(Minghui.org) July 4, 2024 is the United States 248th Independence Day, and many cities in Northern California held celebrations. Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) practitioners in the San Francisco Bay Area were invited to participate in the Independence Day parades in Redwood City and Alameda, and were well received.
Falun Dafa group performs in the Independence Day Parade in Alameda.
Alameda is a peninsula city in the Bay Area and was established 170 years ago. The Independence Day parade is the city’s traditional, and grandest celebration. In addition to the city’s residents, many people from neighboring cities also come to watch. It’s estimated that there are about 100,000 spectators every year. The three mile long parade is said to be the longest parade in the United States.
During the nearly two-hour parade, the music played by the Western Tian Guo Land Marching Band won rounds of applause from spectators. Some people gave them a thumbs up, and others gave the band members water.
Falun Dafa Is Good
Athelma, Ajith, and their son said they enjoyed the Falun Dafa group's procession
Athelma and her husband Ajith took their son to watch the parade. When Athelma saw practitioners she gave them a thumbs up and said, “It’s great. Falun Dafa is good.” Her husband Ajith said, “Kindness is important.”
Dibya admires the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.
Dibya said, “This group’s performances are stunning, great, and beautiful. The principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are so beautiful. These are great principles.”
We Always Need Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance
Terry from Colorado and her family were touring the San Francisco Bay Area. She was happy to see the Independence Day parade. She especially liked the Falun Gong team. She said, “They are great. I like their costumes and the music they played. It’s great. We have read about Falun Dafa. The world needs Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance now. We will always need Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.”
Another audience member, Elliott, was glad to see Falun Gong in the parade. He said, “They are great. They are amazing. I like the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. They are wonderful.”
Eliot is happy to get information about Falun Dafa.
Dee and her granddaughter watch the parade.
Dee, an Alameda resident, brought her granddaughter to watch the parade. She said, “I was really drawn to this band’s music. Their performance was wonderful and I kept applauding them. I really like the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Today’s society really needs these principles.”
Katalina said Falun Dafa's principles are important to life.
Katalina said, “The music played by the practitioners is nice. Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are important to life.”
Walking in front of practitioners was the Alameda Municipal Power Company team. Samantha from that team said she enjoyed the music played by the Tian Guo Marching Band, and said, “Thank you for participating in the parade. The band’s performance is excellent. Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are great. I’ve heard of Falun Gong, and I wish you success [in stopping the persecution].”
Parade in Redwood City
Redwood City is located in the middle of the San Francisco Bay Area peninsula. The local Independence Day parade is the largest and oldest parade in Northern California. The Falun Gong team consisted of an exercise demonstration team, a waist drum team, a flag team, and a float.
Practitioners participate in the Independence Day Parade in Redwood City.
Falun Gong booth
There were about ten rostrums along the Redwood City Independence Day parade. When the practitioners’ team passed by, the moderators introduced Falun Dafa to the audience.
The moderators also said: “They come to participate in our parade every year. They are always so well organized. The team is spectacular and beautiful. We thank them very much.”
Jennifer, who works at the Veterans Affairs Agency, went to watch the parade with her daughter. She said, “We come to Redwood City to watch this parade every year, and we can see Falun Gong every time. They are our favorite team.”
Jennifer and daughter support Falun Gong.
Speaking of the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, she said, “This is what we should follow.” She also expressed her support for practitioners in their efforts to expose the persecution.
Katie, a lawyer from the San Francisco Bay Area, visited the booth after the parade. She took a leaflet about Falun Dafa and signed a petition calling to stop the persecution. She said, “I love them. Their team is spectacular. I like the energy they radiate, which is peaceful, positive, and supportive of each other. They bring this energy to the community, which I think is great.”
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