(Minghui.org) On July 20, 2024, Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) practitioners in Tainan and Kaohsiung held candlelight vigils to solemnly commemorate practitioners who died during the 25-year long persecution. The events were held at Dongning Park and Caogongzhen Waterfront Park Square in Fengshan. People from all walks of life in southern Taiwan have supported their efforts to expose and end the persecution.

Practitioners in Tainan held a candlelight vigil in Dongning Sports Park.

Practitioners in Kaohsiung held a candlelight vigil in Caogongzhen Waterfront Park Square in Fengshan.

From twilight to nightfall, practitioners did the exercises and reflected on their 25-year long efforts to end the persecution. Legislators and dignitaries from Tainan and Kaohsiung and others expressed their solidarity with practitioners and called on the CCP to stop persecuting Falun Gong.

People joined the candlelight vigil to mourn practitioners who died during the persecution.

Many passersby stopped to watch the peaceful scene and did the exercises.

Practitioners mourned their fellow practitioners who were persecuted to death.

Kaohsiung City Councilor: Strongly Support Practitioners Efforts to End the Persecution

Kaohsiung City Councilor Liu Delin

Kaohsiung City Councilor Liu Delinsheng delivered a speech of solidarity, saying, “Falun Gong practitioners, under the guidance of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, cultivate themselves and bring peace and well-being to society. For so many years, everyone has known that Falun Dafa is good!”

He added, “The pursuit of freedom of belief is the upholding of basic human rights, and it must be valued by all governments. However, under the suppression of the CCP, Falun Gong has been seriously smeared and persecuted.”

He called on the CCP to stop the persecution of Falun Gong, and at the same time called on all people to work together, “The things that we do to counter the persecution will not stop until the goal is achieved.”

Tainan City Councilor: Everyone Suffered When the CCP Persecuted Falun Gong

Tainan City Councilor Tsai Xiaowei

Tainan City Councilor Cai Xiaowei has participated in many candlelight vigils. She once again supported Falun Gong this year. She admires practitioners for facing persecution for 25 years, adhering to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and rationally conveying the truth so that more people can know about it. She encouraged everyone to stand up and join in solidarity.

She said, “The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong’s human rights, and even organ harvesting, is being watched by the whole world.” She believes that the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong is actually the persecution of all mankind, “because this kind of persecution really happens to everyone.”

Former Tainan City Councilor Li Wenzheng (first from left) and City Councilor Cai Xiaowei (second from left) pose for a group photo with the Tainan Regional Coordinator (third from left).

Former Tainan City Councilor Li Wenzheng also attended to support Falun Gong. He was moved by the special scene. “It’s dark tonight, but your candlelight brings infinite hope for human freedom, democracy and human rights.” He also said that for decades, Falun Gong practitioners have not given up clarifying the truth all over the world and striving to fight for human rights and freedom for all mankind, so he is very grateful.

Kaohsiung City Councilor Chen Lina’s office secretary, Shang Lianheng

This was the first time Shang Lianheng, the office secretary of Gao City Councilor Chen Lina, attended a candlelight vigil held for practitioners. When he saw the peaceful scene as practitioners did the exercises, he followed their movements.

He said, “The CCP has suppressed Falun Gong for so many years, but Falun Gong has been carried forward all over the world, and this is because they have devoted themselves to cultivating their minds and practicing Falun Gong, and they have not engaged in politics. I believe that while they preach ‘Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance’, everyone will eventually recognize the truth and support their efforts to expose the persecution.”

Member of the Association for the Promotion of Human Rights: Spread the Truth and Help People Recognize the Evil Nature of the CCP

Professor Chiu Yu-bin, member of the Taiwan Association for the Promotion of Human Rights

Professor Qiu Yubin, a member of the Taiwan Association for the Promotion of Human Rights, said, “The development of human civilization should respect each other and move forward hand in hand, but the CCP is completely opposed. Throughout the past 40 years, the CCP has not only persecuted Falun Gong and the Chinese people, but also harmed the whole world. This kind of brazen barbarism has become a danger to the world, and it is our responsibility to let more people know about it.”

He said that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance must be spread around Taiwan, “Although Taiwan is not big, we can help spread it widely and let more people know the evil nature of the CCP.”

President of Nanshe: Support Falun Gong

Lawyer Yu Jingdeng

Lawyer Yu Jingdeng, president of Taiwan Nanshe, participated in the candlelight memorial. He said, “The purpose of coming here today is to support Falun Gong practitioners’ efforts to expose the persecution. Taiwan’s Southern Society is willing to stand with Falun Gong practitioners and work hard to end the persecution.” He also condemned the atrocities of live organ harvesting, “The CCP treats practitioners’ organs as a readily available supply and they are the target of plunder and theft, which is intolerable.

“Falun Gong is a group that emphasizes high moral standards, and this is a very positive cultivation group.” He called on the CCP to open its eyes and see clearly “the far-reaching significance of Falun Gong to the development of all of society.”

New Practitioners: Falun Dafa Is a Decent Practice and Should Not Be Persecuted

Mr. and Mrs. Hsu recently began practicing Falun Dafa.

Mr. and Mrs. Hsu started practicing Falun Dafa in early June this year. When they heard that a candlelight vigil would be held, they decided to participate. Mr. Hsu said, “We practiced some other things for many years and donated a lot of money. A friend suggested we practice Falun Dafa. I found that Dafa does not charge any fees and is based on Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Practitioners are selfless and seek to be better people.”

Mrs. Hsu said, “By reading Falun Dafa’s teachings I understand what truth and goodness are, and how to be a truly good person. Falun Dafa is a decent practice that teaches people to be good and should not be persecuted.”