(Minghui.org) I’m 85 years old and I’ve practiced Falun Dafa for more than twenty years. I felt anxious reading practitioners’ sharing articles, because I also wanted to submit my cultivation experience, but I’m illiterate. I asked another practitioner to help me.

I’ve experienced many life-and-death situations and Master protected me and extended my life. This is a manifestation of Dafa’s power, and I believe in Master and Dafa unconditionally.

I had heart disease, kidney inflammation, and rheumatism, but they disappeared after I began practicing. My husband who is five years older than me, also practiced. He was frightened after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Dafa in 1999—he quit practicing and urged me to quit. I thought that Dafa was an upright practice and I benefited so much, therefore I continued to cultivate.

During the most severe period of the persecution, I went out one winter night to post truth clarification materials, from 7 to 11 p.m.. When I got home, my husband was furious. He said he was worried and told me to quit practicing.

I didn’t have an income and we lived on his pension. He threatened to leave and move to a senior apartment if I didn’t quit. I asked him to give me some living expenses, and he agreed to give me 300 yuan. I thought my children would support me if I needed money, and my husband couldn’t control me if he moved out. I wasn’t worried and felt calm.

My Husband Changes When I Remain Unmoved

The next day my husband said he decided to stay so I wouldn’t be negatively affected. I said I wasn’t afraid, and he never again talked about moving out. Since then, he began to read Dafa books and recited, “Falun Dafa is good” every day. He’s 90 years old now and healthy. Although he doesn’t practice, he’s supportive and believes in Dafa, therefore he is blessed.

Because I’m illiterate, the other practitioners come to my house to read the Fa and I listen. Although I can’t read, I understand what Master asks. I know I should guard my xinxing and I know that cultivation is solemn.

My husband got too cozy with someone on one occasion, and I felt embarrassed and harbored resentment towards him. The resentment affected me, I had illness symptoms and my children took me to a hospital. I had lung inflammation, yet the medication didn’t help. As soon as I looked inward and found my resentment towards my husband, my fever subsided and I recovered.

I had a heart attack and my children took me to the hospital. The doctor prescribed some medication. When I got home I noticed some pills were missing, and this happened twice. I then realized I shouldn’t take any medication, but my family disagreed.

I told them, “If I die, it’s because I haven’t cultivated well.” I decided to let go of my attachment to life-and-death, and let Master decide my fate. My illness soon disappeared.

We were in the process of selling the house. When the buyer said something nasty I got upset. I also felt emotional because my daughter was going away. I got seriously ill and my children took me to the hospital. I was hospitalized for seven days but my health didn’t improve.

While in a semi-conscious state, I shouted, “Two feet tread on a thousand demons...” (“The Great Enlightened,” Hong Yin)

When I woke up I remembered to look inward. My heart was moved in the process of selling the house and I was reluctant to see my daughter leave, thus the old forces took hold of my loophole. Once I found my shortcomings and exposed them, I immediately felt better and I was discharged.

I was seriously ill many times but recovered under Master’s protection. I feel I can overcome any test as long as I believe in Master and the Fa.

Although I’m 85, I join other practitioners to clarify the truth and distribute informational materials about Falun Dafa every day. I can’t explain things well, so I bring people to the other practitioners and let them do the talking, or I send forth righteous thoughts. The field created by practitioners has a positive impact on people and can awaken them. I try to do my best in everything I do.

I would have died long ago if I didn’t practice Falun Dafa. Master extended my life so that I can awaken others. Living a life of comfort is not what I want, therefore, I go out with practitioners in the hot summers and cold winters.

I sincerely thank Master and fellow practitioners for not abandoning me.

I understand I should cultivate my heart when encountering conflicts. I cook three meals a day for my husband, I don’t bother my children, and we are all healthy. I host a Fa study group at my home, and my children are very supportive of it.

These are the blessings that Dafa has brought to my family. As I continue to cultivate, I will do the three things well and go home with Master. Thank you, Master!