(Minghui.org) There is a monthly group Fa study and experience sharing session in the county where I live. After participating in this month’s event, I had some thoughts and experiences that I would like to share.

For a long time, very few practitioners spoke up in the local group Fa-study. In the past, I often felt resentful and wondered why they were unwilling to exchange ideas. This time, I found that I was less moved when the same thing happened. As soon as negative thoughts appeared, I immediately eliminated them and remained calm and at peace.

Before the study session ended that day, someone from the building management office said that we were reading too loudly and disturbing other residents. I immediately looked inward to see if there was anything that was not on the Fa.

When I shared my experience after the Fa study, a fellow practitioner pointed out that I was arrogant. I was very calm and didn’t reply. At the same time, I looked inward to see if I was really acting as he said. Although I didn’t intend to show off, why did others think I did? I told myself that there might be some thoughts that I was not aware of and reminded myself to pay more attention to my words and actions in the future.

In any conflict, we must use Dafa as the standard and first look within.

Recently, by copying Master’s new article “Wake Up,” my thinking has greatly improved, and I feel like I have been reborn.

Master said,

“Compassion is expressed in this world through love and kindness, and these are qualities that those who practice Dafa should always radiate from within.” (“Wake Up”)

My understanding of compassion is that, whether they are fellow practitioners or ordinary people, all lives are equal, so we must have a pure and selfless heart of kindness, be considerate, and seek to understand the situation.

Over the past few years, I have listened to Minghui Radio. Fellow practitioners’ experiences have strengthened my righteous thoughts and increased my confidence in cultivation. I am grateful for their selfless dedication.

Eleven years into my cultivation, I am aware that I still have the human desires such as “showing off,” “jealousy,” “competitiveness,” and “zealotry” that Master mentions in Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa. From now on, I will face calmly and eliminate my attachments and improve myself.

My greatest wish is to return home with Master.