(Minghui.org) As the 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, many new practitioners in mainland China have submitted greetings to Minghui expressing their happiness and gratitude toward Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa. Some of these practitioners are young students, some are elderly citizens in their 90s, and some are from several generations of a family. Whether living in major cities, small towns, or the remote countryside, they have all come to learn the facts of Falun Dafa and witnessed the benefits of the practice. 

The greetings were received from: 

Xiangtan City, Hunan ProvinceHeilongjiang ProvinceJiamusi City, Heilongjiang ProvinceYanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Tonghua City, and Changchun City, Jilin ProvinceZhangjiakou City, Hebei ProvinceChengdu City, and Nanchong City, Sichuan ProvinceTianjin Yunnan ProvinceYantai City, Shandong Province