(Minghui.org) I am a 75-year old farmer, and have been practicing Falun Dafa for more than 20 years. During this time, I was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for over ten years. I was tortured in more than a dozen ways, illegally detained eight times in a detention center, and sent to a forced labor camp twice. I would like to share my experiences of how Master enlightened me and helped me when I was persecuted during those ten-plus years. I would also like to share the miracle of riding thousands of miles on my bicycle to save people.

Master Helps Practitioners

Many Falun Dafa practitioners were held in the detention center in the winter of 2000, and the situation was very serious. When I first entered, a voice told me, “I will give you five ones.” I didn’t understand what this meant. Because I insisted on practicing Falun Dafa, a guard ordered five inmates in the cell to beat and torture me many times. I asked why they beat me, and they said there was no reason. They beat me as long as I refused to give up my beliefs. I was confused... How could this be justified? We have to suffer persecution and torture just because we follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to be good people?

As a result, within three days, the five inmates were reported to the director by a guard named Yang for beating up a fellow villager. They were dragged out of the cell, handcuffed and shackled, and forced to crawl in the corridor. The guard also whipped them with a key chain tied to a belt. They crawled back and forth and were beaten severely. The guard also used the radio to tell each cell, “This is the fate for beating people.” This shocked the bad people, and the most brutal deputy director even transferred me to another cell. The inmates in the new cell were all very nice to me. I felt as if there was an invisible power controlling these people. They obeyed orders like puppets. I firmly believed that this power came from Master, so my righteous faith became stronger, and I believed even more in the principle of “good will be rewarded, and evil will be punished.”

One guard always let me practice the exercises on the bunk bed to avoid the surveillance cameras whenever he was on duty. The last time I was detained, that guard saw me the second morning I was there. He told those in the cell that I was his friend, and I was a good person. He asked everyone to learn from me and take care of me. I regret that I didn’t have time to clarify the truth to him and offer to help him quit the CCP, but I believe that he will have a bright future, as he treats Dafa disciples so well.

One day I wasn’t wearing the detention center uniform, and two guards forcibly took off my cotton-padded clothes and locked me to a ring on the ground. I realized that my unrighteous thoughts had caused that to occur. When I entered the cell, I saw a large iron ring on the bunk bed, and thought, “That iron ring was prepared for me.” That’s it, I was really locked in. At night, on the cold wooden bunk, I was wearing a single layer coat and was sitting on some clothes and pants given by an inmate, to meditate and do the exercises. As soon as I calmed down, I felt a warm current coming down from the top of my head and flowing through my whole body. I felt warm, relaxed, and comfortable. The beauty of that experience is beyond words! I thought, “This is Master empowering his disciple, blessing and encouraging me!” I said in my heart, “Thank you, Master for your enlightenment.”

One time when I was incarcerated in the labor camp, we were walking back from the square to my cell, and I was in the middle of the line. I looked up and saw that each Dafa practitioner in front of me had a white Falun with a silver light spinning horizontally on his head. I thought my eyes were blurry, so I rubbed them and looked again. It was real. I quickly looked back and saw that every practitioner behind me also had one on his head, but the other inmates did not. I told the practitioners around me, but they could not see it. The Falun rotated for several minutes before it disappeared. I realized that this was Master’s way of encouraging practitioners to maintain righteous thoughts and not slack off.

In another place I was held, there was a prison instructor in his 50s. Because I refused to do the hard labor, he took me to his office and beat me. Not long after that, when he got off work, he took a commuter bus back to the city. When they were halfway along, they came to a bridge over the river. He had to urinate, so the bus stopped at the bridge and somehow he fell off. He was seriously injured and had to recover for several months before returning to work. The guards and inmates talked about it in private, saying, “He was punished for his evil deeds.” He has since changed his attitude a lot.

Traveling Thousands of Miles to Distribute Truth-clarification Materials

After I returned home from being imprisoned, apart from sleeping and eating, I spent my time studying the Fa and doing the exercises. I had basically recovered in just over a year. My gray hair turned black, and I no longer needed reading glasses.

There were only a few practitioners in my area, and it was difficult to get any current information. I felt like I couldn’t keep up with the progress of Fa-rectification, let alone clarify the truth to people. A thought came to my mind, “Master! What should I do? Do I have to move?” A few months later, under Master’s arrangement, we moved to the city with my elderly father. From then on, I wholeheartedly immersed myself in validating the Fa.

In the city, I learned more about cultivating and validating the Fa. I knew that no one was clarifying the truth to people in the countryside, so I repaired my second-hand bicycle and started the journey with the tools for saving people--stickers, CDs, and copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.

I delivered truth-clarification materials to every household, and introduced the materials as I delivered them. I was able to deliver dozens of materials to each village. When I was hungry, I bought food at the grocery store for lunch. When I was tired, I sat on the roadside to rest. On average, I traveled about 100 miles per day. Each day when I returned home, I drew the route I had taken on paper and made a rough map. I included the names of the villages, the number of roads, how to get there, and which roads were easier to go down. After three or four days of delivering materials, I rested at home for a day, studied the Fa more, and adjusted my state before going out to deliver materials again.

For two years, I rode my bicycle and basically traveled through all the villages in my area, covering about 10,000 miles. The bicycle assimilated to Dafa and became my Fa instrument, a fine and precious steed, making great contributions to saving sentient beings. The map I drew was later used by other practitioners to validate the Fa and save people.

I rode a motorcycle one night, along with three other practitioners, to distribute truth-clarifying materials and hang banners in a rural area hundreds of miles away. That night, we exerted our extraordinary abilities and achieved results that were beyond our expectations.

Two weeks later, a fellow practitioner's friend who lived in that village told us what she heard when she went to the street one morning. Everyone was talking. One person said, “Look, Falun Dafa is really amazing. How did they hang the banner up so high?! Materials were pinned to the door outside my house.” Someone else said, “I have them too. How many people came to do this?! Was there divine help? If that's the case, Falun Dafa’s reputation should be restored.”