(Minghui.org) Mr. Wang Jian, 56, from Taicang City, Jiangsu Province was arrested at his home on August 11, 2024, for practicing Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

The arresting officers from the Taicang City Police Department took Mr. Wang to the Taicang City Detention Center and he is still held there.

Mr. Wang, who has a bachelor’s degree, began practicing Falun Gong in March 1997. He persisted in his faith after the persecution began two years later and was repeatedly targeted. Prior to his latest arrest, he was given a one forced labor term and two prison terms totaling 10 years.

Mr. Wang mailed letters to relevant government agencies in October 1999 to appeal for Falun Gong. He was arrested and held at the Taicang City Detention Center for ten months.

Following another arrest in March 2002, he was given three years of forced labor at the Fangqiang Labor Camp in Dafeng District, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province.

Mr. Wang was released ahead of time, only to be arrested again on September 6, 2004 when he went out to distribute Falun Gong informational materials. He escaped two days later and had to live away from home to hide from the police.

Officers from the Taicang City Police Department tracked him down and arrested him in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, on November 7, 2004. He was taken to the Taicang City Detention Center. When he went on a hunger strike in protest, the guards tortured him using various means for ten days straight.

The Taicang City Court sentenced Mr. Wang to three years on May 25, 2005 and he was transferred to the Wuxi Prison. His term was later extended by three months and he was released in December 2007.

Mr. Wang landed a new job in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, only to be arrested at work on May 21, 2008, by officers from the Suzhou City Police Department and its subordinate Jinchang District Police Department.

The police targeted Mr. Wang after the security guard of an apartment complex spotted him distributing Falun Gong informational materials there. He managed to escape on foot but the police tracked him down through the electric bike he left in the apartment complex.

Mr. Wang’s family received his detention notice in the mail three days after his arrest and learned that he was held at the Suzhou City First Detention Center. He was sentenced to four years at an unknown date and transferred to the Wuxi Prison.

The Taicang City 610 Office agents seized Mr. Wang in July 2013 and held him at a brainwashing center for an unknown amount of time. They confiscated his computer and printer during the arrest.