(Minghui.org) Practitioners participated in the Teziutlán Fair in northern Puebla on Sunday, August 11, 2024. They told visitors about Falun Dafa and demonstrated the five sets of exercises, attracting many people.

Local families and visitors from nearby cities and towns appreciated the Falun Dafa presentation at the fair, and many learned the gentle exercises.

Upon hearing about the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, which is the foundation of the Falun Dafa self-cultivation system, many people expressed their approval. Some said, “These are really good” and, “This is exactly what we need.”

Families learned the Falun Dafa exercises at the 2024 Teziutlán Fair in Puebla, Mexico, on August 11, 2024.

Many people thanked practitioners for being there and telling people about Falun Dafa. When they asked how they could start practicing, they were given informational brochures detailing the exercise sites in Teziutlán and other cities across Mexico.

One visitor watched the demonstration closely and told practitioners, “I like it very much. This is exactly what we were looking for.” She said when she returned to her city, she would tell her husband so they could attend the practice site listed in the leaflet she received.

This year practitioners were accompanied by the waist drum team, which performed “Falun Dafa Is Good”, bringing joy to the spectators.

The waist drum team performed “Falun Dafa Is Good” during the Falun Dafa presentation on Sunday, August 11, at the 2024 Teziutlán Fair in Puebla, Mexico.