(Minghui.org) Practitioners held a march and rally in Melbourne despite the rain on July 20, 2024, to mark the 25th anniversary of their efforts to end the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. They called on Australians and the international community to stop the CCP’s persecution and forced organ harvesting. 

On July 20, 1999, the then CCP head Jiang Zemin launched the persecution of Falun Gong. Practitioners began to peacefully protest and expose the persecution since then. 

The Tian Guo Marching Band led the march from Queen Victoria Gardens, passing through Chinatown and several busy main roads, and finally arriving in front of the State Library. The grand and solemn scene drew many residents and tourists to stop and watch and take photos. Many people expressed their support for Falun Gong practitioners.

After the march, practitioners gathered in front of the State Library. Several officials and community leaders spoke, urging the CCP to immediately stop the 25-year-long brutal persecution of Falun Gong and release all illegally detained practitioners.

David Limbrick, a member of the Victoria Legislative Council, stated in his letter that Falun Gong practitioners have demonstrated fearless courage and perseverance in the past 25 years of fighting the persecution, which is inspiring.

Practitioners held a march in Melbourne on July 20, 2024, the 25th anniversary of the CCP’s persecution.

Rally in front of the State Library on July 20, 2024.

A passersby signs the petition. 

Falun Dafa Association Spokesperson: Practitioners Supported by International Community

Rebel Jom, spokesperson for the Falun Dafa Association, Victoria Branch said at the rally: “Over the past 25 years, millions of Falun Gong practitioners have been detained, imprisoned, tortured, and even persecuted to death by the Chinese authorities. Countless Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to forced organ harvesting in the CCP’s organ transplant industry which is worth billions of dollars each year. The persecution of Falun Gong in China is one of the most brutal persecutions of faith in modern history.” 

Spokesperson Rebel Jom for the Falun Dafa Association, Victoria Branch, addressed the rally. 

Jom said that despite this, Falun Gong has received tremendous support from the international community over the past 25 years. For example, in June this year, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Falun Gong Protection Act to combat the crime of live organ harvesting.

She called on the Australian government to condemn the persecution, help stop the persecution, and prevent Australians from becoming accomplices to live organ harvesting. She also urged the CCP to “immediately stop the persecution of Falun Gong and unconditionally release all detained Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience. Stop monitoring, controlling, and suppressing religious freedom at home and abroad, abide by international law and its own constitutional obligations, and respect and protect human rights.”

Victoria Legislator: Practitioners’ Courage and Perseverance Is Encouraging

Letter from David Limbrick MP of the Libertarian Party.

David Limbrick MP stated in his letter, “Today is a day of sadness.

“Today we remember the people who have suffered over 25 years of persecution by the Chinese Communist Party and we think of those who are still being persecuted.

“But today is also a day of inspiration. It reminds us of 25 years of courage and resilience by Falun Gong practitioners.

“I am glad that you have been able to find a safe place in Australia. But the Libertarian Party believes much more should be done by governments everywhere to recognize this history of oppression and safeguard your freedom of belief.

“The Libertarian Party stands with you against the persecution, and we join you on this solemn day of remembrance.”

Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Are Core Values Needed in Australia 

Jordan Dittloff, Candidate for Federal Senator, addressed the rally. 

Jordan Dittloff, a Victorian senator candidate who will represent the Liberal Party in the next federal election, attended the rally and delivered a speech, expressing his party’s support for Falun Gong practitioners.

Mr. Dittloff said that he was moved to tears by the stories of several Western Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne that was told in a documentary called “Protest at Heaven’s Gate,” including Jan Becker, 77, the silver medalist in freestyle swimming at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.

“Jan Becker, the former Olympian, spoke about going to China to speak out and do a connection to the plight of the Falun Dafa people. I really felt myself suddenly moved to tears at just how courageous she was and by a group of people who, when there were a lot of personal consequences that would flow from that and there was a lot at stake to do what they were doing, they chose to, as individuals, put their values [Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance] into action. And I think that is the core of what we want to see here in Australia.”

In his speech, he also analyzed the close relevance of the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance to today’s Australian society from the perspective of political participation.

He concluded by saying that the Australian government needs to step up efforts to stop the CCP’s persecution and organ harvesting.

Vietnamese Community Leader: Looking Forward to a Day That Chinese and Vietnamese People Enjoy Freedom

Duy Quang Nguyen, chairman of the Victorian Chapter of the Vietnamese Community in Australia, said in his speech: “Even though it is raining and cold, we still gather here to listen and speak out to support the Chinese people’s human rights and freedom, especially Falun Gong.”

Duy Quang Nguyen, chairman of the Victorian Chapter of the Vietnamese Community in Australia, addressed the rally. 

Nguyen Duy Quang said that millions of Chinese people have been persecuted by the CCP for practicing Falun Gong, and countless practitioners have been illegally detained or even lost their lives. Having fled Vietnam, he can relate to this.

He hopes to work with people from all walks of life to jointly resist the communist tyranny. “We all work together and hope that one day our country can enjoy freedom like Australia.”

Former National Civic Council Chair Supports Falun Gong 

Peter Westmore, former chairman of the National Civic Council, a well-known Australian think tank, addressed the rally and said that when he learned about the CCP’s organ harvesting 19 years ago, “I was extremely shocked that there is such a dark side to the world we live in.”

Peter Westmore, former chairman of the National Civic Council, addressed the rally. 

He said, “When the Australian government is calling out, it’s not only give a hand to the innocent people in China, but it’s actually to protect ourselves. It’s a protection for Australia. Calling out outrageous abuses like this is actually protecting Australia. Because we’re letting everyone know that the actions of the Chinese Communist Party, and through the Chinese government, that these are intolerable. And no civilized society can stand by while these things are going on.” 

Chinese Democracy Movement Leader: I Learned the True Meaning of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance

Gao Jian of the Chinese democracy movement once again expressed his support for Falun Dafa at the rally. He said he admired the courage and perseverance of practitioners in resisting the persecution over the past 25 years. He said, “We must support them and help them in various ways!”

Gao Jian of the Chinese democracy movement addressed the rally.

Mr. Gao said, “From Falun Dafa practitioners, I learned the true meaning of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, which spurred me to persist in opposing the CCP’s tyranny.

“This year, all over China, there have been either severe droughts or heavy rains, and disasters have occurred one after another. The abnormal celestial phenomena seem to indicate that the CCP has entered the moment of historical garbage. People do things but heaven is watching them. Heaven will destroy the CCP. Let us witness this great moment together!” 

Spokesperson for the Mainland Government of the Republic of China: Only When the CCP is Ended Can Chinese People Have a Good Life

Ruan Jie, spokesman for the Mainland Government of the Republic of China, delivered a speech at the rally.

Ruan Jie, spokesman for the Chinese mainland government of the Republic of China, said, “The CCP persecutes everyone in China. If we remain silent when Falun Gong is persecuted, then we will be next.” Ruan Jie also talked about the current collapse of the Chinese economy and the suffering of the Chinese people. He appealed to people in China: “I hope you can tell more Chinese people that the Communist Party is harming China and selling out China’s interests. The Chinese people should unite to end the CCP, so that we can have a good life and the world can have peace!”

Secretary General of the Melbourne Alliance of the Chinese Democratic Movement: The International Community Needs to Unite and Support Falun Gong

Jerry Hu, Secretary General of the Melbourne Alliance of Chinese Democracy Movement, addressed the rally.

Jerry Hu said at the rally, “The Melbourne Alliance of Chinese Democracy Movement is one of the first Chinese organizations in Australia to publicly support Falun Gong, and we are very proud of this.

“Today, the international community needs to unite more than ever to express its support for Falun Gong. We must work together to end the persecution and create an environment that accepts and protects freedom of belief [in China],” he said.