(Minghui.org) My younger sister came back from being a nanny to her daughter’s baby in June 2023. Having been absent from doing a Dafa practitioner’s three tasks for a long time, her physical condition suffered.

For example, she had difficulty going up and down the stairs due to swollen legs and knees. I suggested that we study the Fa together, and she agreed. Another practitioner and I then started going to her house to study the Fa together.

My sister’s house was far from mine, and it was inconvenient to make the trip every day, so I wanted to stay with her for a while. As soon as I talked to my husband about it, he immediately exploded and viciously scolded me. I was calm and unfazed, and I told myself to take it as an opportunity to improve my xinxing. I also knew that I could not treat him the same way or get angry.

I went to another room to send righteous thoughts. My husband barged in, yelling at me with many harsh words, being totally unreasonable.

I was enraged, thinking, “You are crossing the line. I am allowing you to take advantage of me like this because I am a practitioner, otherwise I would have gotten into a big fight with you. I’m not afraid of you. I can always divorce you!”

However, on second thought, I realized, “I can’t be fazed by him. I am a practitioner, and everything I encounter is not a coincidence. This is a test.”

However, as soon as I saw his vicious and fierce facial expressions, I became very upset. My righteous thoughts and human thoughts seesawed like this. Even though I held my tongue, I couldn’t get over the situation. So I gave him the silent treatment.

I had a strong thought: this cannot affect my studying the Fa with my sister. I continued traveling to my sister’s house to study the Fa, leaving early in the day and returning late.

One day, while studying Lecture Four, I read,

“As practitioners, you will suddenly come across conflicts. What should you do? You should always maintain a compassionate and calm heart. Then, when you run into a problem, you will be able to do well because it gives you some room as a buffer.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

I felt Master was talking about me, and I burst into tears. I finished reading the paragraph, and felt ashamed, “I have been studying the Fa every day, but have I conducted myself according to Dafa’s standard?”

The fellow practitioner also helped me point out my shortcomings, saying that my tone of voice was harsh and my attitude was unkind. I realized, no wonder my daughter-in-law said she had a hard time accepting what I said, even though what I said was right.

I also discovered my attachment to grievance, resentment, and looking down on my husband. I disliked the fact that he is good at nothing, and being his wife I have to worry about everything, making my life exhausting.

In fact, the ways of the human world are contrary to the ways of the universe, and suffering and fatigue are good things. With the opportunity to burn karma and pay off karmic debt, I can improve my cultivation. I should be grateful to my husband.

Upon getting home, I apologized to my husband, “I’m sorry. For a long time, I held a grudge against you. I’ll change my attitude from now on.” He smiled happily.

My husband occupies both the bedroom and the study, and my personal space is limited to a single bed in the hallway. Everyone says he is bullying me, and that I should occupy a room, but I just let it go with a smile. My real home is in the heavens, and I’m just stopping by this secular world for a bit.

I had a dream one day that Master was giving a lecture to many of us in a classroom in the very, very high heavens. Master was writing on the blackboard as he spoke. Outside the classroom there was a sea of flowers. It was so beautiful that no human words could describe it. But I couldn’t understand what Master was saying, and I woke up anxiously.

I realized I had studied the Fa too little, and that I must study more Fa, look inward more, remove human thoughts and attachments, and follow Master home.