(Minghui.org) Seven Dongfeng County, Jilin Province, residents were studying the teachings of Falun Gong together at a private home at around 7:30 p.m. on August 8, 2024, when over 20 police officers broke in. 

The police ransacked all of the Falun Gong practitioners’ homes, confiscating their Falun Gong books, pictures of Falun Gong’s founder, computers, and other personal items.  Except for the host Ms. Liu Dianzhu, all seven of her guests were arrested.

Of the arrested practitioners, Ms. Yue Chunxia was given 15 days of administrative detention and has been released. Ms. Dong Yuqin was released on bail after she was denied admission to the detention center due to poor health. Ms. Dong Yufeng was detained for seven days and then released on bail after she developed a physical condition in custody. Ms. Dong Yusu was also released on bail and has been admitted to the hospital after she developed systemic edema and had difficulty breathing while in custody.

Ms. Yu Ping was given 15 days of administrative detention. When the detention expired, instead of releasing her, the Dongfeng County Domestic Security Division put her on criminal detention and transferred her to the Liaoyuan City Detention Center, where the other two practitioners, Ms. Zhu Deyan, 56, and Ms. Yu Liqiu, in her 60s, have been held since the group arrest.

Another practitioner, Ms. Zhang Xiufang, around 63, who was arrested in an unrelated case on June 21, 2024, is also detained at the Liaoyuan City Detention Center. It’s been reported that Ms. Zhang, Ms. Yu Ping, Ms. Zhu, and Ms. Yu are facing trials in the Longshan District Court, but details about their cases aren’t clear.