(Minghui.org) Three Falun Gong classes have been held in Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan, this year, as of August 2024. Many people have participated and given positive feedback.

Practitioners from the Kuki City practice site have continued holding Falun Gong classes in recent years to thank the local community for its support and to improve the health of local residents. Practitioners advertised in advance for the most recent class in a publication published by the local government. After the advertisement was published, people started calling to sign up, and on the first day of the class, despite the hot weather, about a dozen people arrived early at the venue to wait.

Local residents learn the first set of Falun Gong exercises at a class in Kuki City.

During the first two classes, Falun Gong practitioners played an introduction video to the new students and shared the experiences of those who had benefited physically and mentally from the practice. The new students then introduced themselves and their expectations for learning the exercises, before learning the first set of Falun Gong exercises together.

The third class drew 18 people, most of whom were new to Falun Gong. After the class, attendees said that they were impressed by the practice. One attendee said, “I felt a strong energy, which I had never experienced before.”

Another attendee shared some of the health benefits he had experienced after attending the class. “Since I started practicing, my sleep quality has greatly improved. I can sleep through to the morning every day, and my mental state has improved,” he said.

An attendee who had been troubled by chronic joint pain for a long time said, “These movements are not only simple and easy to learn, but have also effectively relieved my joint pain of many years, allowing me to more easily cope with the challenges of daily life.”

Attendees also expressed their appreciation for Falun Gong’s exercise music. The melodious music allows practitioners to be more focused when practicing, and helps in further relaxing the body and mind.

After the exercise instruction ended, the attendees expressed their wish that the classes could continue. Many people said they believe that such classes are not only good for physical health, but also promote spiritual harmony and peace. One attendee said, “I like this exercise class very much. It is helpful for our daily life. I hope to attend a class frequently and hope to learn more exercises.”