(Minghui.org) I am 76 years old, and my husband is 81. My husband is sick and lives with relatives and friends. I was home alone about 9 o’clock one evening when I heard a knock on the door. The two young men standing there when I opened it told me that they were from the police station and that their chief wanted to see me.

I asked them why he wanted to see me, and they said, “You will know when he gets here.” As a Dafa practitioner, I am not afraid of anyone, so I invited them in and offered them a seat. Then I started doing my housework.

Over an hour, the chief still hadn’t arrived. I told them I had to go to bed, so they called the director and said that he would be here soon.

When the director eventually showed up, he told me that he had come to see me in the afternoon but I was not home. He asked where I went. I told him that I went shopping and asked, “Do I need to report to you when I go out to do something?”

The director took out his cell phone and told me that someone had reported me for distributing Falun Dafa informational materials and that I had been recorded on surveillance cameras. He showed me the pictures on his phone and told me to come with them to the police station. I refused to go.

They started searching my house and were going to take away my two Dafa books on top of the cabinet. I stopped them and said, “These books are more important to me than my life. Put them down, and I will go with you.”

Seeing that they put the books down, I walked with them to their cars in the parking lot. I wasn’t pleased when they pushed me into the car, so I said, “I’m an old woman. Do you have to push me?” In the car, I shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

When we got to the police station, I started shouting again, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” I noticed that the officers had better attitudes by then. They told me to wait for someone from the domestic security division. I sat down and sent righteous thoughts to stop them from persecuting Dafa practitioners.

Two domestic security officers came around midnight. One of them was the division police chief. They wanted to take me to the district police department to verify the reported materials they had received. I said that I would not go, but they insisted. I told them that I was just an old Falun Dafa practitioner and did not do anything illegal. The police chief responded, “I don’t think you did anything bad, either. We just want to make notes and then take you home.”

I laid out my conditions for going with them: “I won’t sign my name no matter what notes you take, and you will not take a sample of my blood.” They agreed, so I got into their car. I thought, “I am doing the most righteous thing in the universe. What should I be afraid of?”

On the way, I talked to them about Dafa and the persecution and asked them to remember “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I told them that Dafa has spread to more than 100 countries worldwide; that Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, has been translated into more than 40 languages; and that Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader, initiated the persecution of Falun Dafa out of jealousy. I mentioned the four plagues that occurred in ancient Rome when Nero persecuted the Christians and that these plagues lead to the collapse of the Roman Empire. I told them that the plagues in China were caused by persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners for over 20 years.

The domestic security chief asked me if I had distributed the materials. When I told him I did, he wanted to know why, so I said, “The information in them very good. I hope the people I give them to will take them home and read them carefully and that they follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. If they could do that, they would be blessed by gods and Buddhas and be safe from plagues. They would remain healthy and their moral standards would improve. If everyone could conduct themselves based on Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, society would stablize. So I think I am doing the most righteous thing in the universe.”

They had both read Master Li’s new article “How Humankind Came To Be” and thought it was very good. The chief said, “China’s 5,000-year divinely-inspired culture has a long history. The content and illustrations in the things you hand out are very good, and they teach people to be good.”

A thought crossed my mind: “Before we get to the police department, I should help them quit the Party.” So I asked them if they had ever ever joined the CCP, the Youth League or the Young Pioneers. They told me they belonged to all of them.

Strengthened by Master, I advised them to quit—and they agreed! I chose pseudonyms for them. I suggested “Si Jin” for the chief, because the sound of the Chinese characters means “prosperous career” and “Guang Ming” for the police officer, meaning “bright future.” They gladly agreed to my choices and thanked me.

Tears of gratitude filled my eyes. Our compassionate Master arranged this special opportunity for me to enable Dafa to save these two predestined lives. I told them, “Please treat Dafa practitioners kindly whenever you encounter them, and you will have a bright future.”

They took me to the interrogation room in the police department and put a plastic electronic wristband on me. They told me that everyone who entered had to wear one. I said, “Everything you have here, including all the electronic equipment, has no effect on me.” I thought in mind, “I am a Falun Dafa practitioner and I am here to save people. These low-level items have no effect on me.”

When the police chief asked me why I practiced Dafa, I answered, “Falun Dafa is a high-level Buddhist cultivation way. Its practitioners must abide by Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance and have high moral standards. Falun Dafa has miraculous effects in healing illnesses and improving health. If practitioners follow Dafa’s teachings and are good people, their illnesses will soon be healed.”

The chief agreed with me and said, “Society is in chaos, and most people’s moral standards can’t be compared to those of Dafa practitioners. Did you ever test positive during the epidemic?” When I told him I hadn’t, he said, “You just had an ultrasound scan and electrocardiogram, and they both indicate that you are in good health. This also proves that Falun Dafa is extraordinary.”

I added, “My arm was seriously injured after a fall. I just kept reciting, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’” and it healed in less than a month

A police officer read the transcript of the interrogation they had recorded. I listened, and everything I heard said that Falun Dafa was good. They didn’t ask me to sign it.

I discovered that they had also confiscated the paper currency with information about Falun Dafa printed on the bills that I had under the glass cover on the table at home. I got worried and said, “Chief, someone got into my room. If they took my Dafa books and Master’s picture, I must have them back. They are more important than my life.” He handed me a cup of warm water and whispered, “Don’t worry, I will resolve it for you.”

It was already around 3 a.m. by the time I got out of the interrogation chair, and the wristband they had put on me fell off. They were very surprised. One of them commented, “How could it fall off?!”

I walked out of the police department with dignity. The chief took a bag from his car and handed it to me. He said, “Your books, picture of Master Li, and all the other things taken from your place are in the bag. Nothing is missing.” I took the bag and thanked him and the policeman that came with him.

Thank you, Master, for your strengthening and protection! I sincerely believe that the experience was Master’s arrangement to save the two predestined domestic security police officers.