(Minghui.org) The China Fahui is part of our cultivation arranged by Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa. It’s an opportunity for us to learn from each other and improve together. It also helps us to look within for deeper understandings of the teachings. In addition, writing articles is also a process for us to improve our xinxing and validate Dafa. I would like to share some of my experiences compiling articles.

Master’s Arrangement

I wrote a paper for the 7th China Fahui in 2010. After I finished the draft, I asked practitioner Zhao for some feedback. She pointed out my competitive mentality when I clarified the facts to my family members, which I didn’t mention in my paper. To show me how serious it was, she told me a story about practitioner Chang.

One day at mealtime, Chang tried to convince her husband and son to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Both of them were CCP members, and the conversation did not go well. Chang got angry and overturned the dining table. The plates were broken and the dishes were all over. Several days later, Chang developed a major physical condition and almost died. Her family took her to the hospital emergency room. I was shocked to hear this, and realized the seriousness of cultivation. I also came to understand this was a hint from Master for me to eliminate the competitive mentality.

I examined myself after I returned home, and revised the draft. I was surprised that the article was selected for publication. Meanwhile, I reminded myself to remain humble and not to get elated.

After that, I submitted an article to the China Fahui every year, inspiring some other local practitioners to do the same. One young practitioner has submitted articles since 2012, sometimes one or two per year. Her writing skills and xinxing improved quickly. Several of her articles were published.

As time went on, practitioners began to ask me to help edit their drafts and type them into a computer (most of them weren’t proficient with computer skills and wrote their papers by hand). After I was done, I forward them to other practitioners for further revision before submitting them to Minghui. We didn’t have formal coordination, but things always went very smoothly.

My grandson was still very young at that time, and I had to spend six months at my daughter’s to care for the little boy. My in-law covered the other six months. When we prepare for the China Fahui, it’s always my in-law’s turn to care for the boy. I know this is Master’s careful arrangement and I am very thankful.

For the 18th China Fahui in 2021, 84-year-old Hou sent an article. Her story was very touching. She’d never gone to school and was illiterate. But with blessings from Master and help from other practitioners, she was able to read all the Dafa books. In addition, she was very determined, and although already 84, she goes out every day to tell people about Dafa, and help people quit the CCP organizations. Her husband has been bedridden since 2020 due to diabetes, and she had to take care of him since no children live with them. This includes helping him use the toilet, bathe, and dress. Then she has to do the cooking, washing, and other household chores. But these did not prevent her from doing the three things. She has good hearing and great energy. Her back is straight and she walks with a light step. All these are blessings from Dafa. Her article was later published by Minghui.

Once, after the submission deadline, I saw a something through my celestial eye during the sitting meditation: The China Fahui articles were displayed line by line, as if they were being projected onto a movie screen, and the text was moving up slowly, line by line. It seems these articles are kept as a record in the universe. Master reads them and so do heavenly beings in various divine worlds. As Dafa disciples, we should take this seriously and attend these events with pure and sacred hearts.

Dafa Practitioners Are One Body

One practitioner wrote that Minghui was like a big group study place and another practitioner wrote that Minghui was like a big family. I have the same feeling because Minghui has played a significant role in connecting practitioners.

Master said:

“Study the Fa more, and take a look at some of the articles on Clearwisdom that students publish to share with each other. They are truly wonderful, and indeed very mature. Some of the articles were really well written. Compare yourselves with those and see where you fall short.” (Teachings at the 2005 Conference in San Francisco)

Every time after an article I compiled is published, I compare it with my draft, checking what changes the editors made. It is important to write articles that are concise and clear.

For example, the title of one article was “Breaking Out of the Police Station in Two Hours.” It is true that one needs courage and righteous thoughts to suppress the evil in the police station, but the revised title of “Walking Out of the Police Station in Two Hours” was more factual.

I finished the submissions for the 18th China Fahui in 2021 at midnight on September 14. Another practitioner sent me three articles on the afternoon of September 11. I picked one that was relatively well written and asked a young practitioner to help type it into the computer. One of the remaining two articles was poorly written. There were many misspelled words, and the structure was poor. Plus, the author did not know how to spell certain words and she used symbols or drawings to show the meaning.

I remembered reading one article in which the practitioner stayed up until 3 a.m. and finished seven articles before the submission deadline. Inspired by that, I continued working on articles until 1 a.m. At 3:30 a.m. I got up to do the exercises and was not sleepy or tired. I know that Master helped me.

One of the articles was written by Zheng, who started practicing Dafa in 1997 and quickly recovered from very severe illnesses. After the CCP began to suppress Dafa in 1999, she was arrested four times and detained in a labor camp for 18 months. “Because of fear, I did not tell the guards in the camp about Falun Dafa. I regretted it very much,” she recalled. “Then I read some articles on Minghui in which practitioners bravely talked about Dafa to police officers who came to harass them. I thought, ‘If the police come to harass me, I will do the same.’ With this thought, the police came to see me in May. I took the opportunity to clarify the facts to them to make up for my mistake before.”

To verify some facts, I visited the Zheng twice, and we submitted the articles on time.

Overcoming Physical Tribulations

Practitioners wrote stories on different aspects of their cultivation. Some shared how they overcame physical tribulations, which are major tests on our cultivation paths. I’d like to share a few things in that regard.

Feng, 77, lives in the countryside and started to practice Dafa in 1997. It took her several hours by bus to get to her group Fa study 15 kilometers (10 miles) away. “But it’s worth it,” she said. Each time, she brought a list of the names of people who’d quit the CCP, and took back materials to distribute.

One day Feng noticed many painful lymph nodes in her left jaw, with some as big as an egg. Thinking that a genuine practitioner has no illnesses, she continued studying the teachings, telling people about Dafa, and sending forth righteous thoughts. She also asked Master for help. Six months later, the symptoms disappeared.

Her understanding was, “Every illness tribulation is a test of life and death. As long as we have firm faith in Dafa and Master, we can overcome them if we follow Master’s requirements.”

Another practitioner, Wang, who is 86, never had a chance to go to school, so she could only listen to Master’s audio lectures and watch the video lectures after she began to practice. With a strong, sincere wish to read Dafa books on her own, she studied hard, and with help from other practitioners, she learned to read all of Zhuan Falun in six years.

Wang suddenly felt pressure in her head in mid-July 2021. When her son noticed her condition the next morning, he took her to the hospital. Based on a CT scan, the doctor said she’d had a mild stroke. But Wang did not acknowledge it. Thinking a practitioner has no illnesses, she stopped the intravenous drip a few days later and returned home. Through continued Fa study and doing the exercises, she recovered in a few days. Now in her 80s, she is still very healthy and agile.

Master said:

“We have said that good or bad comes from a person’s initial thought, and the thought at that moment can bring about different consequences.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

We should keep this in mind.