(Minghui.org) Just when my husband was doing well in his military career, I became ill. He applied for a transfer to the local civilian service so he could take care of me and the family. In late 1979, my husband came to the county where I worked and was assigned to the political and legal department. I told him: “Remember, if you are greedy, you will get into trouble. I don’t expect you to get promoted or be rich. I just hope you can live peacefully and be aware of your abilities.”

My husband is kind and honest. He knows right from wrong and has a sense of justice. He would rather fail to make his weekly quota than accept a penny that would harm others.

Because of my breast hyperplasia, nerve and heart issues, and chronic fever, my husband often took me to the hospital on his bicycle for medical treatment and medicine. When I was seriously ill, I had to be hospitalized. From 1980 to 1983, I was hospitalized six times and had two operations. My husband took on all the housework, cared for the children, and took them to school. He also had to endure my anger toward him which was due to my illness.

I was fortunate to practice Falun Dafa in early 1997. I recovered from all my illnesses soon after I began practicing Dada, and I felt easygoing. My husband was very happy to see my changes. He strongly supported me practicing Dafa and told everyone he met, “Falun Dafa is really good!”

My husband had a bad cough in the fall of 1997 that had not improved for over two months, but he still smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. One night, he came home drunk. I read the bit about smoking in Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa to him. I said, “Listen, smoking has no benefits at all. Don’t smoke anymore.” He agreed to stop.

The next day, when he smoked again, he said the taste was really bad. Then he quit smoking completely. Whenever someone asked him how he quit, he always said, “I practice Falun Dafa!”

When Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader, launched the persecution of Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999, more than 10 Dafa practitioners in our company were forcibly taken to a brainwashing class. My husband insisted on picking me up every day. I was with so many of my companions that I told him he didn’t need to pick me up. He said, “At this special time, I have to pick you up!” My husband once said to people from the political and legal organizations, and propaganda departments at the brainwashing class, “I think Falun Dafa teaches people to be good, which is excellent!”

Falun Dafa practitioners went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Dafa in early September 1999. They were arrested and taken to the county detention center. My husband used his position to help them as much as possible. Once, the cell lead beat practitioner Zhong the entire night and forced him to tell his family to bring 500 yuan and several packs of good cigarettes. When my husband heard about this, he called that cell lead and told him, “Zhong is my relative!” Later, my husband took out two packets of his own cigarettes and gave them to the cell lead. No one bullied Zhong anymore.

A practitioner who went to Beijing to talk to people about Dafa was arrested in October 2000, and taken to the county detention center. My husband saw that he had no bedding and daily necessities. My husband was not related to him and did not even know his name or where he was from. He only knew that this person practiced Falun Dafa, so he stepped forward to help him. My husband asked him for his address and the names of his relatives in the county, so he could call them. Fearing that they would be implicated, the relatives said that they did not want to get involved. My husband used his lunch break and rode a motorcycle dozens of miles to the home of this practitioner to get the bedding and daily necessities for this practitioner, and then took the items to the detention center and gave them to him.

Rewarded for Treating Practitioners Well

Because my husband treated Falun Dafa practitioners well and did many good deeds for them, he received blessings. Before leaving the army, he had been hospitalized for six months because of rheumatic lower back and leg pain, and a slipped disc. After his discharge, he had been lying in bed for four months. He would cry from pain when he turned over in bed. He also suffered from stomach and heart problems, and edema in the legs, which could not be cured for a long time. However, over recent years, he recovered from all these ailments.

My husband was involved in a car accident when riding his electric bike one day in late autumn 2003. The beam of the bike was bent and my husband lost consciousness on the road. He also suffered in a pool of blood. Passersby ignored him at first, but then someone called for an ambulance. It is still unknown who called for the ambulance. When the ambulance passed a relative’s house, my husband asked to be let out. He paid the ambulance driver 60 yuan, and the ambulance drove away.

My husband was covered in blood. The wounds on his nose and head were still bleeding. His hair and face looked like they were covered with thick red paint. His underwear and jacket were soaked with blood. After taking them off, blood could be squeezed out. Relatives drove him to the county hospital. He vomited a lot of blood. People in the same ward were shocked when they saw him. After my husband underwent CT scans and other medical tests, the doctor’s preliminary conclusion was that he had three fractures in the upper and lower corners of his right eye and his skull was fractured. The doctor told my daughter and son-in-law to observe his condition and they would transfer him to another hospital if there were signs of intracranial bleeding.

I took an MP3 player containing Master’s lectures to the hospital and let him listen to them. The next day, another CT scan showed my husband had no intracranial bleeding, only a little fluid accumulation, and his blood pressure was normal. The doctor thought that the reading was wrong, as my husband had lost so much blood. The doctor measured it again and it was still normal. The doctor kept saying, “Miracle! Miracle!” Because my husband’s right eye was drooping due to three fractures, one eye was higher than the other, so he experienced double vision, with one eye looking straight and the other crooked. The ophthalmologist from Beijing said, “Surgery will cost at least 180,000 yuan!” We believed that Dafa could help him and asked to be discharged from the hospital.

At home, I asked my husband to continue listening to Master’s lectures. In less than half a month, everything returned to normal. No medical tests were taken during this time. Before my husband started doing the exercises, Master opened his third eye, and he often saw colorful Falun (law wheels) flying around.

Although my husband had not yet started practicing Falun Dafa, he had always acted according to the requirements of Dafa and been a good person. Once, when he was picking up our kid from school, he was hit by a speeding car and slid a long way along the street. He had a large area of torn skin and was bleeding. His shoes were ripped, his toenails were torn, and blood was flowing from his feet. The things on his bike were also damaged. The driver wanted to take him to the hospital, but he declined the offer and refused to take any money for an examination. He just said it was okay and told the driver he could leave. Someone at the scene said, “How come you got up after being hit so hard? Are you stupid!? Why didn’t you let him check your injuries?”

Over the years, my husband has been hit by motorcycles, tricycles, and cars many times. He never went to the hospital and didn’t ask for a penny in compensation. He told those who hit him to go home without worrying about it. He came back with injuries and sometimes didn’t even tell me. Then I would suddenly see injuries on his body. When I asked him what happened, he would just say, “I’ve been hit by a motorcycle” or “scratched by a tricycle.”

Master said, “The universe is fair. Those who do good are blessed for it...” (“How Humankind Came To Be”) So my husband just accepts it whenever he faces an accident.

Doing Good Results in Blessings

My husband is now 75 years old. He has good hearing and eyesight. His blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar are all normal. His lower back and legs are no longer painful or swollen. His heart is better now than when he was 30 years old. His stomach problems have also disappeared, and he has no problem drinking cold water or eating cold rice.

Over the past 20 years, my husband has not needed to take a single pill or have an injection. When the coronavirus spread, he never tested positive. The summer before last, we rode an electric bike for a long trip and forgot to bring the charger. He pushed the bike when it ran out of battery. He pushed it 11 miles, back to his home, without feeling tired. It was Falun Dafa that gave him blessings. Master who protected him again and again, repaid his karmic debts, and gave him a new life!

Every year during the routine physical examination, my husband always has no problems. The doctor said in amazement: “This old man is over 70 years old, but his internal organs are only in their 20s. It’s really a miracle!”