(Minghui.org) The Houston Chinatown Independence Day Festival was held at the PlazAmericas Mall on June 30, 2024. People of different ethnic groups from multiple communities gathered to celebrate the 248th anniversary of the founding of the United States.

Practitioners from Houston and San Antonio set up a booth at the festival, where they demonstrated the Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) exercises and gave calligraphy works to visitors for free. Practitioners dressed in traditional Chinese costumes distributed fliers about Falun Gong.

Many passersby stopped to read display boards and praised practitioners for their kindness. Some recorded the activities at the Falun Gong booth, while others learned the five sets of exercises on the spot. Many people also said they supported the “Falun Gong Protection Act” recently passed by the Congress.

Promoting Falun Gong at Houston Chinatown Independence Day Festival on June 30, 2024.

Ms. Mariana from Mexico was happy when she saw the Falun Gong booth because she heard about Falun Gong in Mexico. “I am familiar with Falun Gong. I know about the persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This persecution is terrible,” she said. “I’ve been telling people around me about this persecution.”

Mariana from Mexico said she’s been telling her friends and family how practitioners are persecuted.

Mr. Nathan works for the Houston Department of Health and was a staff member for the event. He was interested in Falun Gong and learned the five sets of exercises on the spot. Although the weather was hot, he said he enjoyed doing them and learned very seriously. He said that [practicing Falun Gong] felt good and peaceful.

Mr. Nathan learns the Falun Gong exercises.

Adolfo learns the Falun Gong exercises.

Sofia works for a law firm in Houston, and said she sympathizes with practitioners and said she cannot understand why the CCP would persecute a group of kindhearted people. Talking about the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, she said that people need to learn how to be compassionate.

Aylin, a photographer for a real estate website said she also practices meditation. She agrees with the principles of Falun Gong and said, “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are very good. People are kind to each other, which is good for society and the country.”

She was shocked and upset when learning of the CCP’s live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China. She said, “The persecution is inhumane and extremely evil.”