(Minghui.org) I began to practice Falun Dafa in September 2004. Since then, my family and I have been bathed in the blessings of Dafa and Master’s compassion. As I recall the numerous miracles that have occurred during this time, tears of gratitude cover my face. Besides my great improvements in health and character, my family and friends also experienced the extraordinary power of Dafa, because they sincerely recited “Falun Dafa is good.”

Afflicted with Many Illnesses

I used to suffer from many illnesses. My menstrual period stopped completely at the age of 37, after taking Chinese medicine meant for regulating the menstrual cycle. I experienced insufficient blood flow to my heart muscles, I had kidney stones and bile duct stones, and dysautonomia (a nervous system disorder that affects the autonomic nervous system).

I was skinny and weak, and my voice was hoarse. I had a sickly complexion with brown patches all over my face. It just seemed that I was always sick with a cold during the winter months. Even a short time exposure to the wind left my legs in so much pain that I couldn’t take big strides when walking. It was even difficult to turn in bed at night. I was taking medication practically year round.

In many people’s eyes, I was a highly acclaimed middle school teacher. I was awarded honors and earned quite a reputation in my field. Yet, I was tormented by the many illnesses and was in chronic pain, which dimmed my spirits and rendered me unable to enjoy life fully. I was rushed to the emergency room (ER) twice in 2004 alone. Even though I received an award and recognition at the county level on Teacher’s Day that year, I couldn’t bring myself to feel happy. Instead, I felt physically and mentally exhausted. It was as if my life was about to end.

Practicing Falun Dafa

Before the nationwide persecution against Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) began, a few co-workers suggested that I begin to practice Falun Dafa. Being indoctrinated by the atheist ideology propagated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), I didn’t bother to consider it, nor give it any thought.

Then, the communist regime launched the persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999. Footage of the Tiananmen Square self-immolation hoax was repeatedly broadcast on television as part of the regime’s propaganda campaign to incite hatred against Falun Gong. 

My school administrators organized a mandatory field trip to the “Tiananmen self-immolation” exhibit at the county Propaganda Department. I completely bought into the Party’s narrative – slandering and smearing Falun Dafa and became deeply prejudiced against the practice. I even made derogatory remarks, which I now regret.

Fast forward to 2004, when I was twice rushed to the ER and hospitalized. A co-worker visited me, and said, “Look at how rapidly your health is deteriorating. How about giving Falun Gong a try? It works wonders in healing illnesses and keeping fit.” She gave me a few examples of people that we both know who’d recovered from serious illnesses. Maybe because I didn’t see any other options at this point, I was receptive to the idea of taking up Falun Gong.

After learning what Dafa really is, I became excited, and exclaimed, “Isn’t this about Buddha?! This is about Buddha!” That night, I dreamed of a group of people meditating in a circle. A man, who seemed to be floating in the air, came toward me. He asked, “Do you want to learn? If you do, I can teach you.” Behind this man stood the co-worker who introduced me to Falun Gong. A yellow and red glow radiated from the top of her head.

It has been 15 years since I had that dream, yet every detail is still so clear and vivid in my mind, as if it just happened yesterday. I told my co-worker about the dream the next day. She opened a book and pointed to a picture of Master wearing a suit, and asked if this was the man. I shook my head to say no. She showed me another picture of Master in a yellow Buddhist monk’s robe. I shook my head again. Then she showed me a black and white picture of Master teaching the Dafa exercises to students. I nodded and said, “Yes. It’s him!”

I had never seen a picture of Master before then. The co-worker was so happy for me, and said, “You have a great predestined relationship with the Fa. This is our Master. You should start practicing right away.” She gave me two cassette tapes of Master’s Fa teachings. However, every time I tried to listen to them, I fell asleep. The tapes weren’t going to work for me, so I asked her if there was a book I could read.

My family was terrified when they saw me reading a Falun Gong book. My husband asked, “Who brought this book into our home? Don’t read this! Just look at those Falun Gong practitioners who turned into psychos. They even went to Tiananmen [Square] and tried to burn themselves to death.”

My son added, “Mother, haven’t you seen on TV that those practitioners cut their stomachs open to look for a Falun (law wheel)?” My daughter almost cried, thinking that I would turn into a crazy person.

Actually, it was all pretty comical the way they reacted. I told them, “I’m not even sure whether I’ll take up the practice. I just want to read the book. Why are you all so scared?” But as soon as I turned to the first page of Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, and started reading, I was completely absorbed. 

The book reveals mysteries of history, science, the human world, and the meaning of life. What is the secret to the prehistoric relics? Are there other dimensions? Where did humans originate? What does the future hold for humans? Why do people get sick? Master explained all of these in his lectures. Profound Fa principles and truths of the universe were explained in simple and easy to follow language. I eagerly read the book. The more I read, the more my thinking was transformed, and the more I was convinced about the preciousness of Dafa,


As my thoughts elevated, I started to notice changes in my body. Changes so incredible that they completely eliminated the atheist beliefs the Communist regime had instilled in me for more than 40 years. I experienced first-hand the extraordinary power of Falun Dafa and became convinced that Dafa is the Buddha Fa and that higher beings truly exist.

When I was at home by myself one weekend afternoon, I finished reading the second half of Zhuan Falun in one sitting. When I put away the book and looked up, I saw that it was completely dark outside. I thought: “So strange! How was I able to read when it was so dark already?” Before I figured it out, I felt countless Falun rotating inside and around me. I had never felt so great. It was an amazing feeling, and I thought: “Wow! This must be what Master mentioned in the book that Falun are rectifying a practitioner’s body.”

When doing the sitting meditation exercise one day, I felt a small rock in the middle of my upper left arm explode. The small pieces rolled off my arm as if sliding off a slide. It had only been a few days since I learned the meditation exercise, and thus I had no clue what was going on. When I brought it up with the co-worker, she didn’t know what happened either, but assured me it was a good thing.

During a check-up the following spring, an ultrasound showed that the gallstone in my bile duct had disappeared. For may years in a row, the doctors had told me the gallstone could not be broken up, nor would it pass naturally. My only option was to have it surgically removed. In some articles on the Minghui website, I learned that one practitioner had a tumor that was shown to be cancerous. After they started practicing Falun Dafa, the practitioner developed a few abnormal growths elsewhere but the cancerous tumor was gone by the next check-up. Gradually, the growths also disappeared and the practitioner is now cancer free.

I realized that Master helped me get rid of the gallstone. I was so happy and told my husband about it. He didn’t believe any of it, and took me to the hospital for another ultrasound. Sure enough, the gallstone was nowhere to be seen. A staunch atheist, he still was skeptical and didn’t believe it could be true.

In less than a month after I took up Dafa cultivation, the many illnesses that I had suffered from for years had disappeared. My complexion became rosy and healthy, and I started to gain weight. At work, I walked up four flights of stairs without stopping. I voluntarily got hot and cold water for our grade’s break room and carried full buckets of water to the fourth floor without breaking into a sweat. When we went hiking, even the youngsters couldn’t keep up with me.

My Character Improved

Having regained my health, I was able to enjoy life that much more. My relationship with my co-workers, students, and their families improved. A student of mine said in her journal that she wanted to call me mother. My former students liked to visit and asked for my opinion when they ran into problems. A parent told me, “My son wanted to pay you a visit. How about you talk to him about it? He’ll listen to you.”

Morality is declining rapidly in today’s society and people place monetary benefits above all else. Even teachers can’t resist such downward trends. It is no longer a secret that teachers order workbooks for students and get kickbacks. The more you sell to your students, the more money comes your way. This is common practice in the school system now. After I took up Dafa cultivation and learned the principle of “no loss, no gain,” I stopped taking kickbacks. I also work only with the standard workbooks and no longer push extra ones onto my students.

I wanted to return the extra money my students had already paid, but I couldn’t let other teachers or my students know about it, so I had to think of clever ways to give the money back. Otherwise, I would bring all kinds of trouble and conflicts among my co-workers, students and their families, which would essentially bring unnecessary difficulties to my job. It is hard to be a good person nowadays. Although nobody will ever know what I’ve done and the trouble I had to go through to return the money, I was happy to do it, with no regrets or complaints. 

I hold myself to the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and do my best teaching my students. My classes have always performed well and my students in general do better in the subjects that I teach.

Dafa cultivation also made me more tolerant and patient toward my family. My husband and kids would agree that my temperament has changed for the better. The old saying goes, “It’s easier to move rivers and mountains than to change a person’s nature.” Yet through Dafa cultivation, a person can experience incredible rebirth, from the physical body to the soul. A true disciple of Dafa is one that cultivates the heart and strives to be a kind and good person.

My Husband Benefits from Dafa

When I first took up Dafa cultivation, my husband was frightened due to the CCP’s negative propaganda, and really opposed it. As he gradually learned the truth about Dafa and witnessed first-hand Dafa’s incredible powers manifesting in me, his attitude changed. Now he knows Dafa is good and is very supportive of my cultivation. He respects Master and Dafa, which has brought him blessings. Although he doesn’t practice, he’s benefited so much because of Master’s immense compassion.

My husband came home from a gathering on New Year’s Eve in 2018. As soon as he sat down, he felt a tightness in his chest. He shouted, “It hurts! I am about to explode. I’m going to explode.” He sweated profusely and asked our son to take him to the hospital. I grabbed my husband and told him to quickly recite, “Falun Dafa is good.”

There had been a few occasions where my husband had benefited from reciting “Falun Dafa is good,” so he didn’t hesitate and started reciting the phrase. I saw how much he was suffering, so I led him to Master’s picture hanging on the wall. He stumbled before kneeling down, kowtowing to Master. Then he went back to the living room, sat down, and said, “I’ll drive myself to the hospital.” I asked if he was well enough to drive, and he responded, “I can drive. I feel better now.”

He was calm as I accompanied him to the hospital to check him into the ER. The doctor checked everything possible, but couldn’t tell what was wrong. Although by then my husband was fine, he didn’t want to take any risks. I asked the doctor, “It’s only 10 p.m. noq. If it happens again later tonight, what should we do? Or is there anything you can prescribe to help keep the issue from appearing again?”

The doctor shook his head, and said, “We don’t know what caused it to begin with. What could I possibly prescribe?” The other doctors kept busy and avoided us. After a while, my husband sighed and said, “Let’s go home.”

On the way home, I told him, “Look! Modern medical science is limited. The seemingly advanced machines cannot identify the problem or what caused it. The doctors couldn’t even give you anything to prevent it from happening again. How about you just recite ‘Falun Dafa is good?’” He agreed.

The tightness in my husband’s chest came back soon after we got home, so he recited “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” over and over again until he fell asleep. The next morning, he found a blister the size of an egg on his left thigh, filled with yellow liquid. I used a large sterilized needle to pop it and drained the liquid. The gauze pads covering the blister quickly became soaked as the yellow liquid kept oozing out. Besides the blister, my husband felt completely fine. He went on with his day and soon forgot about it.

He ran into a friend a few days later, and the friend apologized for not being available when my husband called him the other day, and wanted to know what it was about. My husband told his friend, who is a doctor, about the tightness in his chest and the blister. The friend said, “Your face looks abnormally yellow. It could be that your bile duct is blocked. I think you should get it checked at the hospital.”

A few hours later at the hospital, the doctor looked at my husband’s test results and started yelling at him, “How could you drive here by yourself? It’s so dangerous! Your numbers are off the charts. Call your family and tell them you need to stay here.” The doctor believed the exploding sensation he experienced a few days before was caused by a blockage in the bile ducts.

My husband showed the doctor the popped blister and told him about the yellow liquid that had been drained. The doctor was baffled, and asked, “You think that was bile? How on earth did bile end up in your leg?” My husband and I looked at each other as we both knew it was Master who saved him. The doctor decided that if there was a blockage of the bile ducts, there was likely a gallstone that needed to be removed, and suggested we seek treatment at a larger hospital.

The doctors at the city hospital first thought it was inevitable that they would have to remove the entire gallbladder. Hoping to keep his gallbladder intact, my husband kept reciting, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” And as it turned out, he didn’t need any invasive procedure. With a guide wire, the doctor pushed his gallstone into the small intestine and it soon passed out of his body. Then a catheter was inserted through his nostril to help drain any buildup of fluids.

It was time to remove the catheter after a few days, but the slightest movement of the tube caused unbearable pain, as if it had got tangled with the intestines. After a few failed attempts, the doctors decided to perform a gastroscopy to find the cause of the problem. Knowing how much more pain this procedure could cause, my husband recited, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” without my prompting him. He repeated these auspicious phrases all night.

He woke up at around 6 a.m. the next morning. Silently reciting, “Falun Dafa is good,” my husband held the catheter and slowly pulled it out. When the doctor came to do his rounds a little after 8 a.m., he was surprised but happy to find the catheter had already been taken out. The doctor said, “You’re good to go home today.”

Our Friends and Relatives Benefit from Dafa

When Dafa practitioners clarify the truth, we always tell people they will be protected by higher beings if they sincerely recite, “Falun Dafa is good.” Whoever believes it and does it with a pure heart will receive blessings.

My sister-in-law told me about her heartburn and persisting stomachache. She also had a recurrence of hemorrhoids, and this time, she didn’t have the option of having them surgically removed. After each bowel movement, she experienced excessive bleeding, which really worried her.

I referred her to the hospital near us but she was scared of having to go through the painful gastroscopy. I told her, “Even if you can’t read the Dafa books, you can always recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ As long as you recite these words sincerely and frequently, it can work wonders.”

My sister-in-law called me a month later, sounding excited. “It really works!” she said, “I don’t have much free time during the day but I recited those two phrases you taught me every night. I’ve lost count of how many times I recited them, but all my health problems are gone.” As far as I know, she hasn’t had a relapse since.

A niece from my father’s side of the family once told me about her daughter being possessed by some low level spirit and becoming terrified of nightfall. She had her parents sleep on each side of her despite being a mature adult, and insisted on leaving the lights on all night. Even then, she didn’t want to close her eyes because she was too scared to fall asleep. She said as soon as she fell asleep, she could hear someone crying and when she opened her eyes, she would see a scary dark shadow with long unkempt hair standing over her bed, trying to grab her. With her vivid descriptions, even her parents became scared.

I instantly connected it to this niece acquiring the ability to treat illnesses out of the blue a few years back. The villagers in nearby areas sought treatment with her whenever they had illnesses that couldn’t be treated at a hospital. My niece was able to help them with her abilities. I suspected that those abilities were what brought the vicious spirit to haunt her.

I gave my niece a Dafa amulet to pass along to her daughter, and suggested that they recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” She agreed and took the amulet home. Soon, I heard the daughter was well again and her entire family was grateful to Dafa. My niece also began practicing Dafa.

Master’s compassion and grace is boundless, and Dafa is the most extraordinary thing that they’ve ever experienced. We’ll never be able to repay Master for everything he’s done for us.


For more than two decades, Dafa practitioners in China risk being arrested, detained, imprisoned, tortured or even murdered for clarifying the truth about Dafa. Our only wish is that more people in China realize that Dafa is good, and thus avoid the imminent danger when heaven eliminates the CCP. We hope more people can safely transition to the new, beautiful future.