 2), practitioners held a series of events at the beach including group exercises, a march at the pier, and a signature drive. Many people stopped to watch the group exercises, and some asked questions or learned the movements. 

When practitioners dressed in yellow marched at Santa Monica Pier and the business district, many people said they were impressed by the bright colors and peaceful scene. Some gave practitioners a thumbs up and some took pictures or videos with their cell phones. 

Practitioners marched along the Santa Monica Pier and the business district.

Opposing the Persecution in China

One man who signed a petition and said he knew about the CCP persecution of Falun Dafa and wanted to help practitioners whenever possible. 

One young couple stopped, and the man talked with practitioners in Chinese. He explained that he studied in Jilin Province and likes Chinese people. He was also glad to help Falun Dafa practitioners. 

When he received a pamphlet from a practitioner, a man said he had heard about the persecution. He gave practitioners a thumbs up, shook hands with one practitioner and said, “Thank you my friend.”

A tourist from South America warmly extended his hand and fist-bumped the practitioner who talked with him. He said that was how brothers greeted each other. 

Children liked the bookmarks that had the words, “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” After reading the materials, their parents not only signed the petitions but also asked their family members to sign. 

Tourists sign petitions to help end the persecution of Falun Dafa. 

New Practitioner: Learning the Truth After Coming to the U.S. 

Ms. Hu came to the U.S. from China in 2020. Brainwashed by the CCP’s defamatory propaganda, at first, she avoided practitioners. When she later learned what Falun Dafa really is, she decided to practice. She often goes to Santa Monica beach to tell people about the persecution and collect signatures. Since her English isn’t good, her son often helps her translate. 

It was through her son’s English teacher that Ms. Hu learned facts about the persecution of Falun Dafa. The teacher (Ms. Shen) is a practitioner and her entire family are good people. They tutor children at home and their own children can speak several languages. 

Curious about the good manners and academic excellence of the teacher’s children, Ms. Hu asked for advice. The teacher explained that her child also practices Falun Dafa. By reading Zhuan Falun, her child was able to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and be a good person. 

The teacher also told Ms. Hu how the CCP made up lies to defame Falun Dafa. She said the practice helps one to become a good person with great health. While looking within to improve themselves, practitioners benefit from the practice both physically and mentally.

After watching a Shen Yun performance, Ms. Hu said she understood everything. “I was very excited because the artists were so talented and the performances were wonderful,” she said. “These artists are really outstanding and they travel around the world to share these amazing traditional values. The Chinese people are pitiful because the CCP doesn’t allow such a great performance in China.”

Fortunate to Be in a Free Society

Mr. Yang began practicing Falun Dafa 15 years ago and recently moved to the U.S. He was happy to participate in the event and distribute materials and collect signatures. 

He said many people knew about the persecution and were happy to talk with practitioners. Even those who hadn’t previously heard about it were happy to sign the petitions. 

Mr. Yang said he’s thankful to the U.S. government for supporting practitioners during the severe persecution in China. “The CCP also pushes its communist ideology in the Western world so it’s important for kindhearted American people to know this,” he said. 

He was upset that some Western media recently attacked Shen Yun using distorted information supplied by the CCP. “Falun Dafa practitioners are the largest group that is suppressed by the CCP and we know the regime well. We worked hard in the past 25 years to tell people what Falun Dafa is and how vicious the CCP is. I think people will understand everything,” he said.