(Minghui.org) I am a young Dafa practitioner who has been immersed in Dafa since childhood. That is, Dafa planted a seed in my heart long ago. And I never strayed from Dafa through every stage of growing up, thanks to Master’s care. This laid a solid foundation for my cultivation. After attending college, I continued to diligently cultivate Dafa and always remember that I am a Dafa practitioner. Before I went to college, the fellow practitioners around me told me that some young practitioners gradually strayed from Dafa after attending college. They urged me to continue cultivating according to Master’s Fa. I always answered, “I have been studying the Fa since I was a child, and Dafa is deeply rooted in my heart. I firmly believe that I will not go astray.”

At college there wasn’t a cultivation environment of fellow practitioners, as I had at home. I decided to create my own routine to study the Fa, and not let myself be separated from the Fa. With my determination, Master always provided me with many opportunities to cultivate. For example, I was the only one who chose an online course as an optional course. In this way, I had one afternoon every week alone in the dorm when my roommates attended classes. I could use this time to do the Dafa exercises. Sometimes, I was lazy and did nothing for a long time. But, when I noticed the clock ticking, I realized that such time was extremely precious, and I would act quickly. After one semester, I deliberately did not fight for a certain quota as my classmates, but Master always gave me many opportunities to achieve what I needed. Looking back, I realized that as long as I did the things that Dafa practitioners should do, I just needed to let nature take its course, and Master would arrange everything for me!

Sometimes, my parents and I had conflicts when we did not adequately understand the Fa. When we could not maintain our xinxing, my mother and I argued about some ordinary people’s issues. At such time, I complained that my mother, as a Dafa practitioner, did not bring us up to the standards of a cultivator. One day, I was walking on the road and thinking that again. Suddenly, another thought entered my mind: “It’s because you are a child brought up by the divine.” My eyes were immediately filled with tears, and infinite gratitude rose in my heart.

Children who grew up with Dafa have the most sincere, pure, righteous thoughts when facing a test. Words such as being sick, taking medicine, and injections never appear in our minds. When we were young, whenever we had any illness karma, my grandmother who is a fellow practitioner always took care of us. She told us that Master was eliminating karma for the young practitioners! My siblings studied the Fa and did the exercises together happily as usual. In such instances of illness karma, we quickly overcame it and became lively and energetic as usual. Compared to other children the same age, we young Dafa practitioners did not have many ordinary notions.

As we grew up, some ordinary notions were tests for us. For example, the ordinary concept of “an excess of heat in the body,” as claimed by adults, always tested our righteous thoughts. Some time ago, I had a false appearance of physical discomfort. Under the influence of human notions, I started to check from time to time if any part of my body was uncomfortable and if there was anything I should avoid eating. Once I realized I was again on pins and needles due to discomfort, I suddenly thought, “That’s not right! This is an ordinary person’s thinking! I am a Dafa practitioner!” So I sat in the full lotus position, eliminating my incorrect thoughts. I calmed down, started to clear my mind, and silently recited Master’s Fa in my heart. The feeling that was stagnant in my chest instantly turned into a warm current. It passed through my stomach and gathered in my lower abdomen. I no longer had the uncomfortable feeling.

Master’s Fa echoed in my mind:

And human notions change,
The degenerate things purged,
Brightness now shines forth.” (“Born Anew,” Hong Yin)

When I was growing up, documentaries about Falun Dafa, such as “Recalling Master’s Grace with a Thankful Heart”, “Gratitude”, and every Dafa song were my childhood readings. When I was little, I sang along with the songs and listened to the music created by Falun Dafa practitioners and I also watched New Tang Dynasty TV. So I knew from a young age that “atheism” and “evolution” were wrong and was part of the brainwashing committed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Whenever our class teacher talked about these things, I repeatedly told myself: “This is a lie, a heresy. It must be eliminated.” So, from childhood to adulthood, I have been vigilant, rejecting the indoctrination of the Communist Party culture.

In recent years, I noticed that the CCP is poisoning people’s minds in extremely evil and subtle ways. For example, it makes people refer to money as “grandfather” and call the wicked Party’s mouthpiece media CCTV, “mother.” The CCP is trying to use this humorous way of sounding young or cool to cover up the poison behind it. Many people, even fellow practitioners, have used these catchphrases unknowingly. It is absolutely necessary to be vigilant! Practitioners must not be exploited by this “softening” method. We should study the Fa more, be promptly alert to these invisible aspects of the Party culture, and send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate them!

Having been brainwashed by the evil doctrine of atheism, many young people lose patience when they hear words like Gods and Buddhas. They think it is too mysterious and are unwilling to continue listening to the truth. In order to clarify the truth about Dafa to these people, I speak to them based on their attachments, and little by little help them understand the truth about Falun Dafa. I tell them about the staged “self-immolation” at Tiananmen Square, the peaceful appeal on April 25, the righteous nature of Falun Dafa, that the ban on the book Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, was lifted, the live organ harvesting, the “Hidden Character Stone,” and so on. I use these facts to disintegrate the evil behind them step by step, to help them understand the truth about Falun Dafa and withdraw from CCP and its youth organizations.

I constantly elevated myself in the process of clarifying the truth to them. One night, I sat on the bed in the dormitory and remembered that a roommate had not yet heard the truth about Falun Dafa. At that time, I sent out a thought in my heart: “Master, please give me a chance to be alone with her. I want to save her!” Then I began to eliminate any evil beings behind her and clear away her misunderstanding of Dafa and practitioners. Two days later, I was alone with her by chance. I realized this was an opportunity Master gave me, and I must seize it! So I started to clarify the truth to her about Dafa. She listened earnestly and finally withdrew from the CCP organizations. I was deeply touched by the joy of saving a life at that moment! Thank you, Master!

Dafa has been spreading for over 30 years. On their paths of cultivation, countless young practitioners have grown older, and numerous little Dafa practitioners have grown up. Some have strayed from Dafa, and more have returned to the righteous path. I often recall studying the Fa with fellow practitioners. They saw me as a little Dafa practitioner who couldn’t yet speak fluently, but could already recite Master’s Hong Yin by heart. At that time, everyone was learning from each other, regarded the Fa as the teacher, and did what Dafa practitioners should do. Although those days are long gone, I always remember that precious time when everyone had the Fa and Master in their hearts. With that memory, I will continue to firmly walk on the righteous path of cultivating Dafa no matter where I go.

In the final stage of Master’s Fa-rectification, may you and I cultivate as we did when we first started. I am grateful for Master’s compassion.