(Minghui.org) I obtained the Fa in 1995 and recently moved to the U.S. from mainland China. In an environment like the Mainland, I believe that doing the three things well can reduce the persecution. Whenever all the three things are done better, I’ve experienced less interference, and things work out smoothly. On the contrary, if I didn’t study the Fa well, send righteous thoughts on time, or got preoccupied with busywork, I was harassed by the neighborhood committee and the police, and the effect of clarifying the truth was not very good. In such a harsh environment, the slightest relaxation can cause problems. The main problem practitioners in mainland China face is being arrested. When we come overseas, the environment is relaxed, and it can lead to us slacking off due to the attachment of comfort.

At the beginning of April, I helped with a social media influencer training camp. One day I was so fatigued that I dozed off and my car collided with an oncoming vehicle, and then crashed into another car on the side of the road before stopping. At the time, I felt that a fire was rushing to my face, but then it was blocked by something, and it didn’t burn my face. After the impact, I was fine, but my car was totaled. I knew that it was Master Li, Falun Dafa’s founder, who protected me; otherwise, I would have died in such a severe wreck.

I knew that whatever happens in my cultivation was not accidental. What did such a serious car accident make me realize? What attachment of mine was taken advantage of by the old forces that made them act so ruthlessly? The car accident occurred during the social media influencer training camp, and I was one of the main trainers, so it had to be related to that.

As such a big incident happened, the person in charge of the camp, the project coordinator, and other practitioners shared with me from the perspective of the Fa. I was told to look inward and that this kind of lethal disaster usually happens because a practitioner may be eager to accomplish something. I remembered that at the time,  I was proud of myself and thought that this social media influencer project would be successful, so I didn’t seriously look inward.

One afternoon ten days after the accident, I rode an electric bike to class, passing by a gravel road, and wanted to hurry, so I sped up. The bicycle accelerated suddenly and the wheels could not grasp the ground, and the bike flew out from under me. The left side of my face fell heavily on the gravel, and I felt like my brain was about to come bursting out of my head. My face was swollen, but strangely, my face was only scratched a little bit, and there was no bleeding. I felt severe pain on the left half of my body, elbow, thigh and knee. Blood was oozing from the sleeves of my clothes and the torn trouser legs. Many cars stopped on the road, and a bus driver helped me up and repeatedly asked me if I needed help. I was dizzy, but I knew I was going to be fine. I walked slowly to the side of the road and sat down, thinking to myself that I must not get in the way of traffic.

On the taxi ride home, I thought that I must pay attention; two accidents in just ten days! On the second night after the second accident, I dreamed of Master. In one hall, six or seven Dafa disciples sat around Master, and Master kindly talked to us. When I woke up, I couldn’t remember much of what Master said, but I remembered only one sentence very clearly. Master said that the basis of everything you are doing now is to save sentient beings. I realized that whatever we do, we must ground ourselves on saving sentient beings; Dafa’s resources and Dafa disciples’ time are too precious and limited.

I used to make short videos in China a few years ago. Almost every video was based on awakening people’s good thoughts, promoting traditional culture, and spreading the principle that good and evil are rewarded. I did not deliberately pursue clicks and monetization, but the number of followers and cash steadily grew. After coming overseas, I still made short videos, but my starting point became making money. To disguise my desire for money, I thought of a very good excuse, which was that we should do whatever we can to attract more people

It is no accident that I dreamed of Master after the accident. Master’s teaching in the dream woke me up. I realized that I was making short videos for the wrong reason!

Master said,

“All of what we do is for the purpose of saving people. The old universe is what it is; let it be. Your responsibility is to rescue and deliver lives to the new universe.” (“Wake Up,” Team Yellow Translation)

I understand that what Master wants and teaches us is for the needs of the future! Master gave me the ability to make short videos, not so I could come overseas to make money, but to use the ability I have gained from the Fa to save people. I should use these abilities given to me by Master to attract, retain, and save more people on the platform that Master has created for the future of mankind.

How can we save more people? It relies on each of our content creators to make high-quality, short videos. As Dafa disciples and vloggers during the Fa-rectification period, we should create more and better works and post them on the Ganjing World platform. That is my mission.

If it weren’t for Master’s protection, I might have died in either of the accidents.

Master said,

“Currently, whether it is karma elimination or interference from evil factors, that is all the work of the old forces. It’s all the same—they are just called different names. I am against all that the old forces do. I don’t accept any of it. And even less so should Dafa disciples be made to endure such suffering.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2013 Greater New York Fa Conference,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. XII)

Our cultivation path is actually very narrow. We must only do what Master says. In the process of getting rid of attachments, we should completely deny the old forces, do the three things with righteous thoughts and righteous actions, save sentient beings, and fulfill our vows!