(Minghui.org) On the occasion of the 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival (September 17), Falun Dafa practitioners sent in their best wishes to Master Li Hongzhi for a happy holiday.

These practitioners all expressed their gratitude for Master’s salvation. They vowed to cultivate diligently and save more people to fulfill their vows. 

This report is a collection of 21 greetings received from practitioners in the countryside. In one greeting from Tangshan City, Hebei Province, the practitioner said, “I will be strict with myself on my cultivation and measure things, no matter big or small, according to the standards of Fa. I will walk the path of Fa rectification righteously and live up to Master’s salvation.”

Other well-wishers hailed from the following regions:

Kaijiang County, and Suining City, Sichuan Province Laizhou City, Shouguang City, Laiyang City, and Pingdu City, Shandong ProvinceJixian County, Heilongjiang ProvinceQuzhou County, Shenzhou City, and Shenze County, Hebei ProvinceDehui City, Jilin ProvinceGuangning County, Guangdong ProvinceHuludao City, Liaoning ProvinceBeijingChongqing