(Minghui.org) For some time, Li Meiying (李美莹) and Instructor Niu (牛教官) from Kaohsiung, Wu Zihui (吴姿慧) from Taichung, and others in Taiwan have been making lotus flower pendants and mailing them overseas. A number of practitioners overseas have ordered them, some in large quantities. However, according to local assistance centers, the above-mentioned practitioners do not attend group Fa study or cultivation sharing; instead, they have formed their own group and follow their own way. Practitioners in different countries have also raised the concern that the images on the pendants were taken from ordinary society rather than Dafa-related sources. These few individuals have not heeded kind advice from the Dafa Association and continue to produce and mail the flowers with the excuse that overseas practitioners need them to clarify the truth. We hope that genuine practitioners around the world will pay heed and refrain from buying from these individuals. Things made by people who don’t cultivate themselves and with elements that don’t come from Dafa can’t save people; it is Dafa and the truth of Dafa that truly save people.

Minghui Editorial BoardSeptember 4, 2024