(Minghui.org) Between 2020 and 2023, I was arrested, given a suspended sentence, and had my probation revoked, but I did not serve one day. I want to share what happened during that time.

Arrested and Given a Suspended Sentence

At the beginning of 2020, someone reported me to the police when I clarified the truth about the persecution of Falun Dafa. I was sentenced to a three-year suspended sentence, and the court put me under “strict surveillance” using the charge of “sabotaging law enforcement.” The authorities said I had to turn in two “thought reports” every month and sent two officials to my home twice a month. They also tapped my cellphone and said I had to answer their video calls whenever they called so that they could verify that I was home. This was to prevent me from going out to spread the truth about Falun Dafa.

The tension and stress I faced were tremendous. At the same time, saving people is my mission, so I had to find opportunities to sneak out and talk with people about Falun Dafa. When I was feeling exhausted, I remembered Master Li’s words,

“Clarifying the truth is the master key.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume IV)

I decided to write a letter to the director of the local judiciary in charge of the conditions of my sentence to tell him how good Falun Dafa is and to rectify the oppressive conditions.

I wrote about the universal values that Falun Dafa teaches and how following the practice improved my mental and physical health. I added details about the persecution practitioners have suffered for years. The letter was quite long, but I still had more to say, so I wrote “to be continued” at the end, thinking that I’d let the officials read it first and see what they said before I sent it to the director.

I gave the letter to those officials when they next came to see me. The next day, the director called my home and told my family to come to his office. My daughter went the following day. The director was outraged by the letter and scolded her. He threatened to turn my case over to the higher authorities.

Master said,

“... just by remaining unmoved you could handle all situations.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2005 Canada Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume V)

I looked within and found that the thought “let the officials read it first and see what they said” wasn’t righteous, leaving the old forces to exploit my gap.

Starting that night, I sent righteous thoughts until noon the next day to eliminate the evil elements controlling the local judiciary. I went to the Social Security Bureau with my daughter, and by the time we got there, the director and his officials were calm and reasonable. “If you think the practice is good, practice it at home. Just don’t go out and make trouble. If we catch you, you’ll go to prison,” they warned me.

For a while, their attitude improved. They even waived the duties I was supposed to carry out during my probation. Other than the people who came to my home to harass me, I was able to continue doing what I did to save people.

Arrested Again, Telling the Judge the Facts

The police broke into my home in early 2021 and arrested me. A man reported that I had talked about Falun Dafa to his daughter in a supermarket six months before. The police obtained my image from the supermarket surveillance cameras. I was detained overnight, fined 5,000 yuan, and released on bail pending trial.

The judicial bureau filed an order to revoke the three-year suspended sentence I was given in my earlier case. Authorities in legal and judicial organizations summoned my family members every day to threaten us. My daughter and husband cried, believing that I would go to prison, and my son predicted that I would not survive in jail. I felt sorry for them but decided to continue the practice and follow Master’s arrangements.

No lawyers would take my case because of the ongoing persecution of my faith. I said to Master: “The prison is not the place for me; I can’t study the Fa and fo the exercises there, and the old forces will try to end my life.” I asked Master to help keep me out of prison. That night, I didn’t sleep. Instead, I studied the Fa, did the exercises, and sent righteous thoughts.

I wrote an appeal letter and handed it to the prosecutor. He read it and said that he’d look into it and would not wrongfully accuse me. A few months later, I wrote a letter to the judge exposing the police’s illegal conduct. The judge read it and asked me several questions.

I decided not to hire a lawyer. I had not broken any law or committed any crime. I focused on reading practitioners’ sharing articles on Minghui.org detailing how they handled similar situations and used the templates they uploaded to write my defense statement. I turned down the legal counsel the court provided for me.

In a dream, Master showed me a mountain and told me that as long as I got over it, I’d be home soon. When he asked if I dared to climb the mountain, I said I would without hesitation.

The local practitioners sent righteous thoughts for me on the day of the hearing. I walked into the courtroom calmly and with kindness in my mind. The judge again asked if I wanted legal counsel, and I said there was no need. I handed the judge my defense statement, which he later gave to the prosecutor.

After the prosecutor read the indictment, the judge had me read my defense statement. I denied all the charges against me and explained how Falun Dafa improved my health and made me a kind and selfless person.

As soon as I finished speaking, the judge ruled that I should be released without charges. The judge walked me outside the courthouse and told me that my statement made sense.

Suspended Sentence Revoked

In early 2023, I was notified that my suspended sentence had been revoked, and the 2.5-year sentence was to be implemented immediately. The Social Security Bureau wasted no time in illegally suspending my pension. The court issued the official document of the decision on a Friday, and the police came to pick me up the following Monday.

When I got into the police car, an officer handed me a warrant for my arrest and said that they would take me for a health checkup before admitting me to a detention center. I told them I had not hurt anyone or committed any crime for telling people about Falun Dafa and that they were supposed to protect and serve and not arrest an innocent person.

They took me to the police station, and I refused to answer any questions. I loudly declared, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” I sent righteous thoughts nonstop. An officer took me to the infirmary. I refused to talk to him, and he thought that I was unwell. A few hours later, he asked me, “Do you want to go home?” I nodded yes and they took me home that day.

Master protected me so that I did not have to spend one day in prison. The evil old forces continue to persecute us, but we will be surefooted as we walk the path home by listening to Master and studying the Fa well.