(Minghui.org) In the process of our cultivation, we have been continuously changing and improving ourselves, and eliminating and negating the old forces’ arrangements, validating Dafa, and saving sentient beings.

I’d like to tell you how Jiajia successfully stopped the police from following her by using righteous thoughts.

Jiajia noticed she was followed by the police whenever she went out. She tried to lose them, but in vain. One day she turned around and asked, “Are you looking for me? What’s your name?” The officer said, “No, I’m not.” Since then, the police changed from following her closely to following from a distance.

She went to a restaurant with her husband one night. It was crowded and while they waited in line, she looked to see if anyone was following her. She noticed plainclothes agents across the street staring at her while stomping their feet to keep warm. She got upset and thought: Are you still following a Dafa practitioner? You should freeze to death! As soon as she had that thought, the restaurant owner said there were no more seats available, and they should leave. She immediately realized she did something wrong and asked Master for guidance.

A thought then appeared in her mind: “One hundred million years.” She realized that during the old force’s arrangements which may have gone on for one hundred million years, the officers might have be assigned the role of plainclothes agents. She felt it was pitiful to be assigned such a role. How could they be saved? But she was fortunate enough to be a Dafa practitioner. Her tears flowed.

Just then, the restaurant owner said, “You two at the door, come in. There’s a seat for two here.” Shortly after that, a group of police came and asked the owner for a table of nine saying, “We are off shift now; We’ve accomplished our mission.” Jiajia looked up and realized they were the ones who had been following her. From that day on, the police no longer followed her!

Hearing her story, I realized that when faced with harassment or other kind of persecution, we cannot use human methods such as hiding from them, staying at home, fighting with them, or resenting them. None of these will work. We must find the answers in the Fa to negate the old forces’ arrangements.

For those who persecute us, it’s not because they were bad—it was arranged by the old forces. We need to change our thoughts. If we still view the police as bad people and take the persecution as something on the human level, it will be difficult for us to see the truth: the police were powerless to change their roles, they can only continue going down and eventually be destroyed, unless they choose to be saved by Dafa. We are their only hope to make a connection to Dafa. We need to look at things from the perspective of the Fa and treat them with compassion.

Everything exists for the Fa-rectification, and the present time also continues for the Fa-rectification, otherwise everything in the old universe would have ceased to exist long ago.

All sentient beings, no matter what realm they are in, no matter how high their level, and no matter their role, all come here for salvation, waiting for the Creator to save them.

This is my understanding at my level. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.