(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa improves one’s health and character by teaching five exercises and the importance of living according to Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to suppress the practice in 1999, practitioners have worked tirelessly to tell people the truth about the practice and counteract the CCP’s defamatory propaganda. As more people realize that the CCP has lied, they, too, oppose the persecution.

“Stop Beating an Innocent Person”

Ms. Zhang Hao works as a housekeeper in Liquan County, Shaanxi Province. On June 4, 2024, three officers from the Liquan Domestic Security Bureau went to where she was working, arrested her, and confiscated her personal belongings, including a cellphone.

There were many people in the hospital where they took her for a mandatory physical exam. Ms. Zhang, still in handcuffs, told the onlookers that Falun Dafa helps practitioners and benefits society and that the CCP twists the laws to persecute innocent people.

The three officers started to beat Ms. Zhang to keep her from talking. The onlookers could not take it and, one after another, asked the officers why they were beating her, an innocent person.

The police admitted Ms. Zhang to Liquan Detention Center that day and did not release her until June 19.

Mr. Sun’s Convenience Store

Mr. Sun Xue, 68, owns a convenience store in Bayan County, Heilongjiang Province. Before he practiced Falun Dafa, he was a disabled, retired soldier. Two-thirds of his stomach had been removed because of the injuries he’d sustained. He vomited a lot of what he ate and became emaciated. For over 20 years, he incurred over 30,000 yuan a year on medical expenses, which the government paid. In addition, he used his cane to go to the county government office from time to time to ask for money. The county head had no choice but to give him money so that he would leave. At that time, Mr. Sun could not do anything and was just basically a disabled person.

After he began to practice Falun Dafa, Mr. Sun became healthier and more broadminded. With improved health, he no longer needed to be reimbursed for medical expenses, which saved the government about a million yuan over the years. That didn’t, however, stop the CCP from suppressing the practice and mistreating practitioners for following their belief.

To earn a living, Mr. Sun opened a convenience store in the neighborhood, and the business is doing well. In his daily life, he follows the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and he does many good deeds for his customers and the local residents. Besides doing the exercises in front of the store, he tells people about Falun Dafa when they come into his store. He also helps people quit the CCP organizations.

In 2023, a customer reported Mr. Sun to the police. Officers from Bayan First Police Station came to his store to arrest him. “I just told the customer that smoking was harmful and how to be a good person,” Mr. Sun said. “I didn’t do anything wrong, and I won’t go with you.” Eventually, the officers left and did not arrest him.

Supportive Neighbors

Mr. Gao Hengbo is a resident of Xiaozhen Village of Qingdao City, Shandong Province. Because he practices Falun Dafa, he became a better person and once risked his life to put out a neighbor’s fire. He treats his parents well as a filial son and tolerates his wife’s bad temper.

Because he handed out Minghui calendars containing information about Falun Dafa, Mr. Gao was reported to the police and put in jail for three years. Nonetheless, he told his parents, especially his young daughter, not to feel timid because of what happened to him. He told her there is nothing wrong with being a Falun Dafa practitioner and acting according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

When local officials harassed Mr. Gao from time to time, he always told them facts about Falun Dafa to counter the negative propaganda used to vilify the practice. Three officers went to his home on September 30, 2022. Mr. Gao asked them what they were doing and where they were from. One answered that they were from the Public Security Bureau. When he asked for their names, no one answered.

When asked by an officer if he still practiced Dafa, Mr. Gao replied, “Of course. There are no laws in China that ban Falun Dafa.”

An officer then ordered Mr. Gao to take down the posters with Falun Dafa phrases on them. Mr. Gao said, “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are always good, and I will not remove them.” He reminded them that reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” would keep them safe.

One day a Landi Police Station officer went to his mother’s house to ask where he was. When his mother said that he’d left for work, the officer asked why his car was still there. She replied, “He drove his scooter to work to save money. Why don’t you spend your time doing what a police officer is supposed to and catch criminals?” The officer left.

The police ordered some of the neighbors to monitor Mr. Gao, but they refused to and ignored them.

The chief and two officers from Landi Police Station went back to Mr. Gao’s home two months later. Mr. Gao told them to stop harassing him and his neighbors. When the police told him to stop doing the exercises outside and distributing Falun Dafa flyers, he asked, “If the CCP didn’t make up so many lies about Falun Dafa and persecute us, would I need to go out and clarify the facts?” He also refused to tell the officers where he worked.