(Minghui.org) I lost contact with local practitioners when the pandemic lockdowns began. Although I continued to study the Fa, do the exercises, and send righteous thoughts, I rarely clarified the truth. After the lockdowns were lifted, I was too lazy to reach out to the other practitioners. Meanwhile, it was hard for me to access the Minghui.org website because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) restricted access to the Internet. I couldn’t stay motivated, and I stopped cultivating.

However, Master Li did not give up on me. A practitioner contacted me to give me a copy of the latest Minghui Weekly and a copy of the movie “Once We Were Divine.” I felt like I found the way home again. After watching the movie twice, I felt terribly ashamed of my laziness. I was determined to do the three things well in order to catch up with the progress of Fa rectification.

After I resumed cultivation, the first time I went out to talk with people about Falun Dafa, I couldn’t get anyone to quit the CCP. Feeling discouraged, I spoke with another practitioner who asked me, “Did you study the Fa and send righteous thoughts before you talked to people?” I did not, but I made up an excuse, saying that I didn’t have time to do so. The practitioner told me that the three things are, in fact, one, and I had to do all three—not just one.

Before I set out to talk about Falun Dafa again, I studied the Fa on my computer. As I read poems in Hong Yin III, I saw the line “Don’t delay your steps to return.” (“Seeking,” Hong Yin III). The word “return” became transparent, and moved to the middle of the screen, and then disappeared. I knew that Master was encouraging me to be diligent.

The Situation Improves When I Do

Things went smoothly that day. As I was talking about Falun Dafa and the persecution with three people, a woman walked by us. One person said to me, “Give the woman a Falun Dafa amulet; she’s been unwell.” He told the woman, “Quick, recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Zhen-Shan-Ren is good.’” The woman replied, “No need. I already felt comfortable as soon as I accepted the amulet. I joined many of the CCP’s affiliated organizations; please help me quit all of them.”

Another day, I had four copies of Falun Dafa booklets left at the end of the day. I saw three people working on a road but decided that I was not going to give them the booklets. “These people tend not to want to listen to the truth.” I quickly changed my mind, knowing that this thought was based on an everyday person’s notion. I walked up to the group and talked to them like I usually did. Two of them quit the CCP.

I had one booklet left. I saw a cleaning person walking toward me. I knew that the government pays them, so they truly believe the CCP’s propaganda. I felt this person would be unlikely to accept what I had to say. I wanted to walk by him but quickly remembered that it was my human notion talking again. I handed the person the last booklet, and said, “Sir, please accept this booklet. You can’t find it elsewhere.” He smiled and said, “It’s a treasure, isn’t it? Someone gave me one before, and I liked reading it a lot.” Some other practitioner already helped him quit the CCP. He thanked me before he went on his way. I knew Master was telling me that I did the right thing.

On my way home, I felt that my heart brighten up as if something blocking it was removed. For the first time, I felt joy from improving myself while telling people facts about Falun Dafa.

During the following few days, things didn’t go well. I looked within and saw that I was attached to the increasing number of people I helped quit the CCP. I knew it was an attachment to accomplishment and was based on selfishness. I sent righteous thoughts to remove this attachment.

The next day, I saw several women working in a rice field. I approached them and talked with them about the goodness of Falun Dafa. None of them accepted an amulet. Feeling calm and with no negative thoughts, I said, “It’s fine that you don’t want them, but please do remember that ‘Falun Dafa is good, Zhen-Shan-Ren is good.’” One of them replied, “We already know the phrases, and thank you.”

I gave the last amulet to an elderly man and helped him quit the CCP using an alias. He was happy like a child, and kept repeating the alias he used, and thanked me.

In the process of going out and helping people understand the truth about the spiritual practice, I knew that my character gradually improved. This could not have been done had I just stayed home, studied the Fa, and did the exercises. My selfishness was being gradually removed as I gave people the facts about Falun Dafa, which counteracts the negative propaganda spread by the CCP.