(Minghui.org) While riding an electric bike I collided with a small truck at an intersection one day in July 2016. I heard a “bang” and lost consciousness.

I don’t how long it took, but I gradually regained consciousness. I had only one thought at that moment, and repeatedly said, “Master, Falun Dafa is good. Master, Master, Falun Dafa is good.”

The truck driver wanted to help me stand up, but I asked him to let me get up by myself.

I stood up slowly and checked myself. I was not seriously injured, only having a slight pain in my left arm. My electric bike was twisted, and would have to be scrapped. The hood of the truck had a human-shaped dent on the right side. The impact was strong.

Many onlookers gathered and surrounded us. I told the driver he should leave, as otherwise he wouldn’t be able to leave when more people gathered. He wanted to take me to a hospital. He loaded my electric bike into his small truck and asked me to get in. I insisted, and said I wouldn’t go. I said, “I practice Falun Dafa. Nothing will happen to me.” The driver said he had insurance and had to report the accident. In the end, we decided to go to the police station to report the accident.

We arrived at a traffic police station. While waiting for our turn, I told the truck driver the facts about the persecution of Falun Dafa, and told him not to believe the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) lies. I told him that Falun Dafa is a righteous way, and I helped him withdraw from the CCP. The driver was very moved. I also clarified the truth to the security guard and helped him withdraw from the CCP.

The police officer who handled the accident checked the surveillance video, which showed that I had been hit by the truck, and flew up. I flipped three times in the air and landed on the ground with the left side of my head first. The officer said that the collision was very serious, and it was a miracle that I could still stand and talk to him.

The police officer said that the driver who hit me was fully responsible, including being responsible for my lost wages, medical expenses, etc. I declined any compensation.

The truck driver was fined 5,000 yuan for the accident. I asked a favor for the driver and in the end he was fined only 50 yuan. The driver thanked me repeatedly, saying that he had met a good man. I said, “If you want to thank someone, thank my Master.”

But I couldn’t get up the following morning. My entire body ached and my bones felt like they were falling apart. There was an egg-sized lump on the left side of my skull, and my spine was stiff and I couldn’t turn my head. My back hurt and I couldn’t turn over.

I knew this was a test, and I left my fate to Master—whether I lived or died. I endured the pain and slowly got up to practice the exercises. I could only raise my arms to chest level while doing the standing stance. I leaned on the bed to help support my weight.

I did the exercises in the morning and in the evening, and each day I felt better. On the sixth day, with Master’s blessing, I could turn my neck, the lump on my skull flattened, and I could do the exercises properly. Everything returned to normal.

I only rested for two weeks before returning to work. My coworkers said it was amazing.

I understand that my experiencing such a great tribulation was like paying back a life, but I only endured the superficial tribulations. Master endured much more than I did.

Practicing Falun Dafa is so amazing. Had I forgotten the xinxing standard for a practitioner, and gone to the hospital, the hospital would have performed a craniotomy and applied traction. I might have become a vegetable, and the driver would have suffered financially as well.

Master saw that my xinxing was in place, and he did so much to help me get through this life-and-death tribulation. Thank you Master!