(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) practitioners held a parade in Toronto to support the “three withdrawals” movement. The three withdrawals refer to people quitting their memberships in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. The practitioners held a rally in front of the Chinese Consulate after the parade, calling on people from all walks of life to help end the CCP’s persecution. Some democracy groups participated in the rally as well.

Practitioners held a rally in front of the Chinese Consulate, calling for an end to the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China.

Member of China Democracy Party Calls for an Independent Judicial Process to Try the CCP

Zhang Xinwei, member of the China Democracy Party Canada, addressed the rally.

Zhang Xinwei, a member of the China Democracy Party Canada, called for the establishment of an independent judicial process to try the CCP for its crimes. He said, “The CCP is an evil cult. It brutally suppresses its own people inside China while it causes damage to international security, civilization and freedom outside of China.”

He called for international communities to not compromise or blindly agree with the CCP, and stand firmly with freedom and democracy. He said, “Today I stand with Falun Gong practitioners so that we can achieve our common goal of freedom and democracy.”

Calling for All Chinese People to Quit the CCP

Yi Boyang urged Chinese people to see the true nature of the CCP and withdraw from it and its affiliated organizations.

Yi Boyang came to Toronto in December 2023 after he passed through 15 countries in 68 days. He attended the rally and said that he was brutally persecuted in China and decided to escape from there.

He said, “I urge Chinese people to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations, and cut off any connections with the CCP. The CCP is Satan and a demon. It intrudes into every Chinese person’s soul. The CCP is the most evil and brutal organization in the world. The CCP persecutes Falun Gong practitioners, and even harvests organs from them. It kills living people for its own benefit. I am very angry about this.”

He exclaimed, “Chinese people please quit the CCP!”

“Self-Redemption Requires Spiritual Awakening”

Tian Haiying addressed the rally.

Tian Haiying, from Heilongjiang Province, China, started practicing Falun Dafa in 1994. She was arrested and detained for appealing for justice for Falun Dafa in Beijing. She said the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners targets all people. The CCP coerces the world’s people to ignore the persecution and commit crimes against Falun Dafa. The Party’s ultimate goal is to destroy humanity.

She quoted the following from the book “The Ultimate Goal of Communism” and reminded people of choosing the right path for themselves.

“The Divine, with great compassion, never forgets people. When the devil plans the plot, the Divine also arranges for the final awakening of human beings in the crisis. The Divine grants people free will to choose between good and evil. However, which path people ultimately choose to take depends on themselves.”

An Early End to the Brutal Persecution

Zhang Lei addressed the rally.

Zhang Lei, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province, was detained in China for 7 months, and his home was ransacked. He took a risk and came to Canada. He said in his speech, “The CCP’s evil nature has never changed. It’s an evil spirit that blasphemes God. It will never end its persecution against people with faith. I hope that people will see clearly its evil nature of trampling human rights and that they extend their support to Falun Dafa practitioners who are being persecuted in China. I hope this brutal persecution will end soon.”