(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in July 1998. Unfortunately, I didn’t practice diligently, and I haven’t done the three things well.

I often shopped on WeChat and Taobao, and as a result I developed illness symptoms. However, I didn’t look inward or awaken, and I remained addicted to my phone. I wanted to stop looking at my phone, but I couldn’t. When another practitioner pointed out my attachment, I said I’d stop looking at my phone, but I didn’t.

I frequently lost my temper with my husband and daughter—I knew I failed to cultivate myself. I lacked kindness, let alone compassion.

When I was distributing truth clarification magazines on May 17, someone reported me. The police reviewed the surveillance footage and found me.

Someone knocked on my door on the morning of May 23 at 9:00 a.m. I asked who it was, looked through the peephole and saw it was a security guard. As soon as I opened the door, more than twelve police officers rushed in. They restrained me and searched every room. I clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to them.

They confiscated my portrait of Master, Falun Dafa books, a computer, printer, and media player, and took me to the police station, intending to illegally detain me for five days. When the police took me to the hospital for a physical check-up, my blood pressure was over 200. When they measured my blood pressure on my left arm it was off the charts. The detention center refused to admit me, so I returned home.

I was grateful that Master saved me, but I also felt deeply guilty. I regretted not protecting the Dafa books and Master’s portrait. I hated myself for not being able to stop the policemen’s criminal behavior, regretted not listening to what Master said, and I didn’t uninstall WeChat. I regretted being attached to my phone, and regretted not cultivating myself well whenever I encountered issues. I felt ashamed to face compassionate Master and Dafa.

I’ve now uninstalled WeChat and Taobao and I’m no longer attached to my phone. My body feels very light. My environment feels clean, and the false appearance of high blood pressure has disappeared. This lesson was very profound, like a heavy hammer waking me up, and is truly unforgettable.

In fact, Master has always been watching over and enlightening me. A few days before the incident, that other practitioner told me, “You must not look at your phone anymore.” I knew Master was using her to enlighten me, but, I couldn’t control myself. Three days before the incident, while I meditated, I saw unpleasant looking people moving around in front of Master’s portrait. Master repeatedly enlightened me, but I still didn’t awaken.

I’m writing down what happened to me to remind practitioners who are still attached to WeChat and their cellphones. We really need to listen to Master, and stop constantly looking at our phones. We need to cultivate ourselves well, be qualified Falun Dafa practitioners during the Fa-rectification period, and stop burdening Master.