(Minghui.org) I’ve had many amazing experiences since I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. I never wrote them down because I always thought every practitioner had similar experiences.

I started to practice in China. At that time, I only did the exercises in the park every morning before work. But Master still cleansed my body. I recovered from the gastrointestinal discomfort I suffered from since childhood, and the dark spots on my face also disappeared. I told many people about my experience and how great Dafa is.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the persecution of Falun Dafa in July 1999. Nearly every practitioner I knew disappeared. Some were arrested and others were transformed and stopped practicing. The principal of my school told me, “I’ve spoken to all the colleagues who know you practice Falun Dafa. I asked them not to mention it. You’ll be fine!”

I’m so grateful that Master arranged a relaxed cultivation environment for me. But, at that time, I had not really obtained the Fa. My thinking had not fundamentally changed—I was still focused on my career and I put all my energy into my work.

In a flash it was 2007. A practitioner from another place gave me some truth-clarification DVDs, and I was shocked after watching them. I then read Master’s new lectures. I finally enlightened, and understood what it meant to cultivate.

I learned to do the sitting meditation on October 2, 2007. The first time I crossed both my legs into the full lotus position, my head hurt as if it was splitting open; as soon as I put my legs down, my head stopped hurting. I tried several times and it was the same. I knew Master was taking care of me. Although I was in excruciating pain, I persisted for 40 minutes. The headache was so severe that I couldn’t feel the pain in my legs.

That afternoon, the swelling in my face subsided. Then, miraculous things happened, one after another. My headaches disappeared, and then my eyebrows began to hurt. I took off my reading glasses that I had worn for many years, because I could clearly see even the smallest print without them.

Next, when I was meditating, my breast with lobular hyperplasia began to swell, and it hurt like a pinprick. The hyperplasia lump soon disappeared. During a medical exam, it was shown that I had gallbladder polyps, but the next time I was examined they had also disappeared without a trace. Master adjusted my body from head to toe.

By reading Zhuan Falun and Master’s other teachings I understood the true meaning of life that I had been searching for all my life. My mind was purified and my character improved.

I told all my relatives and friends: Falun Dafa is good! Dafa manifested so many miracles in me.

My Relatives and Friends Benefit from Dafa

One relative’s blood pressure was over 200. He spent more than 6,000 yuan in the hospital in just one week, but his condition did not improve. He went home frustrated. The evening he was discharged from the hospital, I took Zhuan Falun to his home and read the section: “The Issue of Treating Illness.” As soon as I finished reading, he said, “I’m fine now. I felt energy coming down from my head to my toes.” He measured his blood pressure, and it was normal! Everyone present was shocked, and afterwards some of them began practicing Falun Dafa.

I had many friends—some were government officials and some were police officers. Everyone knew I practiced Falun Dafa, and they all quietly protected me. Many people knew that Falun Dafa is good. Even during the worst period of the persecution in my hometown, about 10 of my friends and former classmates came to my home to study the Fa and do the exercises every week. Eight of them had their illnesses resolved.

One was my middle school classmate, who was diagnosed with tongue cancer. The doctor removed three-quarters of her tongue, but the cancer cells continued spreading. When I went to her home to talk to her, the doctor told her he needed to extract the six remaining teeth on the left side, and said it was necessary in order for her to survive. When I suggested she try practicing Falun Dafa, she learned the exercises, and read one lecture in Zhuan Falun every day.

She recovered and became very energetic. She secretly brought back Dafa materials when she traveled to other places. After showing them to me, she gave them to her relatives and friends to read. Her husband also began doing the exercises with her every day. From her experiences her parents, children, and four brothers and sisters all witnessed how miraculous Falun Dafa is.

Another classmate suffered from many illnesses, and when I arrived at her home, her table was covered with different medicines. She smiled bitterly and joked, “If it continues like this, the medicines will start to fight each other.” Her neck was in so much pain that she couldn’t move it. She went to see a senior Chinese medicine doctor, but did not see any improvement after he treated her. Shortly after she began studying the Fa and doing the Falun Dafa exercises, one night while she was sleeping, she felt a pinprick on her neck. She got up and ran her hands over the pillow, but there were no pins. When she woke up the next morning, her neck no longer hurt! All her other illnesses disappeared , and she became very energetic. Her friends all said that she changed and her outlook on life improved.

She was able to quickly become tranquil when she meditated. No matter what happened, she remained calm. Once, when she was in my home and she pointed her finger in front of her eyes and said, “Look, look, there is an eye there!” Her third eye had opened.

Another classmate suffered from dizziness due to cervical spondylosis. The doctor told her, “This is impossible to completely cure. It can only be controlled by taking medication.” After she began practicing Dafa, she stopped taking medication. After two days of severe pain, the dizziness completely disappeared.

Another classmate suffered had from anhidrosis (diminished ability to sweat) since she was a child. It was a hot summer day, and she came to my home to study the Fa and do the exercises. She usually took a taxi, but she couldn’t get one that day. Her home was far from mine, but she walked for over an hour in the bright sun. I didn’t turn on the air conditioner that day. After doing the exercises, she was sweating profusely. Afterwards, her anhidrosis was gone!

“Why Didn’t You Tell Me about Falun Dafa Before?”

Another classmate experienced even more miraculous things. In 2008, She invited friends over. When I told her I practiced Falun Dafa, she was a bit upset and said, “We’ve known each other for so many years. Falun Dafa sounds so great, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” She said that as soon as she saw the CCP’s propaganda on TV in July 1999, she knew Falun Dafa is good, because she knew from her own personal experience: Everything the CCP says is bad, must be good!

After she began practicing Falun Dafa, whenever she encountered trouble, it went away when she recited, “Falun Dafa is good.” She'd had heart problems since she was a child. One day when she was doing the second exercise, her heartbeat became irregular and she couldn’t keep standing. However, since then, her heart problems have all gone.

While traveling in Taiwan, she was on a bus and saw a banner that said, “Falun Dafa is good.” She immediately read it aloud. When she was climbing a mountain, even though she was over 60 years old, she walked so fast that even the young people couldn’t keep up. Udumbara flowers bloomed three times at her home, and she gave one to me. When she sent forth righteous thoughts, she saw the spinning Falun.

Her sister is four years older than her and could not put down the book Zhuan Falun. She was nearly 70 years old, and once was hit by a large truck. Her body was thrown some distance and she fainted. When she woke up, she heard a group of people around her yelling, “Hurry up and call 120 and 110!” She stood up, and saw she wasn’t injured. I went to her home that evening, and she said, “It was very scary today. I’m not injured, but my electric bike is totaled.”

My seven classmates who practiced the exercises with me brought their relatives and friends, and so there were more and more people. Even though it was very hot, these new practitioners all enjoyed it. No one came late or left early. Falun Dafa has taken root in their hearts.

Final Remarks

When I moved to the United States my landlord was an Indian lady. The first time I taught her the Dafa exercises, she opened her eyes wide and said, “I saw a lotus flower, vivid and pink.”

Her mother had issues with her legs and she had to use crutches to go upstairs. When I taught her the meditation exercise she could barely sit with her legs crossed. After doing the exercises for a few days, her legs became much better and she no longer needed crutches.

At that time, I did the exercises in a park, and many people came to learn them. There was a Western lady whose back pain and other stubborn ailments disappeared after she did the exercises.

There were so many more of these miracles I experienced, but I have forgotten many of them. These are all my personal experiences. My classmates, friends, and I all witnessed the miraculous and extraordinary power of Falun Dafa.