(Minghui.org) On the 25th anniversary of when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to suppress Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) in July 1999, practitioners in Melbourne held events to expose the brutality through a march, rally, group exercise, and candlelight vigil. They urged people to pay attention to this 25-year-long tragedy, especially the forced organ harvesting, and help end it.

The march and rally in Melbourne’s city center on July 20 attracted many residents and tourists. They accepted flyers that practitioners distributed and were interested in learning more. Peter Westmore, former president of the National Civic Council (NCC) in Australia, attended the march and gave a speech. “We have to stand together with Falun Gong practitioners against this evil, the Chinese Communist Party,” he said. “In standing against it we are also standing up for freedom of expression, freedom of belief, and freedom of religion within Australia. Thank you.”

During Run Melbourne 2024, a charity run held on July 21, 2024 and attended by 20,000 runners, many athletes and spectators saw the peaceful group exercises by practitioners and the banner reading “25 Years of Murder and Torture of Falun Gong in China Must End Now.” A couple from Russia stood for a long time taking videos and praised the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Practitioners marched in Melbourne’s city center on July 20, 2024.

Many athletes who participated in Run Melbourne 2024 saw practitioners do the Falun Gong exercises at Queen Victoria Gardens on July 21, 2024.

Candlelight vigil outside the Chinese Consulate in Melbourne on the evening of July 21, 2024.

Peter Westmore (second from left), former president of the National Civic Council (NCC) in Australia, attended the march on July 20.

After the suppression started in China, some practitioners talked with Westmore and told him about the detention, imprisonment, torture, and forced organ harvesting. Although Westmore initially had difficulty believing that practitioners were having their organs harvested, further investigations showed that the crime exists and he was shocked.

Since then, he has considered it his obligation to expose the CCP’s atrocities in various ways. “It’s very hard to think of a time when the persecution of Falun Gong was not for me an important issue,” he said. “I am pleased to be here. I feel it is an honor to be here, to stand alongside people, some of whom walking today were persecuted in China as Falun Gong practitioners.”

He said people need to say No to the CCP. “I think it’s up to us, who aren’t constrained by that, to call them out and to say, you are tyrants. You are tyrants towards your own people. You are particularly tyrants towards Falun Gong practitioners and other believers,” he explained. He said practitioners are not a threat to the regime because they just practice their own beliefs and wish to be better citizens.

He feels it’s important to stand with Falun Gong practitioners against the CCP. “It not only gives a hand to the innocent people in China, but it’s actually to protect ourselves,” he continued. “Calling out outrageous abuses like this is actually protecting Australia, because we’re letting everybody know the actions of the Chinese Communist Party. These are intolerable. No civilized society can stand by while these things are going on.”

“You’re Making the Future”

Paul worked as a graphic designer before he retired, and said he knows the CCP is vicious and it brainwashes people starting from a very young age.

He liked the march very much, especially the Tian Guo Marching Band’s performance. He felt the event was well organized and practitioners in the band were synchronized. It was very peaceful and he could feel the energy.

He said the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are universal values and they are important for our society. “You’re making your future,” he added.

Jhalid Barido from Iraq

Jhalid Barido left Iraq due to the war. He listened to the speeches during the rally and said he agreed with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. He felt that practicing Falun Gong can improve one’s mind and body.

Barido also thanked practitioners for raising awareness of the persecution in China because people should have the freedom to practice their belief.

Another man, Theo, said he felt Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are “the root of our society.” He said it’s important for people to know the facts and it’s critical to stop the CCP from taking freedom away from people.

“It is horrible that this has been going on for so long,” he added. “No government should take that from its own people.”

“A Key to the Problems That We Experience”

Irina and Oleg (first and second from left) watched practitioners do the exercises and took videos.

Irina and Oleg were taking a walk in Queen Victoria Gardens on the morning of July 21, and said they were happy to hear the music as practitioners did the exercises. They watched them practice for a long time and accepted information about Falun Gong.

Irina said this was the first time she heard about Falun Gong and she found the practice very good. Coming from Russia, the couple were aware of the brutality of communism and said organ harvesting should stop.

They thanked practitioners for telling the public this information. Oleg believes Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance “is key to solving our problems.” “If we follow these values, we will fix our problems,” he explained.

“I think you’re doing a great thing,” Irina added. “Definitely someone should be showing these values to the world.”