(Minghui.org) On this particular day in Taipei City, the blue sky was clear and beautiful. Liu Dayou accompanied his son Yuzhe to the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Plaza to watch him practice with the Falun Dafa waist drum team. The precision of the drum beats made exhilarating sounds. Weeping, Dayou turned his face away and said, “Seeing Yuzhe full of life like this, no human language can express my gratitude to Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of the practice.”

Yuzhe (second from the left) poses for a group photo with the participants of the waist drum team.

Discovering Falun Dafa

Liu Dayou’s father was a colonel in the military. He was strict and serious, and Dayou’s upbringing was tough. Since childhood, Dayou studied hard under his father’s strict rules, but after entering the university, he became rebellious and lost himself.

He said: “I kept thinking, is life just about studying? What will my future be like? What will happen in the years to come? I was very depressed at that time.”

After retiring from the army, Dayou gained experience and growth in business while employed in different industries, but the questions deep in his heart never seemed to be answered. Dayou frequently went to the library after work. Finally, one day, he was deeply attracted to a book with a golden cover. The book was called Zhuan Falun.

Dayou said, “That year was 1999. After reading Zhuan Falun, I watched Master Li perform the Great Hand Signs in the Fa-lecture video. My whole body was shaking, and I was very excited. I could not describe how I felt in words. This Dafa has far exceeded my imagination and opened up my mind. This is not an ordinary person’s book. I know that this is the truth I have been looking for.”

At the same time, his wife became pregnant, and Dayou was overjoyed. He knew that this child was born for the Fa like him. “I read Zhuan Falun to Yuzhe as he grew in my wife’s belly every day until his birth.”

Since Yuzhe was a toddler, Dayou has studied the Falun Dafa book and practiced the exercises with him, hoping to lay a good foundation for his growth. However, when Yuzhe started school, Dayou found that his grades were always unsatisfactory, no matter how he tried to help him study.

Dayou said, “I wondered why I did so well academically but my son did not. However, his physical fitness was very good. The school hoped that Yuzhe could join the track and field team, but I was unwilling to allow this because of his academic standing. I always insisted that he must study hard so that he could excel in the future.”

Dayou copied his father’s military style of parenting and flew into a rage when Yuzhe failed to meet his requirements. He almost forgot that he was a Falun Dafa practitioner and how hard he had tried to sow the seeds of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance in his child’s mind.

It wasn’t until his son had a serious life-threatening accident that the man who had been so bent on having his way for so long finally awakened.

Yuzhe’s Accident

In September 2018, his son was involved in a life-threatening car accident, sustaining head and limb lacerations and severe intracranial hemorrhaging. When Liu Dayou arrived at the hospital, he saw tubes all over Yuzhe’s body, his face covered by an oxygen mask, and his body heaving in uncontrollable spasms.

At the first opportunity, Dayou whispered to his son, “Yuzhe, you will be fine; Master is with you. Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” With just these few words, Yuzhe’s vital signs miraculously stabilized. However, the hospital issued a “critical notice,” stating that the child’s condition was critical and his life could be in danger at any time.

At that moment, Liu Dayou knew very well in his heart that Yuzhe would get through this safely; Master had give the child his life, and everything was up to Master.

Amazing Recovery from Severe Brain Injury

In the early days in the intensive care unit, the doctor used the word “tsunami” to describe Yuzhe’s extremely unstable brain condition. Dayou continued silently reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” in Yuzhe’s ear.

A few days later, Dayou discovered that Yuzhe could blink. He leaned close to his ear and asked, “After you recover and are discharged from the hospital, can we promote Dafa to your classmates together? If you agree, blink.” Yuzhe blinked, giving his father a positive response. However, the medical staff believed this occurred as merely a reflex body response. For further confirmation, the doctor asked Yuzhe to raise his finger, and he was surprised when Yuzhe slowly extended his finger as requested! The doctor didn’t expect that anyone with such a severe brain injury could regain consciousness in just a few days.

Even though Yuzhe regained consciousness, it fluctuated over time. He soon developed a severe bacterial infection, had seizures, and required a ventilator to breathe. As a result, Dayou received a “Palliative Hospitalization Care Consent Form.” Occupational, physical, and speech rehabilitation therapists and doctors all judged that, given the current complex situation, the child might be best cared for in a palliative care ward that provided special care for the terminally ill.

Although he had a critical illness notice and a consent form for hospice care, Dayou always believed in Dafa and persevered in reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” in Yuzhe’s ear. When he was conscious, Dayou led him to recite “On Dafa,” a teaching from Zhuan Falun.

Dayou said, “We went from one word to two words and slowly to a whole sentence, as Yuzhe recited more and more smoothly and louder, and at that time, the whole ward echoed with his voice.”

Soon, Yuzhe had his nasogastric tube removed and resumed his regular diet for a short time. Dayou said, “Originally, the doctor thought he couldn’t eat on his own in his current state, but the speed at which Yuzhe could eat a full meal surprised the hospital staff. Two or three dietitians came to the ward to ask what happened and how he could recover so quickly.”

Then, Yuzhe began to exercise, from sitting up to learning to stand and from being unable to move half of his body to exercising with his whole body. Yuzhe did all five Falun Dafa exercises in just a few days. His left hand, originally bent and stiff and unable to be straightened, suddenly stretched out normally. He was able to stand up on his own and stunned the physical therapist beside him.

Father and son practiced the second exercise together.

During his hospitalization, Yuzhe often said, “It’s okay; I’m a practitioner.” “The hospital is not a place for me to stay, I will be discharged soon.” “Please, Master, help me.” “At that time, I didn’t think about when my body would recover, I just wanted to seize the time to study the Fa and do the exercises more.”

Less than six weeks after the car accident, Yuzhe was able to walk out of the hospital on his own. Many of the medical staff witnessed the miracle of Yuzhe’s survival through practicing Dafa.

Reflecting on that frightening journey, Dayou is filled with humility and gratitude. He says, “In a case as serious as Yuzhe’s, it would have taken at least a year of treatment before he had a chance to recover, but he was discharged in less than six weeks, and even the doctors couldn’t figure out how that could happen. My son’s recovery was later used as a case study and shared with other hospitals!”

Gratitude for Surviving the Disaster

In the past, Dayou was hot-tempered, competitive and treated his coworkers and family members similarly. After practicing Dafa, he has changed his ways, treating people with humility and courtesy, and is no longer aggressive. However, he found that he had only improved on the surface. Once his deep-seated attachment was touched, the anger and resentment took a long time to relinquish.

Dayou said, “In the past, I seemed to be cultivating with sheer force, but my xinxing improvement was slow. It was no accident that I encountered such a big ordeal. I know that only by treating myself as a true cultivator could I help Yuzhe.”

Currently, as chief of security, Dayou once had a misunderstanding with a colleague, and he refused to talk to him for three months. He embarrassingly said, “After realizing what true cultivation is, I let go of my ego and tried to take my colleague’s advice on many things. Thus, we silently complemented each other as we worked together. Now, we have become good partners in the workplace, and he fully trusts me and is willing to confide in me even on private matters.”

While his son was in the hospital, Dayou took good care of him while looking inward at his shortcomings. He knew that no matter how much suffering there was, it was a good thing, a step to return to one’s true nature, a ladder to keep going upward. Gradually, the seemingly unsolvable predicament also dissipated.

Yuzhe said, “My father changed a great deal, his attitude has changed. He is willing to communicate with me, and I am willing to tell him about my affairs. This was completely impossible in the past. We even talk like friends. I have a sense of relief and feel awesome.”

While in the hospital, Yuzhe asked, “Dad, how do you feel now?”

He responded, “I’ve been reborn from the dead and regained what I lost.”

For Dayou, it was not only Yuzhe who was reborn, and it was not only his son that he gained, but also his own true self who had shed his human shell and become a brand new person. Only after surviving a great disaster can one appreciate the preciousness of Dafa and understand Master’s compassion.

Father and son study Zhuan Falun together

When Yuzhe recovered, the father and son started to study the Fa and do the exercises together again, and they were filled with emotion. Human life is hard to come by, and time lost will never come again. Father and son just want to cherish this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cultivate and make progress courageously and diligently to repay Master’s kindness.