(Minghui.org) Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) practitioners in Vancouver held a rally on July 14, and a march on July 20, 2024, calling on people from all walks of life to pay attention to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 25-year-long persecution of the practice and demand that the CCP immediately end it.

Practitioners held a march in downtown Vancouver on July 20.

Practitioners held a grand march on July 20, which started at the Vancouver Art Gallery and passed through downtown shopping districts and popular attractions, including Canada Place. The event attracted many people and tourists.

They peacefully protested in front of the Chinese Consulate on the evening of July 14, to mourn practitioners who were persecuted to death by the CCP. They displayed a banner which read, “The 25th Anniversary of Falun Gong’s Anti-Persecution, Stay Away from Evil and Choose Good,” calling on the world to stay away from the CCP and choose justice.

Practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver on July 14 to peacefully protest the persecution.

More People Should Quit the CCP

As he watched the march, Peter said he knew about Falun Gong and praised practitioners for their perseverance despite the persecution, “What they do is amazing. I think it’s amazing that they’ve been able to persevere, to be able to live the way they want.”

About the persecution, he said, “This is terrible. It’s a crime. It’s the worst thing. They [the CCP] want to persecute people and persecute their beliefs, which is completely wrong.

“It’s very bad, very bad. As I said before, this is completely criminal, completely wrong, and it is very unfair.”

Peter also said he heard that 400 million Chinese had quit the CCP. He praised them and said, “This is a good thing. More people should quit.”

Chinese Praise Falun Gong

Ms. Huang has been coming to Canada from China for many years. She feels there’s democracy and freedom in Canada, and people can express themselves freely.

She said that she’s seen parades held by practitioners before. Compared with other parades she’s seen, she said, “Falun Gong parades were very neat and very disciplined.” “Through them people can see that we Chinese are disciplined and good.”

Australian Tourist Condemns Organ Harvesting

Practitioners held a march in downtown Vancouver on July 20, calling for the CCP’s persecution to end.

A tourist from Australia said, “I met Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne who were protesting the illegal organ harvesting. I think this [live organ harvesting] is too disgusting.” “We live in democracies, and we will not tolerate this kind of behavior, but I know that the Chinese people don’t have many choices.

“Persecution is wrong because people are just practicing an exercise,” she said. “The government should not feel threatened. They should rejoice in the efforts of citizens to improve their health.”