(Minghui.org) I’ve been practicing Falun Dafa for over 20 years. Although my path of cultivation has been arduous, Master’s compassionate guidance has helped me and my family to benefit greatly from Dafa. I would like to recount a few incidents from years ago, which serve as a testimony to how people have awakened to the extraordinary, beautiful nature of Dafa.

My Husband Returns His Annual Bonus

My husband, who doesn’t practice Falun Dafa, initially pressured me to give up the practice out of fear when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started its persecution in 1999. However, he believed in the greatness of Dafa because he witnessed the positive changes in my mind and body since I began practicing. Occasionally, he would seek my guidance about the conflicts and tough situations he encountered at work.

In his first year working at a company that belonged to a provincial government-level unit, he came home one evening with a paper bag of money, saying it was his year-end bonus. It was a bundle of 100-yuan notes, totaling nearly 20,000 yuan.

I told him he shouldn’t keep the money. He asked why, so I explained that since his salary was paid by the provincial government, it wasn’t right for him to accept the bonus. He argued that the company wanted to give it to him because he had contributed significantly. I said that because he was the top leader, they couldn’t deny him a share. But since his salary from the provincial level was already higher than the city average, taking the bonus would reduce others’ earnings. In essence, it would be taking what belonged to others.

He became silent, so I continued, “If you return this money, although it might not significantly increase the bonuses of others due to the large number of employees, your action would show that you consider others and not just your own interests. This would earn you respect from both the leadership and employees. After all, your goal is to be a good leader and realize your value, isn’t it?” He didn’t respond, and I went about my own business.

I didn’t dwell on whether he would follow my advice or not. As a cultivator, I believed it was my responsibility to convey my thoughts according to my understanding of Dafa’s guiding principles.

When he came home from work the next evening, I asked how he handled the bonus. He said he returned it. I wasn’t sure if he was serious, he confirmed and I told him, “I’m truly happy for you doing that!”

We were experiencing significant financial pressures at the time because our child was studying away from home and we owed people money. His decision to handle it this way genuinely made me happy.

My Husband’s Heart Attack Symptoms Vanished

One night 10 years ago, I was at my computer desk when my husband, who had already gone to bed, suddenly appeared at my door, hunched over in pain. I got up and told him to quickly recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” And if he couldn’t speak, to recite it in his mind. I recited it along with him.

Back in the bedroom, he knelt beside the bed, unable to lie down due to the pain. Supporting him with both hands, I continually and softly recited, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Within a minute, he needed to use the bathroom. In a panic, despite having a bathroom in the room, we ended up walking several extra meters to another one.

His condition had improved slightly, and his posture straightened. Sitting on the toilet, he gripped my arms tightly, with sweat dripping onto the tiled floor. Flushing the toilet, we saw a large amount of black stool. He felt much better afterward. Back in the bedroom, he lay down, and I softly recited On Dafa to him. After about 10 minutes, seeing he was asleep, I left.

My husband prepared for work after breakfast the next morning. As he sat on the sofa putting on his pants, he said with a puzzled tone, “I’ve had stomach pains before that would make me feel unwell for days, but last night, I felt like I was going to die. Yet I don’t feel anything today! I wonder why?” I explained that because he sincerely recited the auspicious phrases and believed in Dafa’s power, Master helped him eliminate his karma.

Several days later, he came home from work and told me that, after consulting several medical experts, he learned his symptoms that night were those of a heart attack. Hearing this, I felt a mixture of tension and gratitude, knowing the potential severity of a heart attack. I told him that Master had borne the pain for him and urged him to sincerely thank Master. Master taught us: “Haven’t I said that with one person practicing, the whole family benefits?” (“Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference in Australia”)

Over the years, my family has benefited greatly from Dafa’s grace, and there are many such examples, but I won’t elaborate here.

Clarifying the Truth While Being Detained

In October 2014, I was illegally detained in a detention center. Among the 20 or so young women in the cell, most were involved in drugs or prostitution. Many were younger than my own children. Seeing their youthful faces and hearing their vulgar language made my heart ache.

Many of them had been detained multiple times and expressed fears of being sentenced. I felt deep pity for them. Master said, “ ... every person in the entire world was at one point part of my family ... ” (“Teachings Given on Lantern Festival Day, 2003”)

I felt compelled to tell them about Dafa to awaken them. Together with another detained practitioner, I began clarifying the truth to them. When the other practitioner left the detention center, I continued alone. Over 15 days, 24 detainees quit the CCP and its youth organizations. I memorized their names and registered their withdrawals online upon my release.

I also tried to help them as much as possible in daily life. During meal times, I would be the last in line. If anyone didn’t have enough to eat, I would gladly share my portion with them. When purchasing items, I would buy extra toiletries as well as snacks to give to those in need.

Gradually, the fighting and arguments among them lessened, and they became friendlier. They would sometimes sing together joyfully.

One 20-year-old told me that she would no longer harm herself or others and planned to study for university exams to make her parents proud. Others expressed a desire to follow Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and live better lives.

Dafa has not only transformed me, guiding me on the path of returning to my true self, but it has also awakened and rectified the lives of those predestined to cross paths with me.