(Minghui.org) On January 17, 2016 while I was not at home, I heard that several practitioners from my hometown had been kidnapped [illegally arrested], and that one of them had been taken away from my home. The police took computers and other materials that we used to make truth-clarifying booklets.

I remembered that I’m a Falun Dafa practitioner, so I should deny this persecution. When I returned home, my house was in shambles. The doors and locks were broken. People from the Domestic Security Division’s National Security Brigade and police station, as well police from neighboring cities, were looking for me everywhere as though I were a felon. They also called and harassed my daughter, who lives in another town.

Illegally Arrested 

On April 23, 2016, people from the local Domestic Security Division and police station broke into a home where practitioners meet to study the Fa, and said they were looking for me. At that time, I didn’t have have sufficient righteous thoughts to completely eliminate the evil factors that manipulate the police to persecute practitioners. Instead, I left home to avoid the persecution.

On April 26, I bought a train ticket to the province at 8 o’clock in the evening. When I went to pick up it up the next day, I couldn’t find my ID card. I knew I’d put it in my bag, but I couldn’t find it. Master repeatedly gave me hints like this, but I didn’t understand. I was so anxious that I even thought my nephew had rummaged through my bag. I finally found it.

When I became anxious because I couldn’t find my ID card, my heart was no longer in the Fa. I should have completely denied the persecution, studied the Fa more, and maintained righteous thoughts.

When another practitioner heard that I’d returned to the area, he told me not to leave and to find a place to hide. I said I didn’t want to live a life of hiding. When practitioners saw that I decided to leave, they gave me the names and phone numbers of the policemen who kidnap practitioners and asked me to expose them.

I didn’t know when I’d be able to return home, but as a Falun Dafa practitioner, no matter where I am, I have to do three things well. Two practitioners brought me to the train station. The train was late and many people were running. I also wanted to run, but the practitioner was talking to me, so I didn’t move. I later realized that Master was giving me hints again, telling me I was in danger but I still didn’t understand.

Several policemen rushed over and said they were checking tickets. As soon as they handed me my papers back, a large group of policemen came, grabbed me and forcibly put me in their car.

I asked, “Why are you kidnapping me? Who are you?” One replied, “You know.” I said, “I didn’t break any law. I practice Falun Dafa and strive to be a good person according to the standards of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.” 

He said, “The government doesn’t allow people to practice so you are breaking the law.” I said, “The Chinese Constitution says we have freedom of belief.” I clarified the truth about the persecution to them.

They employed two police cars and seven or eight police officers to arrest me, an old woman in her sixties, and from their smug expressions they seemed very pleased with themselves. When I arrived at the police station, they rummaged through my belongings. They photographed my computer, mobile phone, USB drive, e-book, tape recorder and other items. They also found the list of phone numbers. They said, “You even know all our names.” 

They tried to force me to give my fingerprints and photograph me, but I refused to cooperate. Then they took me to the hospital for a physical examination, but when I didn’t cooperate, they held me down and took my blood pressure, drew blood, took electrocardiograms and other tests. I asked, “Why are you doing this?” 

They said, “Aren’t you happy? You’re getting a free medical examination.” I said, “Do you know that practitioners’ organs are harvested while they are still alive? You must contact my family and let them know where I am.”

After the medical examination, I was taken to a detention center. Because my blood pressure was high, the detention center refused to accept me. I sat in the duty room for hours. I was hungry and thirsty. They eventually sent me to the hospital attached to the detention center for persecution.

Although it’s a hospital, it’s actually the same as the detention center, and it’s heavily guarded. I had to take medicine and get injections every day. I remembered Master said, “No matter what the situation, do not cooperate with the evil’s demands, orders, or what it instigates.” (“Dafa Disciples’ Righteous Thoughts Are Powerful,” The Essentials of DiligentProgress II)

Because I refused to take any medicine, the other detainees said, “You’ll be punished if you don’t take medicine. The other practitioners took it. A practitioner who spit out the medicine was handcuffed.” I didn’t say anything—instead I sent righteous thoughts to clean up the dimensional field.

After the rounds at nine o’clock, the newcomers had to take injections. It was my turn; what should I do? I wanted to deny the old forces’ persecution. I told the guard on duty that I wouldn’t get an injection. He was surprised and said, “If you don’t get an injection, I’ll take you to the detention center.” 

I Return Home in Three Months

At about seven o’clock the next night I was sending righteous thoughts when the guard on duty came in. The detainees said, “The guard is here. You can’t practice here.” I immediately stood up. The prison guard said, “It’s okay. I want to talk to you about it.” He said, “There’s nothing wrong with having a belief. I believe in Buddhism, but you still have to abide by the rules here. You can’t embarrass us. You can take the medicine and then spit it out.” When I heard him say this, my heart was moved and I thought, “I can’t cause others trouble.”

When the doctor came to distribute the medicine the next day, I took it. But I immediately realized: how can I listen to ordinary people? I was determined not to take any medicine, injections, or wear the detention center uniform. After that, no one forced me to take injections and pills. The people in the cell were amazed. There were a few fierce prison guards who seemed to have become much nicer than before. I knew Master was protecting me! Sometimes the doctor told me to take medicine, and the people in my cell helped me and said, “She practices Falun Dafa and doesn’t take medicine.”

The cell was monitored day and night. The detainees said, “If the guards find out that you’re practicing the exercises, you’ll be punished. We’ll all be implicated.” I was not moved. I insisted on practicing every day, sending righteous thoughts, and reciting the poems I remembered from Hong Yin. I also looked for opportunities to clarify the truth. Some people listened, but some didn’t. I did what I was assigned, and I did some small things for other people, such as washing clothes. 

There was a college student in my cell. When I started telling her the truth about Falun Dafa, she refused to believe, and sometimes said things that were disrespectful to Dafa. I said, “It’s okay if you don’t believe, but it’s not good for you to talk nonsense.” After I repeatedly talked to her, she quit the CCP. 

I couldn’t sleep because of the bright lights on all the time. My body reacted greatly—half of my body was numb, my left foot was numb, and my blood pressure was above 120/200. I felt physically and mentally exhausted. A cellmate said, “What’s wrong with you?” I said, “It’s all right, I’ll be fine.” 

When she checked my blood pressure, the doctor said, “If you don’t take medicine or injections, your blood vessels will burst in a few days.” I thought that she was being manipulated and was lying. I silently sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil spirits. Two days later my blood pressure was back to normal. The doctor said, “Did you take your medicine?” I said I didn’t, and she said, “Your blood pressure has dropped, and your Master helped you, right?” I smiled.

With the help of practitioners and my family, my father helped me get a defense lawyer. I asked the lawyer to call my family and ask that I be released.

The police formally arrested me a month later. Staff from the Domestic Security Division and the procuratorate came to interrogate me and told me how serious the case was. I just clarified the truth to them and refused to sign anything. I asked to see a lawyer. I then asked the lawyer how he would defend me. He wanted to know if the evidence the Domestic Security Division and the procuratorate submitted was true. I said, “No. It’s not illegal to practice Falun Dafa. The Chinese Constitution stipulates freedom of belief, and you can defend me from this angle.” He said they wouldn’t let him mention this. I asked him if he’d pleaded not guilty before. He said he had several times, but it didn’t work out.

I felt that there was little hope of getting out, and I was under a lot of psychological pressure. Then I immediately realized that this thought was not right, because I was relying on ordinary people. I should completely deny the persecution.

I began to change my mindset. Master was protecting me, and practitioners are the only hope for the world. Every day, I send out powerful righteous thoughts to remove all the evil factors that manipulate people to persecute practitioners. My belongings that were taken away were magic weapons to save people, not evidence to be used to persecute me. I didn’t think about getting out or not, and I just recited the Fa every day and sent righteous thoughts.

I recited Master’s poem: 

“Imprisoned as you are, don’t be sorrowful or sad. Carry on with righteous thoughts and action, and the Fa is with you. Calmly reflect on the attachments you have, remove your human thoughts, and evil will naturally die out.” (“Don’t Be Sad,” Hong Yin II). 

I was held for three months. On July 26, 2016, the prison guard told me to pack my things because the case-handling unit would take me home. I thought they were lying. He said, “No, your father is waiting for you at the police station.” Protected by Master, and with the cooperation and help of fellow practitioners and my father, I was released.

Resisting Harassment and Clarifying the Truth

After I returned home, I redoubled my efforts to do the three things. I practice the exercises in a park, and I’ve been able to get back all the computers, mobile phones, tape recorders and other items that were seized by the police.

When the police came to my house a few days ago, I refused to let them enter. I said, “This is harassment and is illegal.” When they asked me to sign something, I said, “Practitioners are all good people. I understand that you’re following orders. But if I sign, it means that you’re persecuting good people, and it won’t be good for you.” When they understood, they stopped pressuring me to sign.

Thank you, Master, for your merciful protection!