(Minghui.org) I sent a criminal complaint against former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Jiang Zemin in 2015, for his launching the persecution of Falun Dafa. Before writing the complaint letter, I asked my daughter, a young practitioner, what she thought about it. She said, “Mother, I support you.” At that moment, I had a thought: If the police come knocking on my door today, I would still sue Jiang and ask that Master’s innocence be restored.

Six police officers came to my home after I filed the criminal complaint. It happened to be when I was attending a parent-teacher meeting at my daughter's school, and only my daughter was at home. The police kept demanding she open the door, but she refused. When my husband returned home and opened the door, the police wanted to search the place. My husband got into an argument with them and was pinned to the ground. The police found nothing in my home, and in the end, took a municipal phone book and left. When my daughter called and told me that the police had been to our home, I didn’t return after the parent-teacher meeting.

I stayed at a practitioner’s home for a month. This practitioner had been illegally sentenced and was imprisoned at the time. His wife, who had a strong sense of justice, was very supportive of Falun Dafa. I was afraid of causing trouble for her and wanted to leave, but she insisted that I stay, so I remained.

Another practitioner heard about my situation and came over to study the Fa and send righteous thoughts with me. Before she arrived, I had a dream where the number 39 appeared. My daughter’s school had “thirty-nine” in its name, and I wondered if something had happened to my daughter. Immediately, sentimental factors filled my mind, with worries, fears, and thoughts about my child surged up all at once. I felt so suffocated that I couldn’t lift my head from the bed.

When the practitioner arrived, she reminded me to recite Master’s teachings:

“If you are a true cultivator, our Falun will safeguard you. I am rooted in the universe. If anyone could harm you, he or she would be able to harm me. Put simply, that person would be able to harm this universe.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

I realized that this paragraph of the Fa was on page 39 of Zhuan Falunin the Chinese version. Since that day, I kept reciting the Fa, day and night, and I would even recite while I slept. Gradually, my righteous thoughts grew stronger. I studied the Fa, did the exercises, and looked inward.

Looking inward is crucial. Master saw that I had this intention to look inward, and helped me remember the thought I had before suing Jiang, which was: “If the police come knocking on my door, I would still sue Jiang.” In fact, behind this statement was my selfish desire to prove myself and my personal interests, without viewing things from the perspective of saving sentient beings and validating the Fa.

However, I felt that I hadn’t yet found the root cause, so I said to Master: “Master, it seems I haven’t looked inward thoroughly. Please enlighten me.” As a result, while sending righteous thoughts, Master revealed a scene: it was a thought I had when my daughter was three months old. Looking at her face, I thought: “Master, I can’t be persecuted now. My child is still too young. When she is 15 or 16, I won’t be afraid anymore.” As a result, when my child was 16 years old, the persecution related to suing Jiang occurred. Suddenly, I understood that the problem lay here: Dafa practitioners cannot casually have improper thoughts; any thought must be righteous. My improper thought at that time brought about this tribulation years later.

After wandering around homeless for a month, under Master’s protection, I returned to my mother’s home. After another month of adjustment, I returned to my own home. Since then, there have been no more police harassing us, and the evil factors disintegrated.