(Minghui.org) It has been some days since Minghui.org published a call for articles for the 21st China Fahui (online experience sharing conference). When I encouraged fellow practitioners to submit their sharing articles, some said that they haven’t written any sharings for years, but would submit one this year, while others said they don’t want to write anything because there is not much to share. 

As Dafa disciples, I think we should all actively respond to the call, because we have walked our cultivation paths for another year and we must all have had some new experiences in cultivation, and areas where we have improved. The China Fahui is a very precious opportunity for us to learn from each other and elevate together. 

Master said,

“Dafa disciples’ Fa conferences are Law assemblies where they improve by learning from each other, that allow them to find where they fall short, and that enable them to strengthen their righteous thoughts on their paths to Consummation. Your accomplishments reflect mighty virtue gained through sound Fa study and the solidifying of righteous thoughts, and your shortcomings tell of the things that you need to work on along your cultivation path.” (“To the Chicago Fa Conference,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress III)

We understand from the Fa that it’s a very good thing to participate in Fa conferences, and through writing about our cultivation experiences we can see where we have fallen short so that we can quickly rectify those issues and elevate ourselves. At the same time, we can also strengthen our righteous thoughts and be more diligent in our cultivation, guided by Master. 

All Dafa disciples in China, who have pulled through the life-death tests and enormous tribulations since July 20, 1999, have closely followed the Fa-rectification process and have become more mature during the brutal persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They have proved that they are worthy of the title of Dafa disciples. 

Fellow practitioners who obtained the Fa after July 20, 1999, are also great beings who took enormous risks to descend to the human world to assist Master in the Fa-rectification. They have bravely faced up to the CCP’s terrifying persecution, broken through all kinds of obstructions from the old forces, and joined Dafa cultivation to fulfill their mission. They are also remarkably outstanding. 

We all cultivate in the same Fa, and we all have our own cultivation experiences and enlightenment in the process. We should share those experiences that have helped us the most in our cultivation. More importantly, we are also telling Master how we have been cultivating in Dafa as a way to show our gratitude for his compassionate salvation.

I suggest that all fellow practitioners pick up their pens and write down how they have progressed and what they have gained in Dafa cultivation. Those who regularly submit articles to Minghui.org, apart from writing their own sharing articles, may also help edit articles from other practitioners who have little experience in this respect.

Let us all do our best to harmonize the whole body and inspire righteous thoughts both in ourselves and fellow practitioners by writing an article for the 21st China Fahui!

Let us take action now, and make this year’s Fahui a great success!