(Minghui.org) Practitioners held an exercise demonstration, truth clarification, and signature collection activity in the Châtelet district in central Paris on the afternoon of Sunday, August 25, 2024.

Their exercise demonstrations and display boards attracted many locals and tourists. When people learned that in China, Falun Dafa practitioners were persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for practicing Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and were subjected to organ harvesting, they were shocked and outraged. They condemned the persecution and many people signed the petition to help end it. Some said they were interested in learning how to practice Falun Dafa or asked about the practice sites and free workshops, and wanted more information.

Practitioners demonstrated the exercises and told people about Falun Dafa during an event in Paris on the afternoon of August 25, 2024.

Tourists signed a petition to end the persecution.

Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are Noble Human Values 

Briançon Renaud is a management trainer who guides newly appointed managers, helping them become excellent leaders. After signing the petition, he said, “The CCP is an authoritarian government that disregards the people, and only serves its own interests. It abuses the system, ignores public opinion, and certainly does not serve the people but rather its own economic interests.”

He believes that petition activities can promote social progress. He also donates to Amnesty International and many non-governmental organizations to support people’s voices because he feels only the collective strength of people can help the government understand public opinion. Otherwise, people will just watch TV and live in their small worlds—a truly sad reality.

Briançon Renaud believes Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are noble human values and should prompt reflection in every citizen. These beautiful values are found in the traditional cultural values of China.

He praised practitioners and encouraged them to persist.

Falun Dafa Is What People Need

Olivier Gaudion is a security officer and spent a long time talking with practitioners. He said, “In fact, this practice is greatly beneficial to everyone because, deep down, each of us possesses these qualities. I believe that we need self-cultivation, especially in today’s society, where everything has become extremely difficult and complex.”

Olivier agrees with Falun Dafa’s principles. He believes this practice method can allow people to express themselves freely from within and to relax and achieve a better state. He thinks this is exactly what people need, the best thing, and what is necessary today.

He said, “People need to learn self-improvement from deep within. Today’s society is filled with misinformation, and people are gradually losing these positive values. People need the values of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance; they truly do. It requires a high level of focus and self-cultivation to rediscover the values that belong to everyone.

“It’s precisely because we’ve forgotten these basic principles. Today, we no longer understand the true meaning of kindness, tolerance, and generosity. These virtues are gradually disappearing, and we are living in a sick world,” he said. “We do indeed need, absolutely need as human beings, this kind of practice. It’s very important.”

As a security officer, Olivier works under tremendous pressure mentally and physically. That day, he went out for a walk, took the subway, walked a long distance, and eventually passed by the activity. He felt his encountering Falun Dafa was not a coincidence but a destined opportunity.

Hoping Peace Can Reach Every Corner of the World

A company secretary, Karine Lebel, said, “It’s truly sad to hear that such situations are still taking place today. We hope to see an end to the persecution. We hope peace can reach every corner of the world.”

She believes that people today are living in a highly complex era, with many suffering from persecution. Unfortunately, some major powers turn a blind eye to this, but perhaps they should open their eyes, be more honest with people and minority groups, and not ignore the situation. She encouraged practitioners to be courageous and persevere.

Veronica Alvarado, a dancer from Chile, said she lived under a dictatorship from 1973 to 1989, “What we need is freedom—freedom of speech, tolerance, diversity, and love. Peace and justice are crucial to me.”

She said the scene of practitioners meditating was beautiful. “Undoubtedly, cultivating both the mind and body is very important. Spirituality is vital to me, and so is freedom. Everyone should have the freedom to choose. I believe in love for all people, regardless of skin color, wealth, or poverty.”