(Minghui.org) A market vendor made her living by traveling to rural markets, selling clothing, socks, gloves, and other small items like baskets. A few years ago, a Falun Dafa practitioner approached her at one of these markets and clarified the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution. She immediately accepted what the practitioner said, quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and became a strong supporter of practitioners’ efforts to save people. She even invited us to speak at her stall, making it easier for us to talk to others.

This support created an ideal environment for us to speak openly and naturally. With our hearts at peace and our righteous thoughts strong, we found that almost everyone we spoke to decided to quit the CCP after hearing the truth. Of course, there were moments when we got carried away with joy and encountered those who didn’t accept our message, but we quickly corrected ourselves and continued.

The vendor’s kindness didn’t go unnoticed by the divine. Her business began to flourish—her stall expanded, she was able to offer a variety of goods, and more and more customers flocked to her to purchase goods. Even regular market-goers noticed how well her stall was doing.

The Blessings of Supporting Dafa

One day, an elderly man selling garlic at a nearby stall remarked to me, “I’ve been watching this vendor. None of the other stalls have as many customers! Her business is the best.” I seized the opportunity to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa. I explained that this vendor’s success was due to her belief in the auspicious phrases, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and that supporting Dafa brought her blessings. I explained, “Falun Dafa is a cultivation practice that teaches people to be good according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Anyone who sincerely believes this will receive blessings. You should quit the CCP, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers to ensure your safety.”

The elderly man agreed with what I said, though he hadn’t joined any of those organizations. I told him to sincerely say, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and that Dafa would bring him blessings.

Practitioners Offer a Helping Hand

As the vendor’s stall grew busier, she found it increasingly difficult to manage on her own and hired a temporary helper. Her husband, who sold spices at a stall diagonally across from hers, noticed the worker stuffing money into her sleeve. When he told his wife, she was furious and immediately let the worker go. However, she soon found herself overwhelmed again.

Seeing her struggle, practitioners stepped in to help. We assisted her with managing the goods, setting up the stall, and selling items, saving her the cost of hiring help. We handed her the money as soon as we sold anything. Grateful for our assistance, the vendor was even more trusting and appreciative, and thanked us profusely.

Expanding Truth Clarification

With the vendor’s stall now a hub of activity, our opportunities to share the truth expanded as well. We spread out, standing at different points around her stall, helping her sell small items while we simultaneously clarified the truth to each customer. We welcomed them with smiles, and treated them kindly.

We made sure not to miss anyone. We understood that the unusually large number of customers at her stall was because their knowing sides wished to hear the truth and be saved. We knew that this was all arranged by our compassionate Master, and the number of people quitting the CCP grew steadily. Every time someone quit, we silently thanked Master.

The End-of-Year Rush

When the end of the year approached, the markets became busier. The increase in the number of people shopping provided us with more opportunities to share the truth. An older woman wanted to buy a vest. I helped her pick one out and encouraged her to try it on—it fit perfectly. After agreeing on a price, she happily purchased it. As I placed it in a bag for her, I smiled and said, “Madam, you’ve bought your vest, now there’s also something that I’d like to tell you.” I told her about Falun Dafa.

The vendor immediately chimed in, “Believe what she’s saying! I’ve been blessed for years because I believe in Falun Dafa. Look at how well my business is doing—all thanks to Dafa!” Hearing this, the older woman was more than willing to listen to me and decided to quit the Young Pioneers, a branch of the CCP.

Sometimes, when people hesitated or were doubtful while we were telling them the truth, the vendor said, “What’s there to doubt? It doesn’t cost anything, and it ensures your safety and helps you avoid disaster. Where else can you find such a good deal? They’re so kind to offer this! I quit, and I recite the auspicious phrases every day.” Hearing her words, people usually agreed and accepted the truth. Our cooperation with the vendor created a positive cycle, and many people were saved.

Spreading the Truth with Calendars

As the year drew to a close, we distributed Falun Dafa calendars that practitioners made, most of which were given out at this vendor’s stall. We always explained the truth thoroughly before giving someone a calendar, making sure they wanted it and would take care to read the truth contained inside. We placed the calendars on a shelf behind the stall until they were needed.

One day, after the market slowed down and we saw a bus arriving, we said goodbye to her and went to catch the bus, forgetting that we left a few calendars behind. The next day, when we returned to the market, she greeted us with a smile, saying, “I took good care of the calendars you left here yesterday, and I even gave one away! I helped someone quit the CCP too!” We were overjoyed to hear this and praised her for making such a wise choice, saying, “Thank you! You’re truly amazing!”

In the end, this vendor not only supported Dafa but also became an integral part of our efforts to save lives. Her kindness and faith brought her blessings, and through her, many people were able to hear the truth and make the right choice. Her story is a testament to the power of goodness and the rewards it brings.